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Premier Wheatley calls out Opposition for ‘seeking to disrupt’ Gov't’s work

- Challenges Opposition to shift its focus from trying to capture power
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has called out Members of the Opposition for ‘seeking to disrupt’ the work of the Government, rather than pledging to work collaboratively in the best interest of the people. Photo: GIS
Promising no-confidence votes and filibustering, His Majesty's Loyal Opposition has said it will do all it possibly can to achieve its agenda when up against the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Government in the Fifth House of Assembly (HoA). Photo: PVIM/Facebook
Promising no-confidence votes and filibustering, His Majesty's Loyal Opposition has said it will do all it possibly can to achieve its agenda when up against the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Government in the Fifth House of Assembly (HoA). Photo: PVIM/Facebook
Opposition Member Hon Julian Fraser, RA (R3) has said debates in the House of Assembly are going to be vigorous and embarrassing. Photo: Facebook
Opposition Member Hon Julian Fraser, RA (R3) has said debates in the House of Assembly are going to be vigorous and embarrassing. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has called out Members of the Opposition for ‘seeking to disrupt’ the work of the Government, rather than pledging to work collaboratively in the best interest of the people.

Dr Wheatley was at the time responding to a question from a reporter during a press conference and General Update on matters in the Virgin Islands (VI) on May 2, 2023.

The Premier was asked if he supports reported plans by the Opposition to establish Shadow Ministries.
Opposition has 'bad intentions'
Dr Wheatley noted that as part of the democratic process, he supports having an Opposition that would hold Government accountable, provide greater transparency as well as challenge necessary ideas; however, he is not in support of it working to discredit the works of Government.

“What I don’t welcome is ideas that they’re going to seek to disrupt the work of the Government for the people of the Virgin Islands…They have described themselves as a united Opposition, saying that they’re going to have votes of no confidence without anything even coming to the House. So, in my opinion, that shows bad intentions on behalf of the Opposition.

“I would ask myself whether they are interested in supporting the work for the people of the Virgin Islands or are they interested in power? Are they just wanting to try to make the Government look bad or are they willing to cooperate, all thirteen of us, in the best interest of the people of the Virgin Islands?,” Dr Wheatley said.

'The elections are over!'

He further emphasised that voters have expressed confidence in the thirteen elected members and it is important for them to work collaboratively in the best interest of the people.

Additionally, Dr Wheatley stressed that it is important for the Opposition to shift its focus from trying to capture power.

“The elections are over, now it’s time to work…If they want to be able to have Ministers have specific focus on different areas that won’t bother me at all. I’m gonna still go about doing my work, and however they want to organise themselves as an Opposition, that’s for them to decide. I don’t have a challenge with it. I’m not daunted by it, I’m not intimidated by it…,” he noted.

Opposition promises Motions of No Confidence & filibustering

During a joint press conference which included Members of the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM), National Democratic Party (NDP) and Progressives United (PU) on April 27, 2023 promises of motions of no- confidence and filibustering were made.

The Opposition said it will do all it possibly can to achieve its agenda when up against the Government in the upcoming Fifth House of Assembly (HoA).

Opposition Leader and PVIM Chairman Honourable Ronnie W. Skelton (AL), who is also Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), registered his intention to make the meetings of PAC public, as he pointed out that the Opposition has ‘the bully pulpit’.

Opposition Member Hon Julian Fraser, RA (R3) also called for the meetings of the PAC to become public, noting that they will resort to filibustering if they need to.

Filibustering is the ‘activity or practice of obstructing progress in a legislature, especially by speaking at inordinate length.’

Hon Fraser said he sees at least two motions of no-confidence on the horizon.

“…what I can predict right now is you will see not one but more than one, probably two, motions of no confidence coming before the Fifth House of Assembly. I can predict that is going to happen and the debate is going to be vigorous, embarrassing, it’s going to be everything,” he said.

31 Responses to “Premier Wheatley calls out Opposition for ‘seeking to disrupt’ Gov't’s work”

  • Really!! (04/05/2023, 14:20) Like (56) Dislike (18) Reply
    Ronnie, I am truly disappointed in you. Why did you saddle yourself with Fraser in the first place? He is embarrassing himself, you and the people if the BVI. Y’all ready to vote no confidence, and the government hasn’t even started yet. Ronnie, Marlon and Fraser had the government in the palms of their hands and they gave it away. And Fraser is accepting no blame for that snafu, but y’all holding press conference and talking about votes of no confidence! Y’all acting DUMB and sounding DUMB! Just a big embarrassment is what y’all are! ALL THREE IF YOU.
    • Crazy like a cat (04/05/2023, 15:19) Like (18) Dislike (6) Reply
      Did you not hear Ronnie say in the same press conference, that they need to work with the Government to pass bills that are in they interest of the people. Guess you guys can only hear what you want to here, the same Premier was asking Fraser to join his party so what's the beef.
  • Real Talk (04/05/2023, 14:38) Like (31) Dislike (11) Reply
    And guess What Mr fraser and your gang we the PEOPLE of the virgin islands will deal with you all also be warned
    • @Real Talk (04/05/2023, 15:09) Like (37) Dislike (8) Reply

      Let Fraser and his GANG OF GOONS TRY ANYTHING STUPID AND THEY WILL SEE WHAT IS UP FROM THE PEOPLE. I saw where someone posted if they start the nonsense with the Government or their work, they will be picked up by the scruff of their n***s and dr** out the HOUSE. BUDDAH, if this goes down, you take cover you are not the one that will get scruff up and toss out. FRASER AND HIS GANG OF GOONS WILL.

  • Youth (04/05/2023, 14:55) Like (27) Dislike (11) Reply
    A set of evil-minded men with only revenge on their minds but will make it seem otherwise. They are a disgrace.
  • My Take (04/05/2023, 14:57) Like (21) Dislike (4) Reply
    They need to keep an eye on the Governor and his British Officials because they have no good intentions for the BVI. As usual we are always fighting the wrong fights. We only know how to fight & tear down each other while the real enemy is at us.
  • Oh No (04/05/2023, 14:59) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    Divide and conquer is what the colonial masters have always fooled some of us to focus on.
  • WOW (04/05/2023, 15:02) Like (44) Dislike (4) Reply
    How can the Opposition fellows determine these negative actions already? Pure mischief is what we will see from these guys out of bitterness that they did not, could not, & would not form the government out of greed, ego, personal agendas, and selfishness but will make their now wicked intentions look like good governance. Destroy at all costs is now their aim because if they cannot have it then no one else should have it. What a pity. What a shame. What a disgrace.
    • Outlaw (06/05/2023, 17:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @wow, seems like you are surprised. It only takes Mousey Frazer to utter such craziness. No one should be taken by surprise at Frazer’s continued arrogance.
  • Really? (04/05/2023, 15:03) Like (34) Dislike (3) Reply
    So Fraser is going to try and sabotage everything just because he didn’t get to be Premier. What a bitter man!
  • hmm (04/05/2023, 15:08) Like (29) Dislike (5) Reply
    They can’t get over the fact that they had the opportunity to form the GOv but could not be because of their incompetence. Ronnie needs to go sit down.# Meathead.

    Fraser will never become premier by the people’s vote. The people already made that clear.

    What looser!
  • Really (04/05/2023, 15:21) Like (32) Dislike (3) Reply
    Shame on all of them I am so sick of them now set of power hungry balls.
  • Just Curious (04/05/2023, 15:26) Like (27) Dislike (9) Reply
    The six members on the opposition is just a waste of space and time now. I think they have lived out their relevance and will try to do anything to be noticed. Fraser speaking about vote of no confidence when not even a single bill have reached the HoA yet. That is a clear indication that he's a sore loser and and it breaks his heart to know that Premier Wheatley with less than eight years in the HoA is now the Premier, and he(Fraser) have twenty four years and still wishing he had the top post. The people of the BVI want politicians to work for the good of the country. Not to start a fight before anything happen. I am so disappointed. The voters have spoken. Let's now get on with the people's business. Thanks
  • Very Sad. (04/05/2023, 15:33) Like (30) Dislike (2) Reply
    well I never voted for Mr Fraser even thou I live in the third he is an embarrassment to the Government of the B.V.I.Power is what will kill all of them do the people work.
  • Man to Man is so unjust (04/05/2023, 15:44) Like (26) Dislike (2) Reply
    If you going oppose anything, oppose that same sex marriage none sense. We ain’t want that here!
  • slow news day (04/05/2023, 15:49) Like (4) Dislike (24) Reply
    Why ayo always scapegoating Fraser? Ayo have to deal with him for the next four years and have to pay him for the rest of his life so DEAL WITH IT!
    • @ slow news day (04/05/2023, 19:26) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
      Ain’t nobody scapegoating Fraser, he is scapegoating his own damn self. I don’t know what he fighting for. Time for him to step aside. Oliver Sills pass the torch to him years ago, it is time for Fraser to step aside and give someone else a chance.
  • vi (04/05/2023, 16:21) Like (28) Dislike (4) Reply
    Good thing they are not the government in can know see their true colors shining through. Power hungry..they should be ashamed of themselves.
  • @Real Talk (04/05/2023, 16:39) Like (22) Dislike (8) Reply
    If they don’t understand what warned means then they will have to learn the damn hard way. YOU DON’T HEAR YOU ARE BOUND TO FEEL. I am pleased with the new Government. Let them do their job. IT IS TOPIC OF TABLE TALK CONVERSATIONS, FRASER, RONNIE, MARLON AND MITCH SHOULD HANG THEIR HEADS IN SHAME. ALL FOUR OF YOU GOT OUTPLAYED BY A WOMAN WHICH WAS ONE OF THE BEST POLITICAL MOVES IN THE BVI.
  • Political analyst (04/05/2023, 16:49) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Westminister model of governing founded in England and adopted in VI, an OT of the UK, structure includes a)head of state; often ceremonial, b) legislative branch (which can be either unicameral or bicameral), c) the executive branch comprising majority members of the legislature (HOA in BVI) and conducts the day to day business of governing, d) opposition comprising opposition members of the legislature, e) political parties; ie, political parties controlling the a majority of elected members after an election forms a government. Some times after an election there is a hung-parliament or hung-HOA. This happened after the April 24 general execution. Invariably in a hung-parliament scenario, a coalition government results.

    Moreover, members who are not part of executive branch are either backbenchers or in opposition. The opposition, though it may not be directly involved in the day-to-day running of government, nonetheless, play a critical role. Some view the opposition as a government in waiting. The opposition advocates to ensure the government is operating transparently, fairly, efficiently, effectively, etc, consistent with the constitution, laws, etc in the best interests of the territory. For the opposition to deliberatively broadcast that it will work to disrupt, muck up, slow down, etc, government operations is counter to good governance, unprofessional, amateurish, childish, etc. With this poor,,abject, selfish, bad-loser approach to governing, they should not even be elected members, for they are Ill-serving the territory and the electorate who they are elected to represent. Can they be censured by the HoA? Here is a news flash. Opposition does not literally mean automatically opposing everything. The opposition is not expected to hold hands with government and sing kumbaya but there are occasions when government and opposition must link arms in doing things that are in the overall best interest of the people. The projected bad behavior, small politics, is neither patriotic nor statesman-like. The people deserve better and needs an apology, which they will probably never get.
    • @Political analyst (04/05/2023, 18:55) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Not sure about censuring the SOBS. But which we could recall them. We need to put recall mechanisms in the constitutions.
  • Lb (04/05/2023, 16:56) Like (8) Dislike (11) Reply
    Hopefully the paid bloggers shift is over for the day and rational people can prevail now. How is having Shadow Ministers equal disrupting government? Other countries use a shadow Minister very effectively in keeping government in check and also providing support for good government initiatives. But of course the bloggers don’t read to comprehend or do their own research. Premier wants to be free to run amuck and so the first sign of being held accountable he lashes out at the Opposition. Just like clockwork here come the ignorant bloggers.
  • herbs power (04/05/2023, 17:27) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
    Same sex marriage and those who trying to legalize it should be disrupt for sure.
  • plain and simple (04/05/2023, 17:39) Like (7) Dislike (4) Reply
    Leave the Government alone and let them do their job. No one is paying Fraser the slick power hungry Tom cat and the other power hungry alley cats that needs to be declawed. They are nothing but a set of disgrace to the territory. Big shame on them. That is what happens when you are in for more and out for less and when you are clawing for greed, power, dominance and alpha position.
  • Political analyst (04/05/2023, 17:48) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Westminister model of governing founded in England and adopted in VI, an OT of the UK, structure includes a)head of state; often ceremonial, b) legislative branch (which can be either unicameral or bicameral), c) the executive branch comprising majority members of the legislature (HOA in BVI) and conducts the day to day business of governing, d) opposition comprising opposition members of the legislature, e) political parties; ie, political parties controlling the a majority of elected members after an election forms a government. Some times after an election there is a hung-parliament or hung-HOA. This happened after the April 24 general execution. Invariably in a hung-parliament scenario, a coalition government results.

    Moreover, members who are not part of executive branch are either backbenchers or in opposition. The opposition, though it may not be directly involved in the day-to-day running of government, nonetheless, play a critical role. Some view the opposition as a government in waiting. The opposition advocates to ensure the government is operating transparently, fairly, efficiently, effectively, etc, consistent with the constitution, laws, etc in the best interests of the territory. For the opposition to deliberatively broadcast that it will work to disrupt, muck up, slow down, etc, government operations is counter to good governance, unprofessional, amateurish, childish, etc. With this poor,,abject, selfish, bad-loser approach to governing, they should not even be elected members, for they are Ill-serving the territory and the electorate who they are elected to represent. Can they be censured by the HoA? Here is a news flash. Opposition does not literally mean automatically opposing everything. The opposition is not expected to hold hands with government and sing kumbaya but there are occasions when government and opposition must link arms in doing things that are in the overall best interest of the people. The projected bad behavior, small politics, is neither patriotic nor statesman-like. The people deserve better and needs an apology, which they will probably never get.
  • resident (04/05/2023, 18:29) Like (11) Dislike (19) Reply
    The premier need to stop looking sympathy and do his job. He can start by cleaning his slum of a district. People who here just typing from hearing one person's opinion is just being foolish. Only one opposition member made a statement and people here talking crap. An opposition is needed. You all see what happened last HOA... Don't play with this government. It's the same people in. Many have the same mentality like their disgraced leader. People wake up and be alert. Sowande knows what he's doing looking sympathy. Let the government and opposition do their jobs.
  • lmao (04/05/2023, 21:45) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
  • Interested (05/05/2023, 06:53) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    Tell the Premier to get a spine and get on with his job,Elections are just finished and he is whining already.The opposition have the right to express themselves.Get on with your job that you were elected to do with 400 votes,I might add, which is NOT a mandate for leadership, but that is our system.
  • Lettsome smith Rabsatt leonard (05/05/2023, 09:17) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Government Officials & The Elites of the BVI have kept back our Country for far too long!. Lets work together guys for the benefit of the People and these Beautiful Virgin Islands.
  • Really (09/05/2023, 18:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    But only some people you Mr. Wheahtley like u on a high sit in AC office now stop pretending to like everybody 4 years past and you still hiding some things you anit easy wow! And D7 still look the same.

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