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Premier plans to write OT Minister over Gov's request of ‘additional powers’

- OT Minister Hon David H. Rutley to be asked to ‘to stay true to democracy’
Virgin Islands Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Hon Natalio. D. Wheatley (R7) (left) has shared plans to write UK Minister for Overseas Territories (OT), Hon David H. Rutley (Right) for support ‘to stay true to democracy’ against the Governor's plan for additional powers the Virgin Islands. Photo: GIS/File/Internet Source
This comes as the Governor in his Fifth Quarterly CoI implementation review published yesterday, January 5, 2024, requested the powers, which according to the Primer is to bypass democracy and the people of the Virgin Islands so that he can implement CoI reform measures “as he sees fit” without any democratic accountability. Photo: VINO/File
This comes as the Governor in his Fifth Quarterly CoI implementation review published yesterday, January 5, 2024, requested the powers, which according to the Primer is to bypass democracy and the people of the Virgin Islands so that he can implement CoI reform measures “as he sees fit” without any democratic accountability. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Virgin Islands (VI) Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Hon Natalio. D. Wheatley (R7) has shared plans to write UK Minister for Overseas Territories (OT), Hon David H. Rutley for support ‘to stay true to democracy’ against the Governor's plan for additional powers the VI.

This comes as Governor John J. Rankin, CMG in his Fifth Quarterly CoI implementation review published yesterday, January 5, 2024, requested the powers, which according to the Primer is to bypass democracy so that he the governor, can implement CoI reform measures “as he sees fit” without any democratic accountability.

Request a 'colonial act' - Premier 

Describing the request for additional powers as a ‘colonial act” Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) reported yesterday, the Premier said the VI remains a democracy with each district and territorial representative in the House of Assembly elected by the people of these islands so their voices could be heard which then formed a Government.

He added that it would be an insult to the voters and people of the VI for additional powers to be granted to the Governor to empower him to push his agenda in devolved areas of responsibility.

“I will be writing to Minister Rutley to urge him to not support the Governor's request to grant the Governor additional powers, but rather to continue his approach of constructive engagement between the UK and Virgin Islands as partners and support to the elected arm of government in implementing governance reforms.”

The Premier further added that he wants Hon Rutley to stay true to democracy as subjects such as immigration and crown lands fall under the elected arm of Government and there is no justification for powers being transferred or given to the Governor to undermine the democratic will and rights of the people of the Virgin Islands.

Granting powers goes against modern partnership - Premier  

The Premier said granting the Governor additional powers would go directly against the Political Declaration OTs have just agreed with the UK and would do considerable damage to the relationship,  “We wish for partnership, not a confrontation that is completely unnecessary,” he said.

In speaking to those in the VI, The Premier called on politicians on both sides of the aisle to remain united while calling on the private sector, public sector, civil society, and communities across these VI to stand together against a bypass of democracy. 

He said Virgin Islanders from every walk of life, must be united since unity is the only way that democracy can be protected and defended.



54 Responses to “Premier plans to write OT Minister over Gov's request of ‘additional powers’”

  • town hall (06/01/2024, 17:29) Like (11) Dislike (33) Reply
    Down with the slave master and racism
    • @ town hall (07/01/2024, 06:59) Like (7) Dislike (21) Reply
      you all cowards afraid of independence so go sit down
      • NO INDEPENDENCE (07/01/2024, 08:33) Like (6) Dislike (6) Reply
        Are you crazy we can’t go independent we have no resources we will turn just like these other down island places no where to go with our passport we need the uk to take full control full control than getting oppressed by our own black people and government.
        • @NO INDEPENDENCE (08/01/2024, 22:24) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
          No resources you say. Our greatest resource here is our human capital we have a set of brilliant minds but we continue to under pay them so BVI is swamp with brain drain we force out our own now we are in trouble. BVI educated a population for another man's country. If the table turn around bvi progress will be unbeatable even UK will want to know what happened.

          The BVI will rise from the mud. You worrying about passport and money exchange, Worry that your future and the generations to come future. Independence is must and the way out of this mess.
          • jack (09/01/2024, 08:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
            Same government only listens to family, friends, and paid supporter...not those brilliant minds you speak of
          • @@NO INDEPENDENCE (09/01/2024, 14:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
            The same brilliant minds that go us in our current situation? bad roads? poor infrastructure? poor wages? misuse of tax monies? drugs running? no price control? on and on and on and on
  • AI (06/01/2024, 17:42) Like (53) Dislike (9) Reply
    You can write with all the pens in the world and watch the ink dry.If you were a.true leader you would have ask for dialouge but traveling all over the doing shit saying shit not having us well inform about your trips what good was in them for us.I hope U.K is here before midnight
    • @AI (06/01/2024, 21:41) Like (40) Dislike (7) Reply
      I want the UK to step in and get this place in the order that it should. This sitting Government is a joke and a huge failure
    • Local (06/01/2024, 23:11) Like (4) Dislike (11) Reply
      @ AI well if they dont come by midnight take the first flight out to the UK simple as that .You would love to see the UK take over.
  • WHAT!!! (06/01/2024, 17:44) Like (68) Dislike (2) Reply
    If you stayed in the country instead of traveling the world and made sure that the work was done as you agreed there would be no problem.
    • Concerned (06/01/2024, 22:20) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
      He needs to leave the country so he can see how much work needs to be done. He can see how far we need to go. There is so much here accepted as a norm but would not be tolorated in the rest of the world.
      • @Concerned (07/01/2024, 10:54) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
        More time out of the territory? If the premier and his band of high end tourist (ministers and select opposition members) were to spend any additional time out of the territory they would no longer qualify as residents of the BVI as they are hardly here as it is. What they need to do is devise and execute plans to tackle the vexing issues that we have in the territory. However, it would appear that this is not on their todo list but getting in at least $2,700,000.00 worth of traveling is.

  • resident (06/01/2024, 18:00) Like (53) Dislike (0) Reply
    waste of time just do what you promised them, or did you lie to get to stay in office
  • resident (06/01/2024, 18:15) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    That should do the trick; especially with Head Coach's trial coming up!!
  • Migoman (06/01/2024, 18:20) Like (21) Dislike (4) Reply
    A black man complaining to a British white man about another british white man. Good luck SOWANDE
  • we (06/01/2024, 19:03) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Too late
  • Citizen (06/01/2024, 19:08) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    The OT Minister is the one giving the instructions to the governor as it was written. Writing to him without your own action plan is futile.
  • bojan (06/01/2024, 20:00) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Some time back i said when members in house of assembly was giving the Brits all kind of words and having marches some of the fools we have as repts was to get or own lawyers to look as the constitution and see where the governor powers stop.But no fools thinking he over step his office he had to know what he can do and you all cant do a thing who know when the former primier went to the UK what he did sign for behind the people's back the Governor have to have the handle not blade you fools show me in your constitution where he did wrong some body had to sign saying we will do as instructed seems that is really where the country is because of you fools i say good luck with trying to boost up the public for their help with out knowing the true FACTS.
  • WASTE AH TIME WRITING (06/01/2024, 20:20) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    • jack frost (07/01/2024, 08:12) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
      @ WASTE AH TIME WRITING, you're correct. Big waste of time. This brother is a waste of time. These white boys done see he is a COWARD and they have him like a BIG IDIOT ON A STRING. Best he let a high school student or someone from the public who knows what to do and who is not afraid of these PUNK ASS SLAVE DRIVERS to get things together. MR. PREMIER CALL UNTO THE ENERGY OF OUR ANCESTORS ( EX. MR. NOEL Lloyd) and challenge these clowns...PLEASE DON'T LET THE PEOPLE DOWN ,PLEASE!! RISE UP BLACK MAN YOU ARE PROTECTED BY THE MOST HIGH, YOU CAN RUN THESE IDIOTS BACK TO THE UK. YOU HAVE THE POWER , WORD, SOUND AND POWER...ENERGIES OF THE UNIVERSE..YOU ARE PROTECTED BROTHER!!!!
  • 2024 (06/01/2024, 20:46) Like (11) Dislike (3) Reply
    the actions of 1 man is causing havoc for 30 thousand of us. mind blowing
  • round rock (06/01/2024, 21:08) Like (5) Dislike (21) Reply
    It is with profound concern and disgust that I decided to address the matter with the governor's remarks recently. The governor must have thought that he was speaking to an audience on the sugar plantation. It is always my intention to display maximum respect to the governor because of his office. However, I am not pleased with his attitude recently especially when he is expressing his attitude towards the government in a condescending manner. I am sure if this governor was around in the sixties, he had to humble himself because the Caribbean leaders of that era would have asked him to leave and mobilize the citizens to seek independence from Britain.

    The governor is aware of the disunity among the citizens and the very slim majority of the government in the House of Assembly as such he is flexing his muscles. We must unite ourselves and be prepared to resist any attempt by the governor to impose direct rule ovver the Territory.
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (06/01/2024, 21:14) Like (24) Dislike (1) Reply
    It seems to me that our Premier wants to Governor and Premier of the BVI at the same time. Mr. Premier, just in case you don't know or even pretending that you don't, the B in BVI represents British (UK if you please). If my memory serve me right, and I think it does, you promised to comply and work with the current Governor to fulfill to the full the CoI recommendations in accordance to the time stipulation. How come that you think the OT Minister has the political power to reverse what has been started, but not as yet completed?
    In addition, the word racist has being often used in reference to the UK'S appointed Governors that held and he who now is serving in the said position.
    Allow me, please, to remind you Premier, that respect to your supervisor, the Governor of course, speaks well of your character, whether or not you agree with the CoI recommendations. Now to the contrary, disrespect against your superior without a just cause also speak of your character, but not well. Ethnicity and place of birth has not to do with it.
    • Quiet Rebel (07/01/2024, 10:27) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
      @NSCBVI, hush your rass, browsing, appeasing muda you know what. People as you makes me want to puke from embarrassment. Sad thing is that you are not alone, for there are thousands of Virgin Islanders, if you are a true Virgin Islander, with your sorry @$$ mentality, ie, steppin and fetchin and shuckin and givin rass.
  • Bush Professor. (06/01/2024, 21:38) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dr. Hon Premier Natalio Wheatley, R-7 and MoF, write to Hon David H. Rutley if you must. It is just a paper exercise which will end in file 13, for the UK does not give a rat’s ass about what the BVI wants or don’t want. Virgin Islanders writing to England about the Commissioner John Cruikshank would not have made a hill of beans difference. It was people getting sick and tired of being treated as trash and got organized, united, and protested peacefully against the abusive treatment. The colonialists ignored silent lambs, and listens to roaring lion,,if they going to listen. Unity and group power is the key to advancing Virgin Islanders progress. A great writer once said, “ Those who the Gods would make powerful must first organize.” These words could not be truer for Virgin Islanders. Organize or go the way of the dinosaurs, the house and donkey mode of transport or the kerosene, etc.
    • School Call In (07/01/2024, 10:36) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      To Bush Professor, real talk, great history lesson,priceless advice. Disunity is a retardant to The Virgin Islands and its people progress. Disunity is emboldening and giving license to the colonialists to do as they damn well please with no accountability. We must hold the colonialist responsible and accountable for their actions, attitude and behavior, for they feel Virgin Islanders are subjects and therefore have no rights that is worth their honoring our respecting.
    • Sambo (07/01/2024, 11:16) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      To Bush Professor, as always good read. Writing to the UK about an action which they proposed and the Governor is parroting like a good, loyal, soldier and part of the cabal is huge waste of time. There is a no daylight between the UK-appointed Governor’s office, and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. The VI will get better results by going up to Sage Mountain and holler at the moon than writing to the FCD Office and expecting a fair and positive outcome. As others have noted, they don’t give a rat’s ass. They have figured out that Virgin Islanders have a love affair with the BIGS, ie, Big Job, Big mansion, Big foreign car, high fashion, and the majority don’t give a shit about social, political, cultural, etc ., issues. The majority will appease themselves like Neville Chamberlain, Benedict Arnold themselves, get afflicted with the Stockholm Syndrome, etc to pursue their fanciful, fairytale, Alice in Wonderland lifestyle. Sad. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The Governor already has unilateral power, being Lord of all He surveys, ie, retained powers, reserved powers, assent power( no bill passed in HoA can become law unless the Governor assents. This Governor has not assented to more bills during his regime than the monarchy in the UK has in nearly 400 years). The Governor already has unilateral power, so his move for more power is a power grab.

      Further, with the Governor’s pronouncement setting the table for Daniel Pruce, Virgin Islanders should be up in arms. But have gotten crickets. Don’t expect to hear anything from the Sambos, bourgeoisies, etc. But wait Harry say you will hear.
    • RealPol (07/01/2024, 12:50) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      The Virgin Islands [British, some people don’t like the bracketing. But the real/legal name is the Virgin Islands. I like the name Virgin Islands but in a democracy, the majority rule, so let’s have a referendum on name change. Whatever happened to the name change on same sex marriage?) is in need of change. But we don’t want to sacrifice to achieve change. We want change through appeasement hoping that the colonialists would deliver change or want others to scarifice to attain change. Change will come when and if we all get out of the little red wagon and hitch ourselves to wagon and start pulling. To attain the needed, we must organize, plan, replan and execute. Here is a news flash. Few people, if any, with power volunteer to give up power., ie, Mandela, Pope Benedict XVI , etc. These are the exceptions. Instead, people with power pursue more power. Abolitionist and activist Fredrick Douglass : “ No struggle, no progress.”

      Ministerial system of government came to the VI in 1967. But since we for the most part have struggle. The political succession planning is wanting. By now the VI should have an embarrassment of riches in political talent. As one political leader exit the scene there should have been a cadre of qualified and able leaders who could seamlessly jump into the leadership. Instead our leaders and team are green, learning for the most part on job , trying to manage complex issues. Consequently, our leaders lacked the stature on the world stage. We cannot treat government as just another business; we cannot , for a private business can target and select its customers but government must serve all the people. In regards to writing the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development office in the UK, I’m not hopeful. The UK will say the usual diplomatic mumbo jumbo but nothing will happened or changed . Change must be forced through unity which is severely lacking in the VI. A number of other bloggers have hit on the lack of unity theme. What does that say?
  • HOOKED (06/01/2024, 22:58) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    A colony cannot be a democracy stop exhibiting stupidity. With this Alice in Wonderland mentality UK realizes that they have the ability to do what ever they want because no one in VI have the qualities of a real leader...we are drifting. You were elected to do a job that you do not have the guts to do. For you it's all about sightseeing. Your theme song seems to be "Any way the wind blows is cool with me."
  • Come on Premier (06/01/2024, 23:31) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply
    A man’s word should be his bond.The work was not done as agreed. ARE YOU ONE OF THE I AM WRONG BUT WANT TO BE STRONG CROWD/MEMBER? Go ahead and write as many letters as you like hope it doesn’t stir up more problems.
  • Joker of Seville (07/01/2024, 00:52) Like (27) Dislike (0) Reply
    Since he wouldn’t do the work the Governor is left with no choice but to expand his portfolio to get the work done and avoid suspending the constitution. It’s either that or just give up and suspend the constitution and end the charades Government. Time would be better spent actually doing work instead of jetting all over the world making useless speeches and writing useless letters.
  • Go right ahead and write! (07/01/2024, 04:19) Like (33) Dislike (0) Reply
    Write, ding dong. Make sure you include how in the midst of a COI watch, you thought it was smart to allocate millions of dollars n a budget for travelling alone. A clear moomoo. Even the governor can see that the child have to go. This is on snake Lorna and her handler Cindy. If Lorna do not do the right thing so that the right party has power, the governor will have no choice. What did she expect was going to happen when she joined the completely incompetent and clueless party. Say what you will about frazer but even he had more sense. She is not qualified to serve as deputy either Mrs "I don't know about anything that is going on under the premier". She need to humble herself,make the switch and take whatever she get but let me guess, she do not give a cent about what happen to the bvi at all. Exposed!
  • Pray and fast (07/01/2024, 04:35) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
    The only letter he needs to be writing is his resignation letter. A very divinely written resignation letter. Get to work, baby!
  • vi (07/01/2024, 04:36) Like (3) Dislike (16) Reply
    What really needs to be addressed is this colonial bull about us still having a governor, from the UK.
  • Simple as ABC (07/01/2024, 05:00) Like (37) Dislike (0) Reply
    Slowande you are wrong. You have no case. You agreed to this. You have being given more than 2 extension. The Governor has bent over backwards to accommodate you. You were never serious. Stop making it look like the Governor is the Devil..That is your plan all along. Thinking the people will rally with you...I'm telling you Slowande, you are the one at fault, you are wrong. Check yourself. This is not a game.
    • @Simple as ABC (07/01/2024, 21:20) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      I am one of the people that IS NOT going to rally with him against the Governor. I can not be hoodwinked or manipulated into anything. Let the Guyanese community in the BVI rally for him.

  • IN CRAYON (07/01/2024, 06:53) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    No doubt delivered by BVI postal service
  • Reply (07/01/2024, 07:54) Like (0) Dislike (20) Reply
    We the people are behind you premier 100% we will never be distracted by the uk bloggers
  • Independent (07/01/2024, 08:05) Like (0) Dislike (9) Reply
    Time to go independent regardless of what we have or have not.
  • Granny Club (07/01/2024, 08:38) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
    Stop trying to make the Governor look like the bad one. The Governor is doing what he has to do. You were granted two or more extensions, if he was such a bad person he would have denied your request for the first extension. MR. GOVERNOR, DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO.
  • Yes (07/01/2024, 09:50) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    @bojan the governor powers stop where the UK says it stop no lawyer or constitution.
  • Confucious (07/01/2024, 11:01) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    When the COI concluded a number of recommendations are made. The government of the day accepted these recommendations and the deadlines. Some deadlines were reached others still logging behind. The recommendations that are logging in my opinions is a strategic plans for the government. If the governor decided he needs additional powers to get these recommendations completed it simply means the Governor knows how to get it done but the govt of the day is not willing to tackle the issue as is suggested and thereby pussyfooting. The time Sowande will take to write he need to take a trip to the UK have a dialogue and see his Colonial masters face to face and negotiate for time extension. He (Sowande) can write until his own runs out of ink and the paper colour starts to change, but the powers that be will NOT entertain his bull shit. Get the recommendations completed. You promised the UK you will get it done. Do it and let's move on. We are still a dependent territory and until you get that in your head, we are powerless unless we become an independent territory. Thanks
  • dog man (07/01/2024, 11:19) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    PM time to look about getting out from under them. We can do it! but we have to start paying for sin.
  • Josiahsbay (07/01/2024, 12:12) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    The VI's greatest opposition against self-determination is its belongers who are still colonized.
  • Boo (07/01/2024, 13:01) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    BVI needs a Government with the determination to actually just do their job properly and stop trying to be despots.
  • BVIslader (07/01/2024, 15:40) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply

    Mr.Slowande please what are your intetions other than making us look stupid.If you were a true leader you would have dialogue with we the people on all such COI recommendstions ,now you want us private/public sectors civil society/communities to support you a d your sh** Call upon Mr.Cox your lawyer in UK whom you cant get a report from after spending millions of our dollars to defend you holligans during COI.Now go and lie in the road and protest.I'm waiting with baited breath to see if the opposition will side with you in your shit.UK COME NOW.
    n making

  • I THINK (07/01/2024, 16:32) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply

    The Premier Lied to stay in office. He figured since the Governor was leaving it would have been forgotten and he was not going to do sh**. The Governor extended plenty of time to correct the task and you did not do what you were supposed to do. Penning a letter to the Governors boss is only going to make things worse than they already are. The only ones that is going to suffer is the people.

  • Dear Sir (07/01/2024, 18:21) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    If you had confer with the public and gotten their input you would have been in a better spot.
  • Tadow (07/01/2024, 20:01) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    Is this governor out of his dam mind?
  • herbs power (07/01/2024, 20:37) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    You complaining to the head of the slave masters about one of their servants. Which side you think they will take?
  • Gen Z / BVI youth (09/01/2024, 18:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    No offense but the older generation should not only focus on the here and now but should think futuristically. We are in 2024 not the 1900s when some of you were born. The UK's involvement is not sustainable for our BVI identity and autonomy; mark my words–with the help of God and unification–by 2040 our country will decipher all the necessities to be prosperous without the UK.
  • Gen Z / BVI youth (09/01/2024, 18:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    No offense but the older generations, in addition to focusing on the here and now, should think futuristically. We are in 2024 not the 1900s when you were born. Mark my words by 2024-with the help of God and unification-our country will be autonomous and prosperous without the UK. God takes no days off.

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