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Premier congratulates Rosewood Little Dix Bay Resort on 60th Anniversary

-shared story of resort’s founding linked to his great uncle
Set within 500 acres of natural gardens, Rosewood Little Dix Bay is surrounded by the seas, rugged hills and isolated beaches on the island of Virgin Gorda in the Virgin Islands. Photo: VINO/File
Virgin Islands (VI) Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley has congratulated the management and staff of the Little Dix Bay Resort on Virgin Gorda, on celebrating 6 decades of operations on the island. Photo: GIS
Virgin Islands (VI) Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley has congratulated the management and staff of the Little Dix Bay Resort on Virgin Gorda, on celebrating 6 decades of operations on the island. Photo: GIS
Junior Minister for Tourism and Culture Hon. Luce D. Hodge Smith (R4) also spoke at the event and offered congratulations. Photo: GIS
Junior Minister for Tourism and Culture Hon. Luce D. Hodge Smith (R4) also spoke at the event and offered congratulations. Photo: GIS
Also present at the event was Acting Governor David Archer Jr, Minster for Health and Social Development, Hon Vincent O. Wheatley (Al) and First Lady Carolyn Shallow-Wheatley. Photo: GIS
Also present at the event was Acting Governor David Archer Jr, Minster for Health and Social Development, Hon Vincent O. Wheatley (Al) and First Lady Carolyn Shallow-Wheatley. Photo: GIS
SPANISH TOWN, Virgin Gorda, VI – Virgin Islands (VI) Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has congratulated the management and staff of the Rosewood Little Dix Bay Resort on Virgin Gorda, on celebrating 6 decades of operation on the island.

The event happened on January 18, 2024, and the celebrations coincide with recent reports that the Virgin Islands has recorded the 2nd highest number of tourist arrivals in the Territory’s history.

“On behalf of my wife and myself and the government and people of the Virgin Islands. I want to take this opportunity to congratulate the ownership, the management, the staff, as well as all of the guests here of Little Dix Bay on the 60th anniversary. And I'm thankful for the invitation to come and participate and be among all of the distinguished guests who are here, as well as all of the visitors,” the Premier said. 

He added, “Certainly, this resort as special to me for a number of reasons. I'm not sure how many persons know, but Little Dix Bay was originally planned for Beef Island. It was actually my grandfather's brother, my great uncle, who was a member of the council at the time, Leslie Malone who encouraged Lawrence Rockefeller to come to Little Dix Bay.”

Resort linked to growth & success of VG - Premier 

Premier Wheatley said when his great uncle came to the island in 1958, he did so carrying resort founder Lawrence Rockefeller on his back, “And he fell in love with the place, and the rest is history.”

He reminded those gathered that Little Dix Bay Resort has been linked with the island of Virgin Gorda and with the Virgin Islands and is a part of the growth and success of our tourism product over the years.

He said even in the midst of storms, and pandemics, "this resort has never looked better.”

In closing, the Premier said, “I don't have a glass with me, but again, I want to make a toast, to Rosewood Little Dix [Bay Resort[, to Virgin Gorda, and to the people of the Virgin Islands, here's to another 60 years.”

Also featured at the event were Junior Minister for Tourism and Culture Hon Luce D. Hodge Smith (R4), Acting Governor David D. Archer Jr, Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Vincent O. Wheatley (R9), and First Lady Carolyn Shallow-Wheatley.

10 Responses to “Premier congratulates Rosewood Little Dix Bay Resort on 60th Anniversary”

  • Me (22/01/2024, 12:05) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Thank GOD I built still alive without being even acknowledge God is good
  • again (22/01/2024, 12:12) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Management should be ashsmed not to invite all those who are alive who kept LDB to LDB of today shame shame
  • Gratuity (22/01/2024, 14:18) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Rosewood Little Dix Bay gone to the DOGS!!!! Imagine the mployees who started there who is alive and kicking didn't even get an invite to help celebrate the function. That place ain't a nice place to work they treating their staff LIKE DOGS, CATS & SLAVES!!!!!!! Have some people in HIGH positions didn't even get invited to the celebration. If there is the LAST PLACE ON EARTH TO GET A JOB I DON"T WANT IT!!! When the owners come to visit the staff can't even get to have a one n one with them. Because they know the staff will tell them what's taking place on the property. Some workers over there giving their ALLLLLLLLLLL in that place and to get nothing but a lowsy pay check (where they thieving the gratuity) THIS IS THE WORSE I EVER SEE THIS PLACE BECOME SINCE THEY OPENED.
  • Wanna bet (22/01/2024, 14:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • stone drunk (22/01/2024, 14:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is that the man who took out Frandy standing behind that other drunkard?
  • TurtleDove (22/01/2024, 14:59) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Happy 60th you last longer than most
  • imagine that (22/01/2024, 15:35) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    None of the current employees were instrumental in getting the hotel 5-star rating in 2022 for the first time in the history of the hotel, were not invited. Only a handpicked of 3 past employees and personal friends of management were invited to celebrate the achievements of the employees. So shameful and says a lot about how they value their employees. Slavery treatment for sure!
  • WOW (24/01/2024, 07:15) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    So you are nostalgic when it suits your story. Don't talk unless your Great uncle was a Rockefeller!
  • smh (28/01/2024, 20:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Can’t blame Rosewood as its a great company to work for but its their management and the government have it how it is if you ain got money you ain in nothing over… prices high and pay check small gratuity isn’t give to the staff like most places in the BVI so people gratuity only helps the pay … Hospitality is a great field of work yet we’ve been treated so poorly , and is who you know they don’t give a **** bout your potential … a foreigner comes money big with all kind of benefits and who are capable sit with minimum wage you talk about your considered rude #BVILove best thing to do is leave and start a fresh $6 ain it for that type of work
  • VG (29/01/2024, 07:37) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    About time they get rid of Spade & queens but little Dicks need a good cleanup. Worst place to work right now

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