Practice & sacrifice urged of Althea Scatliffe Primary students

The Youth Minister delivered the speech this morning at a special assembly held at the Althea Scatliffe Primary School (ASPS).
Pastor Colin used examples of Jamaican athletes such as Usain Bolt and Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce as well as the local athletes J’maal Alexander and Tahesia Harrigan-Scott, pointing out that they were not just picked for their positions but had to practice and make sacrifices to get to that point.
He urged the students to have excellence in everything they do, excellence in the way they carry themselves, and the way they greeted persons. “When someone says goodmorning to you, you don’t grunt, you [say] goodmorning,” he told the assembly.
Turning to a biblical reference, he also mentioned that Jesus at a very young age was able to astonish and amaze the adults he spoke with in the synagogue because he read “Take the example of Jesus, practice…sacrifice,” he said.
Principal of ASPS, Marietta Flax-Headley, added support to Pastor Colin’s encouragement to the students saying that Jesus’s example should be followed and for this year there will be a lot of reading done at the school.
“Jesus did it, and we will also follow his example,” she said “we’re gonna be reading a lot this school year.”
Principal Flax-Headley indicated that a number of new measures would be enforced this year in efforts to enhance the learning environment at the school and promised that things would be markedly different for the new school year.

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