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Press Release From Independent Source

Power outage on Jost van Dyke

December 31st, 2023 | Tags: Power Outage Jost Van Dyke BVIEC power interruption
At about 4:00 pm today the people of Jost Van Dyke experienced a power outage due to the failure of a component on the generator which the British Virgin Islands Electricity Corporation has been using to provide the island with power over the past few months. Photo:
GREAT HARBOUR, Jost van Dyke, VI- At about 4:00 pm today, December 31, 2023, the people of Jost Van Dyke experienced a power outage due to the failure of a component on the generator which the British Virgin Islands Electricity Corporation has been using to provide the island with power over the past few months.

Please be assured that we are doing everything possible to ensure that the power is restored this evening and will be kept on during the remainder of the holiday festivities.

We are being especially vigilant in respect to the activities that will be taking place on New Year's Eve to ensure that the activities planned and taking place will be able to continue without power interruption. Although we are not beyond the reach of unforeseen events, we are currently facilitating additional steps to ensure that the festivities of December 31, 2023 and January 1, 2024 will proceed without power interruptions.

Please be assured of our regret in respect of the inconveniences experienced and our continued commitment to resolving the issues that caused it.

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