Possible 1,482 undocumented COVID-19 cases in VI - Hon Malone

"We believe that we are seeing the tip of the iceberg and there are more person possibility infected in the population who are asymptomatic and can readily spread the disease. Which means that we may have many undocumented cases of who are transmitting the virus," he said during a September 1, 2020, COVID-19 update.
Large number of cases may be unreported - Hon Malone
So far, authorities have confirmed 47 COVID-19 cases to date with some 38 active currently as of September 1, 2020, Hon Malone detailed.
"While we don’t exactly know how much spread is caused by our asymptomatic group, current estimates place our undocumented cases at approximately 1, 482 persons at a minimum," the Minister said.
He warned that while many persons may have mild disease, others will be severely affected and may require the usage of one of only 8 fully equipped ventilators.
So far, confirmed cases have mainly been discovered on Tortola, in Huntum’s Ghut, Lower Estate, Long Bush, Cane Garden Bay, Hannah’s, Purcell Estate, Fat Hog’s Bay, Sea Cows Bay, Lambert’s Estate, and Road Town communities.
Hospitalised cases contracted virus from contacts
Hon Malone also revealed that the 2 cases that are currently hospitalised, did not contract COVID-19 in the nightclub or bar, but were from primary contacts who engaged in mass gathering.
"Then there are others who unwittingly contracted it through household contact or work colleagues."
He said the Territory moved from 8 positive cases on May 28, 2020, to now 47 confirmed positive cases as at August 31, 2020, with August having the most cases than any other month.
"While we encourage the requisite public health measures, there exists an unwelcomed level of unacceptable social behaviour and suspected criminal activities that have contributed or may have allowed the outbreak to re-emerge, with substantial new infections and consequences."
Lockdown & contact tracing
The Territory has since been placed on a 14-day hard lockdown from 1:01 pm to 5:00 am daily, as a step to prevent the movement of people in support of robust contract tracing.
"While it is clear that a 24-hour lockdown would have been a preferred effective approach to interrupting and limiting the spread of the virus, our pandemic response takes a balanced view of the social and economic implications of such far-reaching measures," Hon Malone said.

41 Responses to “Possible 1,482 undocumented COVID-19 cases in VI - Hon Malone”
These numbers are to scare people to follow protocols just like the premier threating a 24hr lockdown and now everyone happy they get out to 1pm, its about controlling the masses and now the CDC has seen this stupid press conference.....
I get all politics are local but please explain the ex-pat behavior you are referring to?
Confused ex-pat
Shame on you idiot. We were in the middle of a crisis and you are blogging sh*t.
for so many years you show off on expats,about bvi nice,bvi is like heaven,bvi good this bvi good that,now bvi ready to close down.
selfish mentality plague us for years,racism,hate for expats and on on on..
covid dont belong to the bvi,dem say it from china,deport covid right now,it ent barn here.
Try closing at 12 pm / 12 noon (same difference) to allow customers time to get home by 1pm.
If you do not have approved passes for your staff to work between 1pm and 5am, remember to allow staff sufficient time to get home.
So in a population of 30,000 people, we can expect between 90-100 persons to get infected. Of course this number flexes based on our unique elements like proximity of population to each other, weather, overall community health etc. So how they come up with 1500 potentially infected? 5% infection rate is found no where else in the world! Chile has the world's highest infection rate at.019%
So how our government come up with a whopping guess of 5%? I guess we all just dumb and supposed to take whatever they spit out.
There is a different between Legislators (pass laws) and Leaders (inspire confidence in the masses).
Oh, in case you were wondering and bad at math, a 4% mortality rate means that we can expect 3.6 to 4 persons to die from covid-19 in the BVI.
Also... if it is fake... go to Atlanta with your grandparents, behave like you write and keep us posted.
Shameful performance.
We are still one of the best countries in the world dealing with this. Just be thankful you are not in the USA and keep your sh#t together. ffs
ps. He should not be spreading assumptions regardless. Irresponsible.