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Police search man for firearm but find marijuana instead!

- Miguel Senhouse granted $10K bail
Miguel Senhouse, a 25 year old resident of Brandywine Bay, Tortola, was stopped and searched by officers of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) on Friday, September 26, 2020, and search for a firearm but instead they allegedly found illegal drugs. Photo: VINO/File
EAST END, Tortola, VI- Police, while searching a man for firearm, allegedly came up with marijuana instead.

According to reports reaching our newsroom, Miguel Senhouse, a 25 year old resident of Brandywine Bay, Tortola, was stopped and searched by officers of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) who were patrolling the Vanterpool Estate area on Friday, September 26, 2020.

The man was reportedly approached by officers after he fit the description given by an informant who said they suspected him of having a firearm in his possession.

When searched, the man was allegedly caught with over 20 dime bags containing marijuana.

Senhouse allegedly admitted to police that the illegal drugs belonged to him.

He was charged and granted station bail in the sum of $10,000 and will face the Magistrate’s Court on November 12, 2020.

17 Responses to “Police search man for firearm but find marijuana instead!”

  • Mick Mars (27/09/2020, 14:04) Like (15) Dislike (10) Reply
    So in other words, you found him with nothing that should be dangerous to him or the public but decided to lock him up as opposed to going BACK to the informant and questioning/charging him for giving false information.

    • Medical Cannabis NOT RECREATIONAL USE (27/09/2020, 17:18) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
      The Cannabis Licensing Act, 2020 provides the framework for a medical marijuana industry in the territory. The premier said the bill wouldn’t mean any resident could smoke a joint on the street for fun.

      Only medical use would be permitted, he said. Per the bill, adults can possess up to one gram of “medicinal cannabis for medicinal or therapeutic use” without filling out any forms.

      After filing a self-declaration form, a person would be able to possess up to 50 grams of the drug or 10 grams of cannabis resin. A medical practitioner could issue documentation to allow the possession of more than 50 grams.

      Visitors would be able to possess cannabis as “therapeutic users” after filing a self-declaration form detailing their name, address, date of birth, proof of identity, and the nature of ailment for which they seek treatment. Therapeutic users who are minors would need a legal guardian to serve as their caregiver administering medicinal cannabis.

      The Cannabis Licensing Act states that anyone exceeding the possession limits faces a maximum $100,000 fine and three to 10 years in prison on summary conviction; and a maximum $200,000 fine and 10 to 15 years in prison on conviction on indictment.

      The House risked not receiving approval from the governor and the United Kingdom, where recreational use remains illegal, if it allowed anything beyond medical use.
    • Malt (27/09/2020, 17:37) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Mick Mars... dont let stupid knock on your door.
    • Steve (27/09/2020, 17:57) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
      @ Mick Mars...Are you stupid? He just didn't have a gun at that time. An informant is not just going to report on a little weed. There is no false information STRUPPS!
      • empty (27/09/2020, 18:38) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
        Did they find a gun? You got to be a donkey cuz
        It’s Tortola we live people will just lie on you for fun just to tarnish your name. Maybe they know he sell weed and they just envious that he making money and they just watching and being broke.
  • Really (27/09/2020, 14:29) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    a simple fine and move on
  • Comment (27/09/2020, 15:27) Like (14) Dislike (4) Reply
    free the weed this is all peoples have to cool them brain from all these stress going on here with covid
  • Ganga man (27/09/2020, 15:29) Like (11) Dislike (5) Reply
    Let go the man Ganga soon legalize
  • rewrsdffds (27/09/2020, 15:48) Like (3) Dislike (8) Reply
    sorry no weapon was discovered $200.00 of weed could be a pusher need to track down the dealers & importers the little man and big man needs to be prosecuted after smoking then a firearm could be a toxic combination
  • When will we learn (27/09/2020, 15:56) Like (15) Dislike (5) Reply
    Destroying the youths future over something the grows from the earth, just sit and think about how ridiculous that is
  • y (27/09/2020, 17:01) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply
    Every one keep talking weed what about the gun which take so many life then u all up and down talking about unsolved murder useless set of people
  • trust (27/09/2020, 18:25) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    We still locking up people for cannabis? No man I think they should just forget about legalizing medical cannabis on the island cause all I seeing is that the government just want money for themselves and killing people who get caught with cannabis
    Even though it’s not medical cannabis it will still put you to sleep just as if it was Prescribe as medical cannabis.

    Just saying stop locking up people for Cannabis if you want to legalize Medical Cannabis on the island.
    • wow (28/09/2020, 09:13) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      Didn’t you read or just comment?

      • cream (28/09/2020, 12:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        You just show me u does think inside the box like come on you can’t be serious.
  • rewrsdffds (28/09/2020, 21:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    this guy is a magician. He should have turned the firearm into wine instead and save ten grand.

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