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Pickup & SUV collide near RT Police Station

Police on the scene of the vehicular accident that took place just around 3:20pm, May 3, 2019, under the big tamarind tree in the vicinity of the Road Town Police Station. Photo: Team of Reporters
No one was reportedly injured in the accident in the vicinity of the Road Town Police Station on May 3, 2019. Photo: Team of Reporters
No one was reportedly injured in the accident in the vicinity of the Road Town Police Station on May 3, 2019. Photo: Team of Reporters
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Traffic close to the junction of Station Road and Botanic Road in Road Town, on the main island of Tortola, was briefly impeded following a collision between a pickup and an SUV today, May 3, 2019.

The incident took place just around 3:20pm under the big tamarind tree in the vicinity of the Road Town Police Station.

It is unclear how the accident occurred; however, it appeared as though no one was injured.

Police were called and are currently investigating the accident.

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