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Paul P. Wattley Road blocked by huge boulder

A boulder has fallen on Paul P. Wattley Road, making it impassable to vehicles. Photo: Team of Reporters
Rocks strewned on the road at Pockwood Pond. Photo: Team of Reporters
Rocks strewned on the road at Pockwood Pond. Photo: Team of Reporters
Water coming down Cane Garden Bay Hill with force this morning, June 6, 2024. Photo: Team of Reporters
Water coming down Cane Garden Bay Hill with force this morning, June 6, 2024. Photo: Team of Reporters
A retaining wall has collapsed in the East End area of Tortola. Photo: Team of Reporters
A retaining wall has collapsed in the East End area of Tortola. Photo: Team of Reporters
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Persistent rainfall in the Virgin Islands has resulted in flooding, landslides, compromised retaining walls, and blocked roads.

One such road is Paul P. Wattley Road, an alternative route linking Sea Cows Bay and Road Town.

A huge boulder has fallen on the road, making it impassable to vehicles.

There have been no reports of any injuries from the fallen boulder.

The Virgin Islands is currently under a flash flood warning and the public is urged to stay off the roads until showers subside, which forecasters expect will be a little later this morning.

11 Responses to “Paul P. Wattley Road blocked by huge boulder”

  • NOT MUSIC FEST (06/06/2024, 10:48) Like (34) Dislike (2) Reply
  • eyes (06/06/2024, 11:30) Like (38) Dislike (0) Reply
    Home owners should do researches and see different types of retaining walls built in the bvi and know which builders doing good jobs and know who is just in it for the money. Not because someone have a contractor license means he or she knows what they are doing. I have seen some very good retaining walls build by good builders in the bvi but yet a lot of ppl look past them because they don’t have the big names or friends . Think smart , build wise.
    • Dry Crix (06/06/2024, 12:19) Like (21) Dislike (2) Reply
      the irony is, a "reputable" construction company owner built and owns this property. yikes!
    • Government (06/06/2024, 12:34) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
      Building authority and Public Works are who approves these works, so it's to there standard to approve.
      Don't get angry at the contractors, because everyone is a contractor.
    • Me (06/06/2024, 14:15) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
      Yes but some homeowners don't want to spend money on a "proper" retaining wall. So they take all kinds of shortcuts which ends up like this eventually.
      Build good in the first instance and it will last.
      • Arrion (06/06/2024, 15:46) Like (11) Dislike (3) Reply
        This contractor owner, I am sure did not take any shortcuts. These buildings have been here for years and survived through the bad hurricanes. Water weakens everything. The downpouring of rain will weaken even the strongest built retaining wall. I am so afraid this building will fall down because all of the dirt is washing away underneath. God, help us all!
      • l (06/06/2024, 15:49) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
        This was built very well years ago. The rain weakens everything. I hope this can be fixed extra strong now.
        • witness (06/06/2024, 15:57) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
          I have seen walls in the bvi that was built tears before that wall and houses and those walls are still standing firm today. Proper foundation will make walls stronger and last longer!
  • foxy (06/06/2024, 21:10) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Crazy girl blames the premier for everything
  • Greg (07/06/2024, 09:11) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    This retaining wall should have been built with setbacks, not just straight up. Any contractor knows this. If that was done, then nature played a dirty trick on him.

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