'Party politics dividing VI & Caribbean' - Wheatley

“All you have to do is look at some of the other countries, you don’t have to look around the world, you can look right here in the Caribbean to see the disastrous effects of the introduction of party politics,” the Speak Out BVI host said on the programme aired on April 15, 2014.
Wheatley said it was noticed that the politics in the VI has divided friend from friend and family from family and perhaps something similar to Bob Marley’s actions in bringing together former political leaders, Edward Seaga and Michael Manley of Jamaica needed to be done.
Rhymer cries shame on VI leaders
Meanwhile, Mr Lorrie A. Rhymer who was recently announced as the Public Relations Officer of the recently formed People’s Empowerment Party (PEP), cried shame on the leaders of the Virgin Islands and wider Caribbean in what he saw as an ongoing ‘constitutional crisis’ in the St Kitts and Nevis Parliament.
Mr Rhymer called the programme to offer his views on the situation but made it clear that his views were personal and not related to PEP in any way.
He stated that it had been more than fifteen months since a motion of no confidence had been filed against the Dr Denzil L. Douglas led government of the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis, yet the matter has not been put on the order paper of the House of the Federation.
“The people of the Caribbean should be ashamed of themselves,” Mr Rhymer argued.
He contended that the issue was not a small one and said two treaties – the Treaty of Chaguaramas and the Treaty of Basseterre – gave citizens of the Caribbean enough standing to raise their voices on the issue.
He added that the people and leadership of the Caribbean should be ashamed and continue to hold their heads down as a result.
Wheatley said from the experience that has obtained in the Virgin Islands, a motion of no confidence brought in the House is expected to be debated with despatch. “The shenanigans that have been taking place in that Territory are not in keeping with what we know to be the established and conventional practice in dealing with such matters,” Wheatley stated.



9 Responses to “'Party politics dividing VI & Caribbean' - Wheatley”
Also people seem to forget that Mr.Wheatley studied political science and international affairs so his perspective is different from that of a narrow minded party supporter.
I agree with him 100% And the reason that the BVI is filled with expats is because of the same party politics so he might not have to get used to it as you all might have to take heed to what he's saying.