Participants complete Intl. Volleyball cert. course
The Course, a Level 1 International Certification Coaching Course, which began last week, was facilitated by Mr. John Kessel, a Level IV instructor, who currently serves as Secretary of the International Federation Technical Commission.
“It was a very light hearted fun filled week” he commented. “Volleyball is a game and one of the biggest things they learned is that you don’t drill Volleyball, you play Volleyball, just like you don’t learn to ride a bike by doing drills, you just ride a bike. We got the chance to show them by not putting up a net and cramming 20 kids on a side, but instead the game can be played 2 v 2 , 3 v 3, with a lot of ropes or ribbons as nets,” he said.
The Course was a condensed version and next the participants will have to take the actual Level One Course Test to become fully certified as Volleyball Coaches.
“Some of the work is afterwards, those that want to will have to read the book and take the Test,” noted Kessel. “Those that want to get the Level One will have to do extra work,” he said.
The Course was also designed a pipeline development to boost the sport in the schools and also improve the standards of team play and as VIVA President, Sabinah Clement commented it had definitely been worthwhile and a success.
“We are pleased with the turnout, but had hoped for a 100% attendance from the P.E. Teachers. The feedback is that everyone had a really enjoyable time and took on board the information provided,” said Clement.
Volleyball has received a commitment from the schools to begin teaching the sport from this term in a structured manner and following a design provided by Kessel.
“They have been given a format to utilise and the intention is to get that up and running immediately. Also VIVA already has a programme in place with Jackie Weekes, funded by Olympic Solidarity, so she will be going into schools, working with the P.E. Teachers to continue the development of the sport,” said Clement.



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