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Over 700 visit CIL's Health & Fitness Expo

- 40 booths, half of them local; a significant increase over last year's participation
Zumba classes in session at the CIL Health and Fitness Expo yesterday May 21, 2016. Photo: VINO
Certified Massage Therapists from La Ambiance Spa work their magic on a visitor to the health fair. Photo: VINO
Certified Massage Therapists from La Ambiance Spa work their magic on a visitor to the health fair. Photo: VINO
Persons lined up to take medical tests at yesterday's CIL Health and Fitness Expo. Photo: VINO
Persons lined up to take medical tests at yesterday's CIL Health and Fitness Expo. Photo: VINO
Madeliza Ramirez, Medical Tourism Director of Metro Pavia said that the event was going well for them with lots of persons being tested. Photo: VINO
Madeliza Ramirez, Medical Tourism Director of Metro Pavia said that the event was going well for them with lots of persons being tested. Photo: VINO
Health products on display. Photo: VINO
Health products on display. Photo: VINO
A visitor getting some health advice. Photo: VINO
A visitor getting some health advice. Photo: VINO
Health products from Eden Herbs out of St Lucia. Photo: VINO
Health products from Eden Herbs out of St Lucia. Photo: VINO
Dr Gilbertha St Rose (left) with her products on display. Photo: VINO
Dr Gilbertha St Rose (left) with her products on display. Photo: VINO
Testing in progress at Metro Pavia booth. Photo: VINO
Testing in progress at Metro Pavia booth. Photo: VINO
Hemant Balgobin, Regional Sales Manager of Health City Cayman Islands said the day was going great for his company and that it was the first time they are participating. Photo: VINO
Hemant Balgobin, Regional Sales Manager of Health City Cayman Islands said the day was going great for his company and that it was the first time they are participating. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- More than 700 persons attended the second annual Caribbean Insurers Limited (CIL) Health and Fitness Expo held at the Multi Purpose Sports Complex yesterday May 21, 2016 surpassing the number achieved last year by a stretch.

This is according to Sales and Marketing Director of CIL, Simone T. Monsanto who described the event as an overwhelming success.

She had told this news site earlier in the day that as of 1:00 pm the head count was 400 persons. However, by the end of the event that number surpassed 700.

Monsanto described the turnout as excellent. “Everybody is happy and all of the booths have something to give away and give back to the BVI community,” she said.

When this news site visited the event, scores of persons were either waiting in line or being tested for various medical conditions while others were taking part in the Zumba sessions that were ongoing throughout.

46 booths; various services

There were a total of 46 booths and exhibitors this year and this news site was told that 20 of those booths were from overseas.

Monsanto confirmed that the number of booths this year tripled that of last year's event.

Speaking to this news site, Dr Gilbertha St Rose of Eden Herbs of St Lucia said she had on display a number of her herbal products for detoxification of the body.

“I am a dermatologist, herbalist and an integrated health care practitioner which means I use the conventional training I have with the training in herbal medicine and develop programmes and treatments for my patients,” said Dr St Rose.

She said her company has been in operation since 1996 and has been offering a range of natural products such as drinks, teas, capsules and creams.

Dr St Rose said that many of her products are geared towards ridding the body of inflammation and waste. She noted the importance of having one's colon cleansed.

Further, she said that Reliance Pharmacy has agreed to carry her products. They can also be accessed through Dr Dawn Bainbridge and a few other persons.

Madeliza Ramirez, Medical Tourism Director of Metro Pavia said the event was going well for them with lots of persons being tested.

“This Expo is awesome. This is our second year participating. We came from Puerto Rico to assist Caribbean Insurers Limited as they have a lot of persons who travel to Puerto Rico for treatment under this company,” she said.

Ramirez said that among the tests being performed for free were glucose and blood sugar.

First time participant

Hemant Balgobin, Regional Sales Manager of Health City Cayman Islands said the day was going great for his company and that it was the first time they were participating.

He said based on the response they will return next year.

“So far it has been going fantastic. Caribbean Insurers Limited has been doing a fantastic job in getting all of the providers and networkers here. I think it is one of the biggest shows in the BVI and there has been a constant flow of people.”

Balgobin said Health City Cayman Islands offers tertiary health care to the region. “At lot of what we offer is cardiac care, orthopaedics, oncology and a slew of other services.”

11 Responses to “Over 700 visit CIL's Health & Fitness Expo”

  • visitor (22/05/2016, 09:48) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Saw the crowd and decided to go in and get some free testing then ended up in the zumba class. Great expo .
  • Tag (22/05/2016, 09:55) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply

    Where is nagico? S.......playing politian but we not going talk all

  • Really? (22/05/2016, 14:11) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply
    so much talk in the media recently and talk around town regarding the young lady who went missing and found dead. here now we have 700 people attending this affair whereas just a few people attending the young lady's funeral. it makes me wonder if all the talk was just come more of you didn't come to the service? was all the talk about her just hot air? just wondering.
  • trrefdrfds (22/05/2016, 20:00) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
    The number 700 participants is interesting consider that no keep a register of the persons attained ; too easy to all large numbers but who cares or is checking? Since the implementation of NHI, residents have access to health care thoughtout the BVI. Good initiative still.
  • Interesting (24/05/2016, 12:02) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    ok then, only now hearing about this thing. Would have loved to attend. Where was the advertising done?? I must be live under a rock lol

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