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Over 40 Mechanics benefitted from VI Motors’ NAPA training

July 29th, 2023 | Tags: training VI Motors Virgin Islands Tortola NAPA
Over 40 Auto Mechanics from within the Territory on 28 On Tuesday, 25 July, 2023, took part in a NAPA Automotive Electrical A to CAN Training, that powered by VI Motors. Photo: Provided
VI Motors is a family-owned company that has been in operation for 40 years and is currently the official NAPA dealer within the Virgin Islands. Photo: Provided
VI Motors is a family-owned company that has been in operation for 40 years and is currently the official NAPA dealer within the Virgin Islands. Photo: Provided
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Over 40 Auto Mechanics from within the Territory on July 25, 2023, took part in a NAPA Automotive Electrical Training, that was powered by VI Motors.

The 3-hour training was held at Maria’s by the Sea with NAPA Auto Tech Instructor, Mr. Randy Cowan, via an online communications platform.

Mr. Juan Romero, NAPA Wholesale Manager was also in attendance and assisted with hosting. The training was geared towards A and B Level Technicians and gave an overview of understanding the electricity scope in the field of auto mechanics.

The training is a first of a series of upcoming NAPA trainings that will be offered through VI Motors to all auto mechanics within the Virgin Islands. 

Managing Director of VI Motors, Mr. Allan Parker said, “NAPA is one of the biggest auto part distributors in the United States. “We are committed to selling [the mechanics] quality parts and committed to training them. It’s a win-win for both sectors of the business,” he added.

The Managing Director also confirmed that continuous training will be offered in the areas of A- TRAC, Brakes, and Airconditioning every quarter. 

Mechanic skills enhanced - Participant 

One of the participants, Mr. Spencer Grant, a veteran auto mechanic and owner of Grant’s Engineering and Consultancy Services said that the training went extremely well, “Most of the guys, if not all of them have something to take back to enhance their skills, to improve their garage morals and the technical aptitude to better the community.”

Mr. Grant also thanked Mr. Parker for providing a medium for training and innovation in the automotive industry.

VI Motors is a family-owned company that has been in operation for 40 years and is currently the official NAPA dealer within the Virgin Islands. 

The Company said the partnership is committed to providing quality products and training for all auto mechanics in the territory. Persons can get more information on their products, services, and training opportunities, by calling (284) 494-2496 or email Operations Assistant, Judy Jeremiah at


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