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'Our people in the 7th District deserve the very best'- Premier Wheatley

- shares big plans for D7, national infrastructure development once re-elected
Virgin Islands (VI) Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley has officially launched his 2023 re-election campaign in the Seventh District. Photo: Facebook/File
Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley, speaking at his official campaign launch on April 4, 2023, said the people of the district deserve the very best. Photo: Facebook
Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley, speaking at his official campaign launch on April 4, 2023, said the people of the district deserve the very best. Photo: Facebook
LONG LOOK, Tortola, VI–Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley has launched his 2023 re-election campaign with big plans for the Seventh Electoral District, which he says will come as part of overall development in the Virgin Islands.

During his campaign launch at The Stickit in Long Look on April 4, 2023, the Premier said while his government has made a great deal of progress over the last few years, there is still more work to be done.

Still many challenges to be addressed - Dr Wheatley 

“There are so many more challenges that need to be addressed. I would never come before you and not acknowledge that there’s not a lot more work to be done in this district. Our people in the Seventh District deserve the very best and we must all work hard to ensure that they receive the very best,” he added 

The Premier listed issues such as roads, water, derelict vehicles, employment opportunities, crime, healthcare and high cost of living as items on the agenda to be tackled.

The youthful Premier, who took over the leadership of the territory during turbulent times in May 2022, said by the grace of God he will address the challenges and provide the people of the Seventh District with representatives that can bring solutions.

He also said it is far from the truth that the district has a current representative who has neglected the needs of the people for national ambitions.

'Your district representative loves you' - Dr Wheatley 

Dr Wheatley holds the distinction of being the first Premier to emerge from the Seventh District, a proud achievement for the people of the district.

“Your district representative loves you, he appreciates you, he wants the best for you and he is fighting for you. The challenge is not with your district representative, the problem is with the system, we are being failed systemically.”

He further promised to reform the systems in the VI, so the government can deliver progress for the people. 

“God has blessed me and team VIP with the gifts and the golden opportunity to solve the problems of the people in this community. We have the team that can get it done,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Premier shared plans for the district, along with national infrastructure development for better roads and drains, water infrastructure, and plans to reform social services.  

Further, the Premier spoke about the need to bring employment to all the districts, along with an agricultural programme, adherence to labour codes, developments in travel, tourism, and construction, along with with a greater mandate for the Virgin Islands Recovery and Development Agency (RDA), amongst more projects.

17 Responses to “'Our people in the 7th District deserve the very best'- Premier Wheatley”

  • accidental (05/04/2023, 11:59) Like (30) Dislike (9) Reply
    Accidental, you have not served your people. These entire charades game and games you are playing is not going to work.
  • long look me come from (05/04/2023, 12:05) Like (13) Dislike (42) Reply
    We marching with showanda
  • Curious (05/04/2023, 12:10) Like (30) Dislike (7) Reply
    Who was he fighting against…for the last year, if he was fighting for you? Cause my guy was Premier, and Chairman of the VIP, yet absolutely nothing been done for the district.
    • Greg (05/04/2023, 15:13) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      My spine is soooo sore! We have the worst roads and potholes than anywhere else! The potholes are deep and many and so dangerous to our health and vehicles.
  • Forbidden Truth (05/04/2023, 12:22) Like (31) Dislike (5) Reply
    The entire Virgin Islands deserves the darn best Sir.
  • Critique (05/04/2023, 13:06) Like (28) Dislike (0) Reply
    Imagine how long now we still here campaigning on roads, lights, sewage, and water, howmany more years are we going to be having these same problems on manifestoes?
    If things aren't better yet, i think we need to vote in another set.
  • Rhythm up.. (05/04/2023, 13:20) Like (32) Dislike (4) Reply
    While you talking Pearlene working..U in trouble..
  • Respect Non Voters. (05/04/2023, 13:32) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    Strange very strange but they seem to have a lot of influence over voters, some with Girlfriends, boyfriends Man And woman that can vote, Children and step children that can vote, drinking friends and liming partners that can vote....The none voters talking more than the voters, have ideas, have solutions, and have passion that the voters,..influence matters..
    • @ Respect Non Voters (05/04/2023, 13:59) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
      We know what you are trying to say by disguising it as "non voters". So to all the non voting public, please have a seat and STFU!
  • Political analyst (05/04/2023, 14:31) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Two elements of the Westminister system are 1) Government and 2)Opposition. Some may label the Opposition as the shadow government or government in waiting or alternate government. Nevertheless, though government and opposition should be working towards the same aims, ie, meeting the needs and expectations of the people/the country, government and opposition operate on an adversarial manner. Invariably, the opposition view is the government cannot do anything right not even by accident. Adversity is the nature of the beast. Though elected office may not have any real equivalent, voters expect perfection right away. The electorate are demanding with high expectation in a short period of time and are short patient, putting government on a short lease and is quick to pull the trigger for the alternate choice. This is a seesaw operations that occurs up and down the region. As noted, elected office is no other. Typically, the more often a task is performed the more proficient one gets at it. Nonetheless, that said people running for office should understand at least the basics of how government operates. From the out side, running government is so easy but when you have the responsibility for day-to-day operations that is a different story. Many equates running Government like how they run their small businesses. It is not. Government cannot be run wholly like a business. A business can choose its customers; whereas, government cannot. Moreover, many bright and intelligent elected members falter not only from lacking the basics of how government functions and operates but also lack of understanding of effective retail, retail, retail, politics. Hell, you are politicians; if you are elected member you are a politician so stop the pretending nonsense. Yes, I have heard members currently in the race made that statement. There is nothing wrong with politics; the problem is with some of the people in it. It (poor retail politics) is the downfall of many a politician. The bottom line is that voting matters, voting and staying engage matters, retail politics matters, progress matters, proper representation matters, financial maximization and efficiency matters, telative education snd training matters, Knowledge matters,,and EXPERIENCE matters. Experience is valuable and cannot be bought. It takes time to acquire. Voters have a monumental decision to make when they roll to poll on April 24.
    • @Political analyst (05/04/2023, 17:33) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

      @ Political Analyst, soft way of telling the lazy, big shot representatives to get off their @$$&$ and engaged the public to find out what is going on and what their demands are. In reading further it seems that you are saying be strategic in making change(s), examining the cost of change and not make change just for the sake of change. A deeper dive suggest that voters must get and stay engaged and more…… hold politicians feet to the fire.

  • smh (05/04/2023, 15:26) Like (11) Dislike (4) Reply
    Vote for Individuals base on their Platforms, Integrity and Discipline. Don't vote Party Line because some Candidates are riding Party Ticket. Put the Country First and not on your Personal feelings, naysayers and Party Affiliation.
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (05/04/2023, 15:56) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    You certainly are far lest than the Best that they the 7th district voters deserved in the Premier position in 2023, and onward. You leader wasn't. What make you even think that you are Natalio "Sawande Wheatley?
    You are not, not, not, the one. To many questions remain unanswered from you and the cabinet that you have led the last 4 plus years.
  • Rubber Duck (05/04/2023, 17:38) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    They dont deserve you for sure.
  • musa (05/04/2023, 18:03) Like (11) Dislike (3) Reply
    Base on the head line you speak the truth that is the only reason we voting you out.
  • Constituent (05/04/2023, 21:44) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    Natalio you have always been an eloquent speaker and I can never take that from you, but unfortunately that's all you are good for pretty words with no action. People of the Virgin Islands open your eyes and stop letting these sweet tongue serpants seduce you with their words. If we end up with Natalio again we won't have anyone to blame but ourselves.
  • Linda (07/04/2023, 20:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I'm soooooooooooooo tired of all of this!

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