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One dead, another critically injured in St Croix vehicle accident

A driver, who was in either her late teens or early 20s, died on the spot following an accident this morning, February 20, 2017 on St Croix, US Virgin Islands (USVI). Photo: VIC

FREDERIKSTED, St Croix, USVI— A young woman lost her life this morning, February 20, 2017 on St Croix, US Virgin Islands (USVI) while her friend, who was sitting in the passenger side of the vehicle that they were traveling in — an old, red Suzuki Vitara — was said to be in critical condition, The Virgin Islands Consortium has learned.

The victims had left a dance event early Monday, when the vehicle slammed into a pole near Plaza Extra East while traveling east to west. The VI Fire Service received notification of the incident at about 4:16 AM this morning.

The driver, who was in either her late teens or early 20s, died on the spot. The surviving victim is said to be 19-years-old and in critical condition at the Juan F. Luis Hospital. The surviving victim was also involved in the accident that took place at Plaza Extra West in December, where four people were rescued from a burning car — also a small SUV — by National Guard soldiers.

The driver appeared to have lost control of the vehicle, which flipped multiple times and slammed into a pole in the Plaza Extra East parking lot, landing on the driver’s side of the vehicle. The Queen Mary Highway (Centerline Road) in the area is currently being prepared for paving, and there are many uneven spots.

By the time a Consortium reporter made it to the scene, emergency response personnel were getting ready to place the totaled vehicle on a VIPD wrecker. There were also St Croix Rescue personnel on the scene, as well as VIPD officers and VI Fire Service personnel.

A call placed to VIPD Public Information Officer Glen Dratte was not immediately returned.

The incident is the first vehicular death on St Croix for 2017.

15 Responses to “One dead, another critically injured in St Croix vehicle accident”

  • sad but (20/02/2017, 17:53) Like (2) Dislike (52) Reply
    she shoulda been coming from church...CONDOLENCES
    • Well Suh... (20/02/2017, 19:40) Like (29) Dislike (1) Reply
      That's an ignorant comment.
    • Reply (20/02/2017, 20:10) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Common sense might say to wait for proof before concluding or condemning.
    • @sad but (20/02/2017, 22:39) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
      you are a sick, sick person. Its people like you who make churches a place youngsters stray from.
      • The Real Bull (21/02/2017, 10:14) Like (1) Dislike (7) Reply
        You all youngsters hate to hear the truth. I guess if she was coming from a club 95% of the time you could be speeding and intoxicated. Church doesn't go so late, but at least she would have gotten some blessings and got home safe. You don't have to be a save soul to no that. Also if she was taking her time driving she would have survive because if she hit anything it wouldn't have been too serious and she would have been alive today.
        Young people wake up and smell the coffee and trust and believe in the Lord at all times.
        Last but not least pray two or more times daily and he will protect you at all times.
        • hypocrites (21/02/2017, 12:00) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
          Honey, the statement is stupid and crap because you can be coming from church, singing and shouting your soul out and still die and go hell. You can be coming from club/dancing and go heaven! It is where your heart is, not your body! So please, stop ya s*it!
    • Mr Shovels (21/02/2017, 10:34) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
      This comment just proves religious people are some of the worst on this earth
  • on locker (20/02/2017, 17:57) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Oh no and we have people over there for argri fest
  • Cuz (20/02/2017, 21:06) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    so sad gone to soon
  • rose (21/02/2017, 10:55) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Look I went to school in new haven job corps with the girls don't disrespect them like that they were both great girls who didn't deserve this.
  • My girl (21/02/2017, 20:23) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    What an ugly accident RIP.
  • Crazy.lady (08/03/2018, 23:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

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