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No serious incidents or escapes in nearly 4 months @ HMP – Mario Christopher

- Mr Christopher has been at helm of prison in absence of Verne A. G. Garde
Acting Superintendent of Prisons, Mr Mario Christopher is reporting that Her Majesty’s Prison (HMP) had a relatively uneventful couple of months under his watch. Photo: Facebook
Her Majesty's Prison (HMP) has been incident free for the past 4 months, according to Acting Superintendent of Prisons, Mr Mario Christopher. Photo: VINO/File
Her Majesty's Prison (HMP) has been incident free for the past 4 months, according to Acting Superintendent of Prisons, Mr Mario Christopher. Photo: VINO/File
Superintendent of Prisons, Mr Verne A. G. Garde returns to the job this week following vacation and mandatory quarantine. Photo: HoA/File
Superintendent of Prisons, Mr Verne A. G. Garde returns to the job this week following vacation and mandatory quarantine. Photo: HoA/File
BALSAM GHUT, Tortola, VI- Acting Superintendent of Prisons, Mr Mario Christopher is reporting that Her Majesty’s Prison (HMP) in Balsam Ghut, Tortola, had a relatively uneventful few months under his watch.

Mr Christopher told members of the media on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 that the timeframe represented the vacation time his superior, Superintendent Verne A. G. Garde of St Lucia, took.

Mr Garde proceeded on vacation from March 19 to July 12, 2020 and had to under the mandatory 14-day quarantine on his return to the VI.

Mr Christopher said he would be turning over the responsibilities back to Mr Garde during the course of this week. He also creditied Mr Garde for creating an easy to follow plan.

“In his [Garde’s] absence the compound continued to function as normal as if he were here because one of the things Mr Garde did is that he structured things in such a way that whoever is in the superintendent’s chair merely has to follow the plan,” Christopher said.

Incident-free prison

The Acting Superintendent added that he was happy to report that that the prison was virtually incident-free during his tenure.

“There was no adverse situation that we encountered in his absence. One of the things we are proud to say is we had no serious incidents, we had no escapes, and given the current pandemic situation, we had no cases of COVID-19 detected within the prison.”

Mr Christopher also highlighted other successes achieved during his time as Acting Superintendent of Prisons.

“We also took the opportunity to draft a pandemic plan which we didn’t have before. So we coupled the pandemic plan with our hurricane disaster plan, and we also put in a business continuity plan in the event that something were to happen that the prison could continue to function,” he stated.

Alexander Mills was acting as Christopher’s deputy during his tenure as Acting Superintendent of Prisons.

15 Responses to “No serious incidents or escapes in nearly 4 months @ HMP – Mario Christopher”

  • Why (13/08/2020, 12:13) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    Why would any inmate want to risk escaping in this COVID PANDEMIC. They are better off staying where they are. I must say though, the prison is doing a good job by not having any cases. I must also say the inmates is doing a much better job than the lunatics out here on the streets by following the protocols that was put in place.
    • @Why (13/08/2020, 19:54) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      I would also agree, if I was a inmate and I see a way to escape from prison, I will not do it. In this Corona Virus time, who is going to take you in or where are you going to go. I would prefer to stay on the inside. This virus is no joke.
  • Hmm (13/08/2020, 12:35) Like (3) Dislike (10) Reply
    Any vacancies at HMP? I have been looking for a job were I can have vacation from March 19 to July 12, 2020 :)
  • A VOTER IN #6 (13/08/2020, 12:57) Like (6) Dislike (24) Reply
  • Niko Belic (13/08/2020, 13:32) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    In other news, man does job he is paid to do
    • Hot one (14/08/2020, 13:35) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      Leave him alone - he was in charge for a few months and did a good job. He was entitled to his little bit of fame just before he stood down. Well done man!
  • great (13/08/2020, 14:21) Like (18) Dislike (2) Reply
    Mr, Christopher, I commend you for your expert leadership while you were in control.

    Keep up the good works!
  • hmm (13/08/2020, 14:25) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    Bumper for Prison Superintendent...If Mr. Ice Cream Man was in charge, he would be lobbying hard for a Work Permit...Good that Bumper gives his boss the credit though.
  • Nice (13/08/2020, 14:48) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Shaking My head (13/08/2020, 15:57) Like (1) Dislike (8) Reply
    so since you so good how come carvin and the PS over look you and brought back the St. Lucian?
  • 1st District (13/08/2020, 20:15) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    @voter in 6 district, hats off to Mr. CHRISTOPHER!! You must check the prison and see how many youngsters are sitting up there from your district that he is contending with that you never give an encouraging word to!! Much RESPECT, CHRISTOPHER!!
  • yes we can (14/08/2020, 00:14) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Good job you doing. Best it have been up there in a long while.
  • Safe House (14/08/2020, 00:29) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Clearly the inmates know where it's safe. Why would any prisoner want to escape at the present time. Law abiding citizens are paying $8000.00 quarantine for similar accommodation and food instead of receiving it for free !
  • J_stone Crew (14/08/2020, 08:40) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    when are we going to make the bvi proud and a appointment for Bumper. He is deserving BVI lander who is doing his work. Don't sleep on this one Mr Premier.
  • who know (15/08/2020, 15:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I surprise Bumber ain criticizing this one. He criticized all the other Superintendents who headed the prison before this Saint Lucian gentleman came. I guess this Superintendent made a promise to Bumper to put in a googled word for him.

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