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No-case submission made in Brian Penn & wife vs SSB matter

- parties to return with their submissions on Sep 23, 2016
Brian Penn (left) and Harinder Steven-Penn (right) leaving court on a previous appearance. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Attorney at Law Patrick Thompson yesterday June 2, 2016 entered a no-case submission in the case of Brian Penn and Harinder Steven-Penn who are faced with multiple charges related to the alleged non-compliance to the statutes of Social Security Board (SSB).

The duo faces allegations of obtaining property by deception, failure to keep proper records, evasion of liability by deception, destroying or concealing documents, failing to issue certificates to employees on termination, failing to record contributions, and failure to make payments to the Social Security Board [SSB] among others.

In all the couple, the owners of a security company, were charged with 191 offences.

Thompson explained that while two sets of offences are indictable - those being obtaining property by deception and false accounting - his no case submission was based on the charge of evasion of liability by deception.

He said the Crown has produced no evidence to support their contention that the couple evaded their liability to the Social Security Board by deception.

“There must be evidence of dishonesty and if there is no evidence of this then there is no case to answer to,” said Thompson.

Further, he said there must be a part of the regulations under the Social Security legislation that criminalises not making payments. “A breach of the regulations even if proved does not mean a criminal offence has been committed,” he said, noting that there would first have to be a section of the regulations which outlines the punishment for such an offence.

“It must first be a crime before they can be convicted of it,” said Thompson.

However, the Prosecution maintained that an inference on the couple’s dishonesty can be drawn from the prolonged period that they allegedly failed to make their payments to Social Security.

Magistrate Ayana Baptiste-DaBreo said she would need more clarity on the issue and the parties are to return with submissions on September 23, 2016.

11 Responses to “No-case submission made in Brian Penn & wife vs SSB matter”

  • wize up (03/06/2016, 08:45) Like (6) Dislike (5) Reply
    the young man went around arresting persons for criminal offense in this territory NOW look at these allegations...
    • police (03/06/2016, 13:46) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      so if you or your family commits a crime, dont you expect him to arrest you for it?.
      • wize up (03/06/2016, 14:23) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
        @ police : that why the same police he worked for lock his @$$ up; don't miss the point my friend and here is my point how can you run around breaking the laws of this territory while employed as a law enforcement officer then in good faith arresting others
  • hello (03/06/2016, 08:52) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Typical of some Bvi Legislation ; somehow some Laws were drafted and no penalty or penalties were created indicating to the court that if the laws is violated then this is the penalty. How then can the same law be enforced.
    The Magistrate has no choice but to agree on the no case submission.No penalty no offence. Juse poor drafting.
    • judge (04/06/2016, 06:48) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      And these AG making all of this money and just sitting on their backside rather than doing their jobs.
  • Chance (03/06/2016, 09:24) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    They are not the only ones who never paid Social Security their money and no one arrested them.
  • just asking..... (03/06/2016, 09:24) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    They give a certain politian time to pay up before the 2011 elections so why they beating up on the lil man
  • Music (03/06/2016, 09:39) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    what about the NDP and the ports project??? The aggressors go free
  • EXPO (03/06/2016, 10:31) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    Wish up I think you should shut your trap. People like you who doesn't have the facts like to be here making negative comments about what is written in the news.You were not at court and you are not familiar with the case. For your information Brian Penn was one of the most committed and hardest working local police officer in the RVIPF. I would go to hell and back with him and if you ask me this matter should have been handled differently. Often times you hear about local police officers toeing the line and watching the clock now you have one in Penn who worked his butt off put his life on the line and then he is thrown under the bus.
    God is not dead
  • bad boy (03/06/2016, 18:11) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    What about the staff who they owed

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