New initiatives heralded for Althea Scatliffe Primary
This is in keeping with the Ministry of Education and Culture’s theme of creating a culture of excellence according to the Principal of the institution, Ms Marietta Flax-Headley.
Flax-Headley said “by the end of the school year our children should not be at the same level we met them at the beginning of the school year.”
The initiative incorporates students who are weak in the area of reading as well as other students of the school. At each level, Principal Flax-Headley said, there will be different approaches that each group discussed being implemented in order for goals by the end of the school year.
She also added that there will be a reading is fun week held during the month of October but the school will start before it.
There is also a system in place where teachers and other persons volunteer to assist students during specific times of the day. “They take the weaker ones to try with them… besides the volunteers that come in, we’re gonna do it from the class level,” she explained “whatever it takes!”
Besides this there is a plan in place where the respective principal has to be shown plans for particular students in reading. “Teachers have agreed, that they’ll either come in early in the morning to work with some or they’re gonna take (half of) their lunch hour, and some are gonna take after school,” she noted.
Schools are today expected to have their first official flag raising as part of a recently announced initiative where the Territorial flag and the Union Jack will be hoisted along with flags representing each school. The school flags will be designed by the students during the course of the academic year.

9 Responses to “New initiatives heralded for Althea Scatliffe Primary”
Yea Ms Flax, good job!!! ASPS class of 88