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NDP prophesied its own doom? Tells supporters to vote VIP all the way!

- Mark H. Vanterpool & Renard V, Estridge make ‘blunders’; Bishop John I. Cline says it is a spirit of confusion
Outgoing legislator and National Democratic Party (NDP) Member Hon Mark H. Vanterpool, left, and NDP At Large Candidate Renard V, Estridge, right, were in full flight bashing the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Government when they inadvertently told NDP supporters to vote for the Virgin Islands Party (VIP). Photo: Facebook
Hon Mark H. Vanterpool is told of his error by Dr Kedrick D. Pickering, right. Photo: Facebook
Hon Mark H. Vanterpool is told of his error by Dr Kedrick D. Pickering, right. Photo: Facebook
 Mr John I. Cline alongside Angelle A. Cameron on the My BVI show live-streamed on Facebook on April 20, 2023. Photo: Facebook
Mr John I. Cline alongside Angelle A. Cameron on the My BVI show live-streamed on Facebook on April 20, 2023. Photo: Facebook
EAST END, Tortola, VI- Supporters of the National Democratic Party (NDP) were left with dropped jaws recently when they were told by two NDP members, including a candidate, to vote for the Virgin Islands Party (VIP).

Both of the blunders came at separate rallies in the Eighth District, which is represented by the NDP Chairman Hon Marlon A. Penn.

The first incident was on April 15, 2023, during the campaign launch of Hon Penn.

‘Put an X next to the VIP team’- Hon Vanterpool

Outgoing legislator Hon Mark H. Vanterpool (R4) was at the time telling supporters to “put an X next to our name”, adding that the first Premier of St Kitts and Nevis Mr Robert L. Bradshaw had told the people in St Kitts, “if you ain’t happy with us when you go in the polls, X us out.

“Put an X next to our name. I want to make sure you don’t put an X to that name. Put an X next to the VIP team to make sure they are your next government to run this country.”

Hon Vanterpool was then told of his error by Dr Kedrick D. Pickering.

“I said something else?” Vanterpool replied.

‘Vote VIP all the way’- Renard V. Estridge

The second ‘call’ for NDP supporters to vote for the VIP came at the Eighth District Rally on April 19, 2023.

At Large Candidate Renard V. Estridge was at the time lambasting the VIP as a government of mistakes.

“We certainly cannot take four more years of mistakes, mistake after mistake, after mistake. I know one thing we ain’t going do. We making no mistake tomorrow and the 24th. We ain’t making no mistake.

“Therefore, we must make the right choice. We must choose the NDP Government and we must vote VIP all the way, all the way, all the way.”

Estridge only became aware of what he said after persons in the audience alerted him.

“No, vote NDP all the way, that’s what I said.

“Where Mark is? Mark, Jesus lawd,” Estridge responded. 

‘A spirit of confusion’- Bishop Cline

Meanwhile, former lead pastor at New Life Baptist Church in Duff’s Bottom Bishop John I. Cline, while speaking on the My BVI Show livestreamed on Facebook on April 20, 2023, concluded it must be a spirit of confusion that gripped the NDP men.

“Anytime you have on a red shirt, you on a podium under a banner called NDP and you going to say, so on April 24th, when you go to the polls, vote VIP all the way, when you are in a red shirt, you are a candidate, you are on an NDP podium and coming out of your mouth in the middle of your speech, you say vote VIP all the way, that’s a spirit. That’s a spirit of confusion that has been unleashed.

Bishop Cline related that when God wanted to take over or stop the people of Babel from building their tower, he confused their language.

“There is a spirit of Babel in the atmosphere that is causing people to say things that they don’t even realise what they are saying.

“And it didn’t just happen once, it happened twice.”

Bishop Cline claimed that a video is now being circulated stating that the NDP has prophesied its own doom because it is telling the people to vote VIP all the way.

“I’m like, if this is not a spirit, ain’t nothing else. It is the spirit of confusion.”

Polling Day in the Virgin Islands is Monday, April 24, 2023.

31 Responses to “NDP prophesied its own doom? Tells supporters to vote VIP all the way!”

  • Well We'll (23/04/2023, 12:47) Like (51) Dislike (10) Reply
    What a thing. NDP telling everyone to vote VIP.
    • NezRez (23/04/2023, 18:30) Like (30) Dislike (10) Reply
      O M G !!!!!!!!! OK, he told us to vote VIP, and we will. Thanks Mark.
      • controversial (24/04/2023, 10:25) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
        You will be one of the few.... your Very Incompetent Party will look on for the next four years... during that time, please come back with much better individuals.... this version of the VIP is the worst.
  • My Take (23/04/2023, 12:51) Like (64) Dislike (10) Reply
    They hate the VIP so much out of their own greed for power that they can't see nothing else but green & VIP. We will do as they say.
    • Seeing Green (23/04/2023, 15:28) Like (22) Dislike (1) Reply
      Remember that Mark was with Vip for quite a while. As a matter of fact ihe was with BOp where he got the Action Man Name. Somethings do stay with you. The VIP was good to him during the lockdown to. His store got a lot a lot of not most of the "Boxes of Groceries" for the households. So, I'm following he and his partners advice . VIP all the way followed by Zoe. Bam BaM, Bam. When the loose they will call it Vip Jombies. Haha. But I believe that Mark is getting a lil bit up there memory does play tricks. So he should take it as a warning that he needs to go sit down or go on his yach that used to be here in Bvi during the last election
      • @Seeing Green (24/04/2023, 09:53) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        The VIP was good to him during the lockdown to. His store got a lot a lot of not most of the "Boxes of Groceries" for the households.I thought they did it for the people
  • hmm (23/04/2023, 12:53) Like (58) Dislike (8) Reply
    I could not stop laughing when I heard them instructing to vote VIP ALL THE WAY!!! Let's do as instructed.
  • What Next (23/04/2023, 12:56) Like (35) Dislike (11) Reply
    I guess when NDP gave away our $8 million for planes and flights which never happened was also a spirit of confusion. SMDH.
    • @What next (23/04/2023, 13:27) Like (27) Dislike (11) Reply not forget to include the over priced multimillion dollar pier Park, bogus new multimillion dollar non functioning incinerator, a rip of NHI scheme, leaving our teachers and children under tents & in moldy building long after Irma & Maria in 2017 to make a party supporter rich in inflated rents. GOD don't like ugly.
  • Note well (23/04/2023, 12:57) Like (36) Dislike (13) Reply
    The only spirit of confusion in the BVI is the Governor and his gang who want to enslave us at all cost and doing so through a bloodless take over by having us fight each other and having pastors blinded to their actions in every realm.
  • FACIAL EXPRESSIONS (23/04/2023, 13:05) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
  • God is still God (23/04/2023, 13:07) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
    His utterance of those words is the confirmation of the amount of demonic activities been released. This why the land is going through the cleansing Now. God is in control and nothing or no one can stop His work. We decree and declare by the the power of Almighty God that those that are confused will be set free, those that are blind will see and those that are deaf will hear again in the mighty name of Jesus Amen and amen. As you go to the polls my people please the blood of Jesus to, through and from the polling stations.
  • Trying (23/04/2023, 13:11) Like (28) Dislike (16) Reply
    Stripes.. How this make news
  • Hmm (23/04/2023, 13:18) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    Listen to them tomorrow :D
  • how come (23/04/2023, 13:23) Like (21) Dislike (3) Reply
    How come the only time John sees confusion and wickedness is against his friends in PVIM (NDP 2) & NDP 1? How come he doesn't see the spiritual evil of the colonial masters and call it out? It is time to be fair and call out who really need calling out and stop playing politics with GOD.
    • @ how come (23/04/2023, 16:06) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
      John need to repent and denounce all that witchcraft he brings into the church with those false prophets.
  • VIP STRONG (23/04/2023, 13:42) Like (32) Dislike (25) Reply
  • True That (23/04/2023, 13:50) Like (27) Dislike (4) Reply
    We dont fight against flesh but spiritual wickness in high places. The Lord almighty hand is at work. It have been raining for two days the land Territory is being cleansed. Never in the history of the Virgin Islands rain come before day of election
  • Bornyah (23/04/2023, 14:22) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    The Bishop bringing up this is in his interest to call down the NDP to support his team PVIM and Ronnie.

    People don’t be fooled nor deceived the devil is a lier.
  • asura (23/04/2023, 14:24) Like (17) Dislike (6) Reply
    we will do just that vote for the VIP all the way
  • Storm on a Tea (23/04/2023, 14:28) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    Much ado about a Freudian slip. Everyone knows they were campaigning for NDP. It is a storm in a tea cup. Please gives us some specifics how ah yu going to fix things.
  • DISTRICT WINNERS (23/04/2023, 16:27) Like (5) Dislike (27) Reply
    D1 {DAWSON} D2 {MITCH} D3 {FRASER| D4 {SANDY} D5 {KYE} D6 {MYRON} D7 {PERLINE} D8 {MARLON} D9 {SHEREEN} atlarge Ronnie, Budha, Sharrie & Lorna

  • Believe it or Not (23/04/2023, 17:25) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    The VIP nor any other P will NOT win this election hands down as you all are suggesting. I don’t see the big deal in dwelling on the remarks of the two NDP candidates anyway.because people make mistakes every day and especially when you’re excited and overwhelmed. On Monday 24 April the registered voters will go to the polls and they will vote for the people of their choice. Let’s not be anxious for anything but wait on the results. At the end of the day we all still have to live and work in this country.
  • vi (23/04/2023, 20:52) Like (15) Dislike (18) Reply
    NDP all the way vote them vote out the VIP
  • old (23/04/2023, 21:33) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    We not going back with ndp . Because of the wall . The plane and brandy wine bay beach . And some bunch of old time man. These man need to stay home and watch TV.
  • Josiahsbay (23/04/2023, 23:14) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Just like alcohol and driving isn't a good combination so is crossing the floor and a bad memory.
  • LaLa (23/04/2023, 23:46) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Nope never give increment much less raise ti civil servants. They could never win. And I remember DURING IR.A THEY STIO PAYING CIVIL SERVANTS. Also they give bekongers to qualifying person. Vote via all the way.
  • hmm (24/04/2023, 08:04) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mistake… after mistake…. After mistake??? Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

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