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NDP corruption being felt in Gov’t Depts & Ports of Entry

-Some Depts cannot afford to purchase paper, ink & immigration/customs card
Recently, Immigration and Customs were not in a position to have entry forms to give to the airlines, so when passengers arrive at TB Lettsome International Airport, they must get the forms in the Immigration area. Photo: VINO/File
Immigration and Labour Departments. Photo: VINO/File
Immigration and Labour Departments. Photo: VINO/File
VI Central Administration Complex. Photo: VINO/File
VI Central Administration Complex. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - A long list of persons including Chairman of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP), Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1), and recently on the campaign trail former National Democratic Party (NDP 1) member and founder, Hon Ronnie W. Skelton (AL) have said the NDP is corrupt.

The list of persons also accusing the NDP 1 of corruption includes former Governor, John S. Duncan OBE, who said it publicly and recently again, Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) on the campaign trail. 

Many talk show hosts including Edmund G. Maduro and Julio S. Henry have all dubbed the NDP 1, now led by Hon Myron V. Walwyn (AL) as completely ‘corrupt.’

Millions & Millions stolen

They have cited Millions and Millions of dollars unaccounted for in taxpayers’ money from a small wall around the Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) with a price tag of $1.6M, now the subject of a police investigation with Mr Walwyn at the mist of it.

Those who are crying corruption also cite a plane scam where $7.2M was pillaged out of the treasury, yet the country does not have a plane. Further, they point to the $40M overrun at the Ports Projects and a $16M loan for new roads, yet no roads some 2 years after Hurricanes Irma and Maria of 2017.

The list of drying the public purse goes on to including some $10M for the airport consultancy with no report or achievements and $8 million illegally moved to the overpriced Tortola Pier Project (TPP), while students and the elderly are today walking the streets on East End and Long Look in raw sewerage.

Schools and Gov’t debts have no supplies

This alleged corruption and stealing have now for months been affecting government departments and schools. 

Many government departments are not in a position to purchase basic supplies that include papers, forms like work permit applications and schools from Anegada to Jost van Dyke are still complaining about the lack of supplies and teaching aids.

Recently, Immigration and Customs were not in a position to have entry forms to give to the airlines, so when passengers arrive at TB Lettsome International Airport, they must get the forms in the Immigration area.

Due to financial hardship, the department cannot afford to print enough to give the airlines so they can be filled out on the plane according to a senior immigration officer.

Can’t speak

Other departments including some under the Deputy Governor’s Offices are also reported to be facing challenges in purchasing tools essential to the office.

Many in the Government and some Heads of Department are still tight-lipped over this issue.

19 Responses to “NDP corruption being felt in Gov’t Depts & Ports of Entry”

  • WOWW (12/02/2019, 12:26) Like (56) Dislike (35) Reply
    VIP did some bad things but NDP did the worst.
    • Wolf Spritzer (12/02/2019, 13:16) Like (35) Dislike (18) Reply
      VINO wheres the story about the Neighborhood Project? Let's read your spin on your fearless leader Fahie.
  • Hmm (12/02/2019, 12:26) Like (62) Dislike (28) Reply
    We can not afford to have back that red team!!
  • voter (12/02/2019, 12:47) Like (34) Dislike (12) Reply
    this is shameful and they are asking for 4 more years, NEVER
  • Black Holocaust (12/02/2019, 12:48) Like (27) Dislike (6) Reply
    You know what really grinds my gears is to know THEY know what going on but they never tired to show poor people hoe GOOD they living. THe only people want NDP back are the few local families who benefit from the corruption. All this he did for few locals for approval from the "BORN HERE" committee.
  • Diaspora (12/02/2019, 13:27) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    Corruption is a charge that when made should be on strong footing; it should not be made without strong evidence. Nonetheless, corruption is a breach of trust between voters and those in power. It is misuse of position of power, influence...etc. Corruption is a vile act and is even more vile when it occurs in poor countries; the BVI is not a wealthy locale. Corruption in poor countries is a high crime that should be dealt with harshly. It is abuse of the long suffering citizens. The guilty should reside on the national wall of shame.
  • Let us get it one (12/02/2019, 13:52) Like (14) Dislike (21) Reply
    The audit general laid out the report on the wall in which to date she has not responded to ministry questions on how she obtain the figures.

    You all here grasping at straws due to what happened on BVI News. The pressure is on what claude has to say now after he and andrew robbed this country blind of after school program.

    The auditor general kept this one private but just a draft oh please we know she for the VIP.
  • Really (12/02/2019, 14:46) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    you all afraid to post my stuff
  • Angel (12/02/2019, 16:55) Like (30) Dislike (8) Reply
    The lady kept the dress for 3 years to catch President Clinton but Myrum kept this information for over 10 years. What a pussy.
  • jokers (12/02/2019, 17:09) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
    Boy nice to see all the Haters blogging on vino now before all of them use to say they don't read vino watch them now they own the ting now
  • WHAT!!! (12/02/2019, 17:52) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
    So which party do we vote for as all seem incompetent, and in some way have their hand on the cookie jar. Shall we vote for the candidate who was part of the pier park and lack of official audit, school wall, lost airplane? Maybe the lot with Bi Water , side walk to nowhere, great wall , traffic lights at round about and never used green house, money given out to brother for nothing in return. Or maybe the ones with the school program thousands of dollars and no computers,consoltants for medical school, consoltants for drag racing. Not a great bunch to choose from
  • ABC (12/02/2019, 18:27) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    Still not o n e going to jail so jump high and jump low
  • I wondered (12/02/2019, 18:58) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    I wonder what forma have to do with corruption or is it poor management where the people responsible did not monitor their stock and place order in a timely manner. You are really the spin doctor.
  • Fed Up (12/02/2019, 19:55) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    We will vote them OUT
  • cuntruption (13/02/2019, 09:15) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    watch out for a rigged election with them machines, still trying to find Ms. olivia pope.
  • trrefdrfds (13/02/2019, 11:13) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    The Auditer General only have to answer to the Governor. It is time to call on him to take action against these thieves.
  • Positive (13/02/2019, 11:56) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wake up people!!! Demand an investigation from the Governor into these serious crimes by crocked politican.
  • Tato (13/02/2019, 14:43) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Immigration and customs needs leadership like yesterday.

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