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‘National Pride & VI Strong’ a tale of 2 cities if people suffering- Julian Willock

- but says Virgin Islanders are a ‘hopeful & practical people’
Political aspirant Mr Julian Willock, in a holiday message to the people of the Virgin Islands, has stated that in 2018 he will continue to be at the forefront bringing people together and helping to rebuild the Virgin Islands. Photo: VINO/File
Despite the destruction of the Virgin Islands by Hurricane Irma, Virgin Islander and Businessman Mr Julian Willock has encouraged the people to remain hopeful and resilient. Photo: VINO/File
Despite the destruction of the Virgin Islands by Hurricane Irma, Virgin Islander and Businessman Mr Julian Willock has encouraged the people to remain hopeful and resilient. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- “If any of our people are hungry, homeless, jobless and cannot support their families, or pay their bills, then the hard truth is, National Pride and VI Strong become A Tale of Two Cities,” stated political aspirant Mr Julian Willock in a holiday message to the people of the Virgin Islands.

As a masterpiece of critical realism, A Tale of Two Cities, by famous English author Charles J. H. Dickens, reveals the actual situation (inequality) of different classes in Paris and London around the Great French Revolution.

The young businessman, Willock, has stated in the past that the National Democratic Party (NDP) has managed to wipe out the middle class in the Territory, leaving just the rich and poor, hence the analogy.

But Mr Willock’s message was one of hope and upliftment, reminding that the people of the Virgin Islands are a hopeful and practical people, and that the New Year 2018 will be a year of renewal, a year to rebuild together, and a year to chart a new course for the Virgin Islands.

“My mission is to be a part of the rebuilding efforts, to bring solutions to the table to make our lives better, to truly create one Virgin Islands, where National Pride is linked to economic pride,” Mr Willock said in his holiday message sent out to local media houses today, December 13, 2017.

‘I will be at the forefront bring people together’

Mr Willock, is no stranger to public service, having worked with the Government of the Virgin Islands as a former Assistant Secretary in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Labour, the Director of the Water and Sewerage Department and a Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Communications and Works, has still not announced whether he will be throwing his hat in the ring at the next General Elections but his public positions on various issues affecting the territory and his offering of solutions have been making him a popular potential candidate.

One of his main messages has been about unifying the people of the Territory and, according to Mr Willock, he will not relent in 2018.

“In 2018, I will continue to be at the forefront bringing people together, helping us to respect each other, listening to each other’s views, helping residents to find jobs, fighting for my country against those who wish to undermine our economic pillar and bringing light to the many issues this Government continues to ignore, take for granted or simply lack the wisdom, talent, courage, love for people and leadership to address.”

Mr Willock added that his mission is to be a part of the rebuilding efforts, to bring solutions to the table to make lives better, to truly create one Virgin Islands, where National Pride is linked to economic pride.

“I am Julian Willock, on behalf of my family and I, please remember this holiday season, that Jesus is alive. He is alive to conquer despair, to impart hope, to forgive sins and to take away our loneliness. God Bless These Virgin Islands.”

See link below to listen to Holiday Message by Mr Julian Willock:

Click here to download audio

16 Responses to “‘National Pride & VI Strong’ a tale of 2 cities if people suffering- Julian Willock”

  • ... (13/12/2017, 12:09) Like (13) Dislike (12) Reply
    Wow this man hot
  • The Watcher (13/12/2017, 13:14) Like (12) Dislike (13) Reply
    what a great message of upliftment!
  • voter (13/12/2017, 13:58) Like (13) Dislike (12) Reply
    you all better take Willock serious or else!!!!
  • E. Leonard (13/12/2017, 15:10) Like (15) Dislike (15) Reply
    JW, great, hopeful, and uplifting Xmas and New Year message. Damages resulting from monster hurricanes and historical flood have made 2017 a tough, painful year for residents. Further, JW is on a listening tour and is introducing himself to the nation. He is identifying problems and crafting solutions; uncommon action. His retail politics skills are worthy of emulation; he is establishing the model for pursuing elected office. Political aspirants cannot wait until Election Day is announced to start introducing themselves to the electorate; the time is now. When the date is announced, this should be the time to summarize positions and close the deal.
    • Familial Backing ? (13/12/2017, 17:54) Like (11) Dislike (15) Reply
      There is a Leonard connection here; family supporting familiy. JW mom-Leonard. But nothing wrong headed here though. E. Leonard is talking truth and providing valuable advice.
      • Leonard Clan (14/12/2017, 10:27) Like (10) Dislike (4) Reply
        Joshua Leonard or Cornelius Leonard so wah the big deal. Everybody has family and part of a clan. Jacob hand 12 sons and 12 tribes/clan. Remember them: Levi, Ruben, Benjamin, Joseph, Naphtali, Dan, Simeon, Judah, Asher, Zebulun, Issachar and Gad. Wonder about the daughters? Part of the BVI problem is that it is stuck on social stratification and titles. This is a new day and no one gives a rat’s ass. Julian keep representing and give them hell and heart burn. You is boi! Nuff tark.
    • Eagle and Buffalo (14/12/2017, 19:26) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      E. Leonard can defend himself and his blog. Nevertheless, can someone tell me what is wrong about this blog? Is it not free and priceless advice to anyone who is considering running for office? If he were just partial to Julian Willock would he not just consult with him in private? Peeps you got a right to hit the dislike button; that’s easy. But in my view, there should be some sound rationale for doing so, would you not? Is it the message?

      Let’s lead like eagles, not careen off the cliff like buffaloes.
  • wize up (13/12/2017, 16:24) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    well he join the difunctional VIP, run independent or join the New NDP(there will be a new NDP come next election) you JW will merge with MW and for that third party
  • trrefdrfds (13/12/2017, 17:08) Like (8) Dislike (7) Reply
  • DON Q (13/12/2017, 18:59) Like (10) Dislike (19) Reply
    I love julian speech good uplifting words
    • Reply (14/12/2017, 11:03) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      he is who we need, someone to bring the BVI together in a time like this!
  • trrefdrfds (14/12/2017, 11:23) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr. Willock, pls note that these insurance agencies out to kill us_ yesterday I went to renew, no damage, it 1 yr this Dec and I use to pay 5 something, summit insurance going tell me that they carry up the amount to 8 something, pls alert others and let the government know what going on pls. Thanks

  • Pony girl (14/12/2017, 20:22) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    You go Mr willock your I am behind you 100% ,You are a people's person ,to you it doesn't matter where you are from .Fight for your People.

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