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Most hypocrites are in church!- Caller to sports talk show

- Talk Show was at the time discussing the controversial topic of Pari-Mutuel Wagering
Horse racing remains the most popular sports in the Virgin Islands especially amongst the indigenous peoples. Many in the community continue to call for the introduction of Pari-mutuel Wagering which is a legalised form of betting on horse races. This system is used all over the world to maintain the sports, including paying the purses. The Virgin Islands (VI) is one of the few countries without the legislation to give effect to this activity. One of the reasons is because some have claimed the VI is a very religious society. Photo: VINO/File
 Minister for Sports, who has the portfolio of horse racing, Myron V. Walwyn said the National Democratic Party Government has discussed pari-mutuel as a group. However, there is a controversial part but the government will have to be guided by the public in terms of how that is dealt with because we are a very religious society. Photo: GIS
Minister for Sports, who has the portfolio of horse racing, Myron V. Walwyn said the National Democratic Party Government has discussed pari-mutuel as a group. However, there is a controversial part but the government will have to be guided by the public in terms of how that is dealt with because we are a very religious society. Photo: GIS
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- A caller to the talk show Sports Talk, which was aired on Saturday October 20, 2012 on a local radio station, claimed that most “hypocrites are in the church”. The topic at the time was Pari-Mutuel betting at Ellis Thomas Downs.

It appears that there are support for Pari-Mutuel Wagering to be introduced to Horse Racing in the Virgin Islands but according to the Minister for Sports Myron V. Walwyn, who told his political party talk show NDP radio on October 15, 2012, “the BVI is a very religious society.”

The sports show, which at the time was hosted by Tony ‘Bone Crusher’ Smith with co-host and former Legislator E. Walwyn Brewley and with Steve George a guest side kick, asked the question as to whether a poll was done to determine if the Virgin Islands (VI) is a Christian society.  They said going to church does not make one a Christian.

The male caller to the show told the listening public that “we should stop the foolishness about Christian society as we are just like any other place”.  The caller said in the VI we have “lottery tickets, whore houses, gambling, cock fights and there is nothing to prevent us from having pari-mutuel.”

The caller to the Sports Talk show, however, did not elaborative on what he meant by “most hypocrites are in the church.”

Virgin Islands News Online spoke to Bishop John I. Cline of the New Life Baptist Church, who said he did not care to comment much about what the caller had to say about “most hypocrites are in the church” but suggested that if he (caller) feels that persons in the church are hypocrites then maybe he and those who hold that view might want to come in to the church to “get it right”.


The topic of Pari-Mutuel wagering gained some momentum when on the same sports talk show a week before, former Legislator, Government Minister and Cultural icon Mrs. Eileene L. Parsons called in and said “Pari-Mutuel has to come”.

Mrs. Parsons, a fan and supporter of VI horse racing- a sport popular amongst indigenous residents, is an advocate for pari-mutuel betting.

Mrs. Parsons told the sports talk show in her usually passionate voice, “We need to pass the legislation as it’s there already and if the topic of pari-mutuel is the issue then take it out.”

She said legislation could be passed that cover other portions of managing the racetrack such as the Horse Racing Commission while taking out the pari-mutuel item, but the bill needs to be passed.

Mrs. Parsons was frank in saying last week that “it's no sense closing our eyes and burying our heads in the sand over this issue….lots of money change hands currently on the racetrack.” She was at the time referring to man to man betting.

Mrs. Parsons, who was also instrumental when she was a Minister of Government in the upgrade of the new racetrack, asked “What are we trying to protect? Are we so holy?”

Current President of the Virgin Islands’ Horse Owner’s Association, Lesmore Smith, and owner of the L & B Stables and a former Horse Owner’s President herself, Violet ‘Letty’ Hodge, have also called on Government to introduce Pari-Mutuel wagering to the racetrack.

NDP Government's position

Mrs. Parsons, the host of NDP radio- a political show by the ruling National Democratic Party government, raised the issue on October 15, 2012 with Government.

Minister responsibility for the racetrack, Myron V. Walwyn said "We have discussed it as a group that we need to improve the track in terms of the way it is being operated. So certainly there is a controversial part that you are well aware of and we will have to be guided by the public in terms of how that is dealt with because we are a very religious society," Hon. Walwyn stated on the show.

What is Pari-Mutuel Wagering?

Pari-Mutuel betting according to research came from the French Pari Mutuel or mutual betting.  It is a betting system in which all bets of a particular type are placed together in a pool and payoff odds are calculated by sharing the pool among all winning bets. In some countries it is known as the Tote after the totalisator which calculates and displays bets already made.

The Pari-Mutuel wagering system is used in legal gambling on horse racing, greyhound racing, jai alai, and all sporting events of relatively short duration in which participants finish in a ranked order. A modified pari-mutuel system is also used in some lottery games.

Pari-Mutuel wagering is state-regulated, and offered in many places where gambling is otherwise illegal. Pari-Mutuel gambling is often also offered at "off track" facilities, where players may bet on the events without actually being present to observe them in person. 

Many countries around the world and certain States in the United States of America received huge financial benefits from this and in many States in the United States and Europe the profits are use to main horse racing facilities and pay purses and help offset many national budgets.

Pari-Mutuel wagering on horse races exist in countries such as, Great Britain, USA, Barbados, Sweden, Japan, the Middle East, Canada, Trinidad and Tobago, Australia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, many European Union Countries, Africa, Hong Kong, South Korea, Jamaica, and Malaysia to name a few.

31 Responses to “Most hypocrites are in church!- Caller to sports talk show”

  • J (21/10/2012, 10:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    There are many hypocrites in church one can not deny that. However, should that caller be told that he has just a few days to live, I wonder whether he would spend those days betting or praying with the same church folks.
    • the rock (21/10/2012, 11:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      i could not of put it a better way..that should hold him!
      • papa (21/10/2012, 16:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        You people complain for everyting...yaaawn
        • ccc (21/10/2012, 23:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          It seems to me from listening to the NDP for the last few months and on there radio show that they have no intentions of making this betting thing a priority
        • Prince (22/10/2012, 08:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Tis time dey bvi get gambling casinos.
          • mother/wife (23/10/2012, 22:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
            For the men dem to tek all dem earnings and go gamble and leave dem family on done eh?
    • well well (21/10/2012, 11:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I agree with you and also let me add to your point, there is very well alot of hypocrites in church, as there are hypocrites everywhere, in families, on jobs etc. But i hope this caller will decide if he want to spend his time with hypocrites in church or he wants to spend his time with hypocrites in Hell, because hell is full of them. So he/she has a choice on where he/she going spend the time with them.
      • TJ (21/10/2012, 13:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        What if the hypocrite is the Minister/preacher/pastor/bishop whatever they are titled. There are a lot of hypocrites who frequent church but come Monday morning they are so judgmental, bias, instigators, hold grudges, easily offended, to name a few but are the first one to ask you why they ain't see you church yesterday.
  • pope (21/10/2012, 10:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    well sah
    • Round Rock (22/10/2012, 08:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Although I have nothing against horse racing per se, or those who enjoy it, it does seem odd to me for VINO to devote so much coverage to this Sports an activity that both VIP and NDP continue to pay lip service too
  • open wide (21/10/2012, 11:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The caller was on the $$$$ here again the glamour of so many playing Christians doesn't match the reality and life they live!
  • mother hen (21/10/2012, 11:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    hypocrites is joke!
    • yellow (21/10/2012, 12:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Talking trash for talk sake will get you no where caller
    • mother earth (22/10/2012, 08:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      If anybody had any doubt that horse racing would be extinct in a few years, all that doubt should not be laid to rest. You see this sport is an indigenous sport so therefore you know they care nothing about locals must less the sports we enjoy!!!!
  • qc (21/10/2012, 11:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    you cannot blame the church for both vinp and ndp playing wid tis topic people do not be fooled
  • College Student (21/10/2012, 12:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    As a financial services jurisdiction, gambling and betting are illegal activities and are prohibited in the BVI. Hence the reason why you cannot have Pari-Mutuel Wagering, even at horse racing. Maybe a talk with one of the BVI's many lawyers would help you to understand why gambling, gaming, betting, wagering are all considered illegal activities in the BVI. Please check the following website.

    On another note, hypocrites are in the workplace as they have jobs, hypocrites are men and women, boys and girls who live in houses and go to school, hypocrites have to pay bills, and hypocrites go to church to repent of their sins, so hypocrites are all over the BVI and that included everybody from top to bottom. Note the reading from 1 Timothy 1:15, KJV. "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief."
  • ann (21/10/2012, 13:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    There are a number of churches right here in the BVI that, if they had legislative power, would happily express their divinely inspired rules by coercing the rest of us into their beliefs. Tolerance is regarded as an evil by many faiths. So why should we not have the government move forward with parimutuel???
  • critic (21/10/2012, 14:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    when the homosexual law was on the table, where were the churches then? no wonder the members are being referred to as hypocrites
    • move (21/10/2012, 16:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      good point critic ova & out!
    • CollegeStudent (22/10/2012, 21:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Critic, the homosexual law was passed in the United Kingdom as the church and the Government of the BVI was against it.
  • he would know (21/10/2012, 14:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I had to laugh when I read this story and saw which pastor made a quote..well mey bouy you no say!
  • L&M (21/10/2012, 17:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    @critic - The law benefitted you what are you complaining about?
    • @ L & M (23/10/2012, 13:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      TO L @ M; Fool I am a 65 year old grandmother so stop flattery yourself trying to guess who I am as it will get you nowhere. So don't flatter yourself anymore idiot!
  • x factor (21/10/2012, 23:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    let the public have an input in this parimutuel debate please
  • Village Girl (22/10/2012, 08:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Legislation to revive the lagging horse-racing industry has taken a controversial turn with a last-minute proposal to make California the first state in the nation to let race fans bet that a horse will lose....another concept
  • large (22/10/2012, 10:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hope if this law is pass we do not create compulsive gamblers
  • war (22/10/2012, 18:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Whatever happened to the tripple crown that they boast so much about last year of being the greatest thing to revive horse racing? Unfortunately, for local thoroughbred racing, once the horses thunder across the finish line on St. Thomas earlier this year, the sport of kings quickly faded from public view and the hoopla of bringing back horse racing seems to have died
  • facts man (22/10/2012, 22:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    When the track was finished it came complete with an entire parimutuel betting operation so let’s get it on government!
  • read again (23/10/2012, 16:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am a bible reading girl but I see nowhere in the bible that says gambling is sinful.
  • rastafari (26/10/2012, 18:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    to all u so call pastors ;; If u pastors were upholding the words of the bible marijuana,ganja,corn,herb,canabis,the green grass just some of the names we call it this plant would be fully legal but no u against god's word and makes it illegal so this makes u a hypocrite,, GENESIS 1;11 AND GOD SAID ,LET THE EARTH BRING FORTH GRASS ,AND THE HERB YIELDING SEED AFTER HIS KIND, AND THE TREE YIELDING FRUIT, WHOSE SEED IS IN ITSELF,UPON THE EARTH ; AND IT WAS SO,, GENESIS 1:12 AND THE EARTH BROUGHT FORTHGRASS, AND HERB YIELDING SEED AFTER HIS KIND, ANT THE TREE YIELDING FRUIT, WHOSE SEED WAS IN ITSELF, AFTER HIS KIND: AND GOD SAW IT WAS GOOD,,, NOW TELL ME PASTORS WHO IS U TO SAY IT IS BAD,,, U WERE BORN A BABE WHERE OR WHO GAVE U YUR WISDOM?? SOUNDS LIKE U ARE A HYPOCRITE,,

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