More dead animals at Paraquita Bay!

A recent visit by this news site found several expired animals, including a cow and horse, above ground as if in an open graveyard.
In addition to this, other animals nearby appeared to be emaciated and on the verge of death.
The animals were discovered in a location that is high altitude and far removed from the location where other animals were previously seen in close proximity to the Department of Agriculture’s building at Paraquita Bay.
The area that the animals were found in was almost entirely fenced in and there were no signs of water or running streams nearby. Much further away, there were some empty tanks but there was no running water at the location when this news site visited the area.
When this news site spoke with Permanent Secretary within the Ministry of Natural Resources and Labour, Mr Ronald Smith-Berkeley previously, he denied that animals were left to starve at the Paraquita Bay location and stated that the animals on site were stray animals that were rounded up.
It remains unclear whether stray animals are offered for auction at any time after they are placed at the Paraquita Bay location once captured.



35 Responses to “More dead animals at Paraquita Bay!”
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated.
This is very cruel.