Minister of State for OTs Amanda A. Milling to visit VI
According to Premier Fahie, during a press conference on March 11, 2022, when he attended the Joint Ministerial Council Meeting in London in November 2021 an invitation was extended to Hon Milling to visit the VI and she has since accepted.
“The meeting had several fruitful and positive outcomes, one of which was that we extended an invitation to the Rt Hon Amanda A. Milling, who is the Minister with responsibilities for the Overseas Territories, to visit the Virgin Islands. We followed up this invitation in writing.We are pleased that Minister Milling accepted our invitation and is expected to visit the Virgin Islands in the near future,” Premier Fahie said.
Opportunity for ‘fruitful discussions’- Premier
The Premier said the Government of the Virgin Islands looks forward to the visit by Hon Milling“as it is an opportunity for us to have more fruitful discussions in a number of additional areas concerning development in the Virgin Islands and how we can further strengthen the modern partnership” in the best interests of the growth and aspirations of the Virgin Islands people.
14 Responses to “Minister of State for OTs Amanda A. Milling to visit VI”
I don't think you understand what gentrification means. It is not solely about outsiders coming in and pricing out locals, it can also be about locals enjoying upward social mobility, getting richer. There are many BVIslanders who are wealthy through hard and legal work.
In any case, there is an old phrase, no taxation without representation. In BVI the majority of adults are disenfranchised and have no voice nor even trade union representation. This has lead to wide spread corruption and employment abuses. I live here and love these islands and the community who live here, I would like to vote so that all the community gets better governance and that everyone's quality of life improves (better education, healthcare and infrastructure).