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Make America great again is actually achieving the opposite

Dickson C. Igwe. Photo: VINO/File
By Dickson C. Igwe

Prospects for international cooperation have dwindled dramatically since 2016.

Give thanks to US President Donald Trump's animosity towards multilateralism.

US shirking of international responsibilities has been enacted under the slogan of "America First" and "Make America Great Again."

What Trump never understood with his silly hubris is that all countries pursue their own national interests. Every country wants to be great. This is an economic and strategic reality. All right-thinking citizens in every country desire to keep their nations first. 

Citizens and residents will support policies that prioritize their own country's development. 

Making America great is nothing new. The US has always used the mantras of freedom and democracy to push its own interests first, to the detriment of others.

The America First approach tramples on other countries' interests.  

The  America First doctrine has launched trade wars with major economies around the world while the US  withdraws from international and multilateral mechanisms and pacts one after another. This is causing chaos to the international order.

The US may be rightly has threatened allies to increase their military spending. That is a reasonable demand. 

However, amid the coronavirus pandemic, it blocked shipments to countries, mostly allies, in the increasingly fraught global market for coronavirus protective equipment - thus becoming a modern pirate state. 

The "America First" approach Trump was adopted to "Make America Great Again," in fact reflects the US' unprecedented selfishness. It basically translates into, "We don't care about others or what happens as long as we are good." 

But it is simple unilateralism, bullying and blackmail 

However, "America First" hasn't been able to make the US great again. The US is deeply mired with the coronavirus and profound economic woes. 

Make America Great Again is a unilateralism that has actually backfired.

The US is denounced by allies today and countries and regions around the world.

Westerns allies are gradually drifting away from the US alliance. 

 More and more countries are seeing through Trump and his hubris and are condemning the selfish, unilateral nature of the "America First" doctrine.

It's not wrong for the US to make slogans like "America First" and "Make America Great Again." What's wrong is the means it has adopted to realize these goals. 

"Make America Great Again" cannot be a one-man show. It cannot be separated from cooperative interaction with the world.

Believe it or not, the world remains highly interconnected. Trump will never be able to win against the whole world,  by fighting against the world. 

The USA will lose this war.

Connect with Dickson Igwe on Facebook and Twitter 


6 Responses to “Make America great again is actually achieving the opposite”

  • pat (15/08/2020, 11:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I agree with him
  • E. Leonard (15/08/2020, 22:36) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    America First. Make America Great Again(MAGA). Let’s Make American Great Again. Are slogans of the incumbent US administration. However, does MAGA means 2 Americas—-Black and White—-separate but unequal? Systemic racism? Return to Jim Crow Era? Is this true American exceptionalism, Americanism?

    Nonetheless, though America is one of the richest and wealthiest countries in world, it cannot go it alone. The world is interconnected and interdependent and America needs the rest of world for it to sustain its economic development, military power.......etc.

    For example, when trade is free and voluntary, it benefits both sellers and buyers. Free and voluntary trade is a win-win and mutually beneficial exchange. The US needs fair international trade for its businesses to sell its surplus products overseas, eg, food, beverage and feed, industrial machinery, pharmaceuticals. ......etc.
  • Diaspora (17/08/2020, 07:11) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    The US needs strong, bold and competent leadership to build back better. Donald Trump caused upheaval of traditional norms, cast aside international relationships, stoke racial hatred, defied science in the midst of a pandemic, gut the USPS to disenfranchise voters, derail the economy, spike unemployment, attempt to take away healthcare from millions in the midst of a pandemic, cozy up to autocrats and dictators.......etc. Strong effective leadership and management is needed to stabilize and set the ship of state back on course.
  • BVI tourist (17/08/2020, 08:49) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    I find it disgusting that after what CHINA has done to the entire world with Covid-19 this author and others around the world still criticize the USA. Trump is just tired of the USA being treated like a doormat by the rest of the world. We're tired of our money funding the bulk of the budgets for international entities (WHO, UN, etc) and then getting slapped in the face by these same entities. When there's an international disaster, who shows up to clean up the mess and foot the bill? It's not China, or Iran, or Russia - it's us! Trade deals now help create US jobs instead of sending them overseas. Obama gave IRAN, the #1 state sponsor of terror, BILLIONS of dollars. But that's ok to Mr. Igwe, I guess. The world order is only right when the US is screwing itself. Nothing but a bunch of jealous, insignificant, brats...
    • Rocketgirl (20/08/2020, 17:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Mr. Igwe you should quit spewing your propaganda hate and lies, shame on you. Trump is a great President and he stands for freedom and justice. He is systematically uncovering the corruption that's been going on for YEARS. Wake up BVI, sounds like your media is lying to you, just like the MSM right here in the US is constantly lying.
    • Mackie (03/11/2020, 07:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      And btw... who was the one creating mot of the mess around the globe??? Wasn't that the US?
      Starting wars on every corner and leaving the mess behind for others to clean up.
      One just sees what one wants to see...

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