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Lorna E. Tom praises decision to review VI Civil Servant salary

Virgin Islander and resident, Ms Lorna E. Tom has praised a recent move of the Government to review Civil servant minimum wage in the Virgin Islands (VI). Photo: Provided
Ms Tom acknowledged the importance of fair compensation for Civil Servants while adding that those in power have not only demonstrated a commitment to improving the welfare of Public Sector employees, but also set a commendable example for other employers. Photo: VINO/File
Ms Tom acknowledged the importance of fair compensation for Civil Servants while adding that those in power have not only demonstrated a commitment to improving the welfare of Public Sector employees, but also set a commendable example for other employers. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Virgin Islander and resident, Ms Lorna E. Tom has praised a recent move of the Government to review Civil Servant salaries in the Virgin Islands (VI).

Ms Tom in a December 15, 2023, message to the Government expressed her gratitude for the review, “This long-awaited and appreciated adjustment will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the lives of many hard-working individuals and their families,” she said.

She acknowledged the importance of fair compensation for Civil Servants while adding that those in power have not only demonstrated a commitment to improving the welfare of Public Sector employees, but also set a commendable example for other employers.

Move will promote equality – Ms Tom

“It is reassuring to see the government taking proactive steps to ensure that Civil Servants are fairly compensated for their dedication and service,” she said while adding that the proposed adjustment in minimum wage reflects an understanding of the rising cost of living and invaluable contributions to our society.

Meanwhile, Ms Tom said that an increase in minimum wage would not only promote equity and economic stability but also foster a work environment that values and respects the contribution of all employees.

“Once again, thank you for recognizing the significance of this matter and taking action to improve the livelihood of Civil Servants. Your leadership in this regard is truly commendable and will undoubtedly have a far-reaching positive impact,” Ms Tom said in her message.

29 Responses to “Lorna E. Tom praises decision to review VI Civil Servant salary”

  • smart (16/12/2023, 14:08) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Lorna great article!! I hope the government honestly pays.
  • Cross Matter (16/12/2023, 14:13) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
    It had been a long wait, but what about the arrears for the last twenty years? would government workers be compensated?
  • The Courageous One. (16/12/2023, 14:15) Like (28) Dislike (0) Reply
    Much respect. My girl our Govt playing games..You want to see a real and serious Govt working for its people..Google St. Kitts Christmas bonuses and wage increases that actually happened..No bla bla, no tricks
  • headache (16/12/2023, 14:32) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I hope small businesses see that we need serious help with minimum wage. Unjust to humanity.
  • Inquiring... (16/12/2023, 14:38) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is lorna running for political office?
  • Yes (16/12/2023, 15:15) Like (22) Dislike (2) Reply
  • School Chidlren (16/12/2023, 15:44) Like (22) Dislike (1) Reply
    What about those retired Civil Servants whose pensions is nothing to talk about with the high cost of food, electicity bills and many other expenses that they are encountering. Retirees pensions also need to be reviewed.
  • Yes this is for you.. (16/12/2023, 16:44) Like (16) Dislike (4) Reply
    She is rude because she is straightforward. You can not walk over her. Keep on the topic and make sure the $ 6.50 you working for can be increased.
  • John (16/12/2023, 18:11) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    Look how long election is from now you old goat
    • @John (16/12/2023, 20:25) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      is it really that long away? So you acting surprised.....ok then carry on
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (16/12/2023, 18:53) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    The word review means to take another look.
    Many thanks for the review. It is now pay time. Pay up, BVI Premier, $$$$$$, or shut up.
    Low paid Civil servants and low paid pensioners also have to deal with high cost of basic food items, not to exclude fuel cost, as high paid government leaders and high paid Civil servants do. A mere review without a reasonable salary raise for Civil servants and low paid pensioners will be seen as no confidence in our current Premier administration best interest in our wellbeing, but rather theirs, their friends, and special interest persons own, largely.
  • jack (16/12/2023, 18:56) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Awesome article: thanks Lorna
  • Tam (16/12/2023, 19:41) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    The RUDE A*S GIRL strikes again. Hope when she gets the cash she uses it to pay for a course in customer service. Because her attitude is not the best.
  • AH KNO U READ IT (16/12/2023, 20:35) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    My blogg ) and that's why you are afraid to post it / @ jack , which is one of the names
    U frequently use , and intentionally left out the ( asz) which fits your DNA perfectly
  • Thanks (16/12/2023, 20:53) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Thanks Lorna, I know you are doing Financially great but you seem to have a lot of interest in us out here ..........I am just wondering why?
  • hurting (16/12/2023, 21:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    In your article, you having some much touched on the issue of minimum wage for supermarket workers. Your strong focus on the government employees and the super worker is caught hell with little of nothing it hurts the struggle is reallly hard out here with this minimum wage. Who could we call on to help us?
  • The new corner lady (16/12/2023, 21:38) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    We going run her in the next election she has ideas
  • click (16/12/2023, 21:44) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    grateful for this topic you stated that this will also set a commendable example for other employers to increase their minimum wage you talking about supermarkets gas stations laundry mats etc. Some of them business don't agree with this part of your article it is very sensitive.
  • Anonymous (16/12/2023, 22:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Common sense had concluded that the government could not afford to “do nothing”, as civil servants are a big voting block
  • yeah (16/12/2023, 23:10) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is this Lorna now the authority/spokeswoman on social issues?
  • z6ne (17/12/2023, 05:07) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I love you Lorna..your so amazing!!
  • Really (17/12/2023, 08:22) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    These statements are quoted. I don't think Lorna Tom wrote this but we get the point.
  • Tam (17/12/2023, 08:45) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    You haters have something personal against this woman of purpose let me address her by Ms. Tom get your facts straight she is not front-line customer service. She has worth and value and also she has sight and a vision. Tam, you have sight and no vision you pathetic and sad soul. If look at her accomplishment in life you will learn from her. Where are you at in your life now? She is one of the strong women in our community and you cannot break her. And I leave it there. Love only
    • ??? (18/12/2023, 09:56) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      When your demeanor and reputation supersedes your character it's rather unfortunate.
  • Dancing with the Stars (17/12/2023, 13:24) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I really appreciate the article; Miss Lorna Tom, however, I want to urge Civil Servants to display commitment and efficiency to demonstrate to the world that they are capable of administering this country. For too often many persons are of the opinion that they are incapable of doing their jobs. That thought must not be entertained for one moment as it is presently. Many United Kingdom staff members are here and don't have a clue what it takes to lead a government department in the United Kingdom, and they are leading departments in the Virgin Islands. What a shame.

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