Leaving Black History Month & Marching to Freedom
Maintaining a Link with Black History Month:
As we leave this Black History Month I have tried to explain the realistic condition of things in the BVI with the hope that some would recognize Truth and realize the importance of change for the better… Any self-governing emancipated People should know there are no real winners when Politicians and Civil Servants become Oppressors and Tyrants just because they are in power.
It is imperative we acknowledge Man as a wonderful creature with the natural gift of instinct and aspiration of Society and, no matter your Race or Gender, there can be no freedom of body without freedom of mind… As a consequence, the more we accept an inability to evolve and change things the more likely will the Forces of Regression change us from Good to Bad.
We, like other communities, have paid Politicians and Governments with the responsibility for ensuring that the ways of the wicked do not extinguish Fairness and Justice for the Masses… In fact the Duty of Government is the Business of the People and for us to play blind, deaf and dumb to their Actions or Inactions is to abdicate our own responsibilities and simply waste our lives.
Politicians overruled by Civil Servants:
As descendants of Slaves who were forced to work without compensation or reward, one of the
greatest ways in which Governments can provide for our People is by ensuring there are no blocks or impediments preventing a freed People that Human Right to provide for themselves through the simple act honest labour… When Government fails in this they fail in all.
While many Problems may not be caused by the direct actions of the Politicians but by abusive Actions of Senior Civil Servants and Public Officials, Ministers remain the ones accountable for the performance of their Ministries and Staff who may actually see their own Bias and Victimization as their loyal support of the Politicians’ Tax and Spend mentality even as the People are hurting.
From listening to folks here at home we appear to be paying the price – There is a fear on the street that our Country is already so Bankrupt that Government will soon be shaking us down to pay for their excesses especially when so many of their envisage pet Projects require that we sell our Souls to the Devil in return for Financial Trickle Down by the perceived Rich and Powerful.
How can they help us when they can’t help themselves??
This has worsened since the UK has suffered a Financial Downgrading from ‘AAA’ and would have to be a little crazy to back our Financial Experiments on the backs of their own Tax Payers.
At the same time, locally, Persons on the street are already complaining that this Administration is the worst they have ever encountered where disrespect for the Public is blatantly pervasive…
This appears to already be accepted as fact by Government because if you call the Government’s Main Line and was put on Hold - instead of hearing about the virtues of the Civil Service - you may have heard a diatribe of how to file complaints against Civil Servants and Departments…
Again this should never happen since ‘Civil Servants and Elected Representatives’ mean there should never be the requirement for a separate Complaints Office unless these Servants and Representatives have decided not to do the People’s Work… Furthermore, to handicap that Office as they have done implies they are giving us with one hand while taking back with two.
This is compounded when these holders of substantive posts are viewed as bigger and more important than the Office, Politicians and Public so if they decide to go on vacation, get sick or simply Die then the Duties associated with that Office come to an abrupt stop as Country and People are placed in Limbo - Such is the ‘State of Registrars, Commissioners and Chairpersons.
Of course any thinking Person would recognize such Customs as outdated Colonial Policy and clearly, any Company or Body subjected to these conditions cannot survive – This not only explains the unchecked downhill slide of our Country but we should note how even with the abrupt resignation of the Pope, the Vatican continues to perform its mandates and functions.
Not Prophesy – Just Reality:
For decades I have cautioned about similar willful or unintended Acts and Consequences of our Leaders and for decades persons have ignored facts until they are fulfilled and then I am referred to as goat mouth or Prophet when it’s nothing more that Basic Commonsense… Fact is anyone can reason these things for themselves provided they have not chosen to become stuck on stupid.
We watch as our Roads and Infrastructure are in dire need of Repairs and our Social Services have fallen to the point where Ill-advised Public Health Projects and Services are delivering less but costing more… Poor Policy makers with White Elephant Hospitals and Non-funded National Health Insurance Schemes have even forced Citizens to pay for a simple Blood Pressure Check.
NB: We are all only here for a while and it is our Duty to leave our World better than we met it so although I’m battered and bruised I’ll never yield to Unfairness and Injustice… The year 2013 will be a rough for us Ordinary People but rougher for the Wicked and Corrupt, Rich and Powerful – Many will lose their positions from High Offices and Pedestals by Will, Force, Sickness or Death.
As Black History Month recedes to the past we must learn to look forward to the future… While there are those who believe their History has been prewritten and will therefore accept whatever comes, those of us who believe in the Freedom of Choice have a responsibility to ensure that we do not crash our ‘Ambitions of Tomorrow’ by refusing to cash our ‘Check of Reality’ Today.
PS:… I will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programme
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