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Late Kenroy Chinnery wanted access to medical marijuana for his seizures– Dr Wheatley

- Young man reportedly died after suffering a seizure & falling out of a boat
Kenroy Chinnery who died on January 15, 2024, after reportedly suffering from a seizure and falling off a boat, desperately wanted access to medicinal Marijuana to help with his seizures according to Virgin Islands Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7). Photo: Facebook/File
In January 2023, Premier Wheatley announced in an update that the United Kingdom (UK) and the Government of the Virgin Islands have found a way forward as it relates to the legalization of medicinal cannabis in the territory, however, one year later the bill is still in a stalemate. Photo: GIS/File
In January 2023, Premier Wheatley announced in an update that the United Kingdom (UK) and the Government of the Virgin Islands have found a way forward as it relates to the legalization of medicinal cannabis in the territory, however, one year later the bill is still in a stalemate. Photo: GIS/File
GREAT HARBOUR, Jost van Dyke, VI- Kenroy Chinnery, who died on January 15, 2024, after reportedly suffering from a seizure and falling out of a boat in Jost van Dyke, desperately wanted access to medicinal Marijuana to help with his seizures. This is according to Virgin Islands Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7).

The Premier was at the time speaking at the opening of the new Jost van Dyke (JvD) Primary School on January 18, 2024, when he called for a moment of silence in remembrance of Chinnery.

“We certainly had a rough start to this year with some of the individuals we've lost and that one really hit me hard because I had numerous conversations with that young man, even about his seizures, because he was asking me when would we get the marijuana bill legalised because it helps him with seizures,” the Premier said. 

Dr Wheatley said "it's very tragic" that the Virgin Islands can't legally access "the medical benefits of that plant for things like preventing seizures, which it's very effective in doing.” 

The Premier said when he heard the young man had a seizure on the boat and died, his heart dropped.

The VI 'Medicinal Cannabis Licensing Act, 2020' was passed with amendments some four years ago on June 30, 2020, in the Virgin Islands House of Assembly (HoA); however, the bill is yet to become law until it is assented to by the United Kingdom-appointed Governor.

Bill in stalemate

In January 2023, Premier Wheatley announced in an update that the United Kingdom (UK) and the Government of the Virgin Islands had found a way forward as it related to the legalisation of medicinal cannabis in the territory; however, one year later the bill is still in a stalemate.

Dr Wheatley added that the UK Home Office was already supportive of the move and is interested in ensuring that the VI has the expertise and regime in place for the rollout of medicinal marijuana in a responsible manner. 

“And that's something that we're committed to as well because, of course, we know that any substance can be abused and it's important that you have structures and regimes in place,” had said in a January 23, 2023, press conference. 

After falling into the water, Chinnery was reportedly pulled out in an unconscious state and later pronounced dead.

47 Responses to “Late Kenroy Chinnery wanted access to medical marijuana for his seizures– Dr Wheatley”

  • Sure Premier (22/01/2024, 12:46) Like (62) Dislike (33) Reply
    What else are you going to leverage for your personal agenda?
    • HMMM (22/01/2024, 13:19) Like (23) Dislike (18) Reply
      The UK blocked the BVI from legalizing medicinal Marijuana but the COI did not highlight their highhandness with that move while the UK has legalized medicinal Marijuana and it has become one of their modern pillars of revenue. Talk about hypocrisy.
    • @Sure Premier (22/01/2024, 14:45) Like (9) Dislike (5) Reply
      Look if the guy was as passionate about it to speak to a politician... I am positive he would be happy if his life contributed to legalizing the herb he spoke of. With the proper treatment he might be here now and i believe that is why it hit so hard on the premier. What if... RIP. Yes politics back and forth causes people to suffer and die.

      This is serious when it is legalized there is a choice & assurance of quality. Some strains help seizures more than others and right now smokers dont even know what strain they are getting. In recent years people are lucky if its not laced and quality is not assured with mold & unknown pesticides unless they take a risk of imprisonment and grow it illegally to properly treat their condition whether it be depression or a history of seizure.

      Disregarding the memory of the departed person's plea & possible preventable death as an attack on the premier is distasteful.
    • @ sure Premier (22/01/2024, 14:48) Like (4) Dislike (9) Reply
      Just stop crazy Cindy you so jealous of our young premier
    • Sick (22/01/2024, 21:53) Like (15) Dislike (8) Reply
      Premier Wheatley is exploiting the death of this young man for political reasons. How low can you stoop. Disgraceful.
  • From in pariquita bay college (22/01/2024, 12:49) Like (29) Dislike (15) Reply
    He is always pushing this ganja talk
    • Really (22/01/2024, 13:21) Like (38) Dislike (13) Reply
      Medicinical Marijuana has great medical benefits as well as financial for the country. The UK knows the financial benefits because they are making billions from it yearly. This is why they are blocking it from becoming legal in BVI as it will cut their share short. It is all about the money and not the people for the UK. However they always trying to fool black people that they care for them and some of you take the bait.
  • WOW (22/01/2024, 12:53) Like (48) Dislike (116) Reply
  • NB (22/01/2024, 13:05) Like (31) Dislike (56) Reply
    How low are you willing to go Mr. Premier Saar? You should be on a beach in Maui doing limbo. Just when I thought you couldn't surprise me anymore, here you come!!
  • vex (22/01/2024, 13:11) Like (15) Dislike (24) Reply
    See another reason why we need our independence the bill has not been signed by the unelected governor
    • smh (23/01/2024, 14:03) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      @vex what do we have to make us sufficiently independent? Until the People work in unity and fairness, we will forever cry for what we aren't prepared to do.
  • Struggling Man (22/01/2024, 13:19) Like (30) Dislike (23) Reply
    Mr Premier, for an education man you come out with a lot of stupidness. You are so keen on getting marijuana legalised here in our Islands it’s baffles me. Last year you went to the USA (on the tax payer’s dollar) to be a guest speaker at a medical marijuana conference.
    Just get the country’s infrastructure sorted out and stop trying to pull the wool over the people’s eyes.
  • bad people (22/01/2024, 13:26) Like (13) Dislike (15) Reply
    The Governor and UK want all of their unrealistic and preauthored COI recommendations implemented with unattainable & unreasonable deadlines but the UK refuse to assent to the medicinal Marijuana bill the BVI HOA passed using bogus claims why they are not passing it through the Governor. They spend more time trying to see how to justify blocking the BVI progress at every front rather than truly and genuinely helping the BVI.
  • It actually works (22/01/2024, 14:04) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yes Mr Wheatley be on some diff vibes but honestly the Med oil/marijuana works it’s scientifically proven…. And a lot of ppl who here use it need to come forward n tell ppl the benefits of it’s use I’ve known of ppl who been having seizures down to kids who suffered from it really bad n the medical herb it what they had to turn to now I’ve know this young kid now ain’t had frequent seizures like they use to it was bad that you seeing your child once a week at least having a seizure isn’t good… so sometimes let’s dig into the facts than just airing our thoughts….. the government definitely can do better but this a serious topic here where ppl lives can be save by the use of medical herb
    • Struggling Man (22/01/2024, 16:14) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
      Your points are well received but my worry is that it will be abused. What percentage of the 100 farmers (former Premier Fahie advocated) will adhere to the rules and regulations of leaving the product within the confines of the designated area ???
      What amount will be sold as weed on the street by the boys on their scooters.
      School children say the same high up person or persons pushing this initiative like to smoke the herb themselves.
  • What a set (22/01/2024, 14:26) Like (9) Dislike (7) Reply
    The UK officials are a boss at divide and conqueror. While they blocking the BVI from making medicinal Marijuana legal, they are in the UK making millions a year from it. These colonial people are always promoting ignorance and division and some of you swallow the Kool aid.
  • herbs power (22/01/2024, 14:36) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ganja is and was always medical. Y'all need to stop following the colonial system and think for y'all selves. Set of sorry people parading to have education.
  • HE LIE (22/01/2024, 14:39) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
  • jack@$$ (22/01/2024, 14:54) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Mr Wheatley these ideas are far too progressive for us. Facts be damned.
  • @@ (22/01/2024, 15:00) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Man you all need to chill. I think every stoner who died from a issue that could be treated with the right strain of cannabis would be upset if their issue was not heard even when they died. Imagine suffering or in his case dying because people want to hold your medicine in limbo due to politics.

    Its called honoring his will after death. If the premier stay silent due to politics and distance himself, that would be the sick move.

    If he as premier says his heart sank when he heard the man died of a seizure after speaking of needing cannabis for his seizures in the past, I believe the right thing to do is expediate or even rename the law in his honor. Its been four years. People are suffering & strupes dying.
  • lodger (22/01/2024, 15:08) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    Where is the evidence that the UK are making millions from it. Are you more jealous of the money than the medicinal properties?
  • @ WOW (22/01/2024, 15:22) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply

  • JVD (22/01/2024, 15:49) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    Plenty of Marihuana to get on JVD - stop playing games Wheatley..
  • hmm (22/01/2024, 15:49) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    If it is anywhere Marijuana is freely available it is JVD.. Scatter
  • Shame On You (22/01/2024, 16:08) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    That is all the Premier and say by using his death convientjy to enhance his personal ideologies.

    What a leader
  • hello (22/01/2024, 16:22) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    Let's make 1 thing clear. CBD is not illegal in the bvi. The medicinal aspect of the plant comes from the CBD which is none psychoactive. THC is what makes the plant he could have ordered his CBD and brought in his medication legally if he had the knowledge to do so.
  • Pure BULL (22/01/2024, 16:34) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    He use to smoke and ain't stop nothing
  • Really (22/01/2024, 16:45) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    The medical marijuana is pure pesticides, and pure chemical nothing natural so I am sure bet that killed him
  • Haha.... (22/01/2024, 16:49) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    All you need to do is hang out at a certain famous bar and restaurant in the evenings on JVD and there is enough second hand smoke to cure any ailments...:)
  • Real Talk (22/01/2024, 17:41) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Always talking piss go and fix the damb roads our water problem sewage in the 7 and 8 district infustructure crumbling nepotismn in goverment personn struggling to survive
  • True democracy (22/01/2024, 19:48) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    If this was truly a democracy we would not be begging the UK to assent to our legislation stop indoctrinating the people with rubbish we are a former slave plantation colony who don't know that we don't know.
  • Loosemouth (22/01/2024, 20:40) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    Ok marijuana is commonly used and, is available all over the BVI. I am sure the young man had access to it's use. Have some respect for his family and stop turning his untimely death a political gimmick
  • could be (23/01/2024, 00:58) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The affinity for mind altering potions .....hmmmm... a contributing factor ..I wonder!
  • Honest Truth (23/01/2024, 10:49) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    It isn't the politicians that need lobbying on medical marijuana. It is the local drug dealers who stand to lose revenue when their customers could purchase legally from a store. They are all fully against any form of legitimization, obviously.
  • Quiet Rebel (23/01/2024, 13:32) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Let’s keep it real. Medical marijuana is not psychoactive marijuana strain that people used to get high. Its (medical cannabis) Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content, ie, the strain that people gets high on, is about 3%. Truth is there are approximately 400 hundred strains of cannabis. But the psychoactive strain gets the most attention. There is a misconception in the BVI community that the medical marijuana is going people license to smoke, smoke, smoke,etc. No.
    • GateKeeper (23/01/2024, 15:08) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
      To Quiet Rebel, you are keeping it real. In the BVI, a bill passed by the duly elected HoA cannot become law without the assent of the UK -appointed Governor. Similarly, in the UK, a bill passed by Parliament cannot become law without assent by the Crown. Nevertheless, the last time the Crown didn’t assent to a bill passed by Parliament was in 1707 under Queen Anne—the Scottish Militia Bill. Nonetheless, in the BVI, the UK-appointed Governor is a whale in a small pond with unilateral power. Consequently,,it appears that Governor(s) don’t give assent to bills for personal reason or beliefs, neglecting and not giving a rat’s @$$ what the HoA which was duly elected by a majority of the people say. Is this democratic? Or might is right; colonialism is right?

      Incidentally, the UK is one of the greatest cultivator of medical marijuana but it is primarily for export. Is this a case that it is not good for Britons but it is good for others outside of the UK? Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy!! Further medical marijuana was approved in 2018 in the UK, but only for specific medical conditions.
      • Bush Professor (24/01/2024, 10:25) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
        Some people make things/work
        happen, others watch things happen, and others again wonder the hell happen. Virgin Islanders fall into the last two categories. In the 19th Century, the planter class bolted from the territory, leaving it as a bird sanctuary, an impoverished and poorly educated territory. It was tagged as the poor house of the West Indies. It was neglected and forgotten with the level of services provided by the UK being almost at a vanishing point. Consequently, the level of education was below that of other regional Anglophone colonies. As such, the Leeward Islands Federations sent civil servants to work in the BVI, ie, teachers, police, public works, etc. And the civil servants were not shy about reminding Virgin Islanders as to why they were sent to the BVI, ie, they could not perform routine tasks effectively .That behavior and attitude took on a life of its own, for some Virgin Islanders believe that if you come from above Round Rock you were bright and all knowing and your opinion carry more weight than the opinion of locals. Thus, the saying, “ You think I come from above Round Rock.”

        The bottom line is that despite the put down Virgin Islanders persevered and moved the BVI from a little forgotten and neglected sleepy hollow, poor house of the West Indies to today having one of highest standard of living, quality of life and per capita income in the region. All roads now lead to the VI. Nevertheless, Virgin Islanders have forgotten their history and letting their guards down, focusing on the BIGS, while their hold on their country slip away.. The VI socioeconomic success have peaked the UK’s interest, demonstrating a renewed interest, putting their citizens in key positions in the territory. Further, while Virgin Islanders slumber others are establishing a foothold. And Virgin Islanders blind, deaf, dumb, with no feel to what is going on. They are close to wondering what the hell happened. The above Round Rock mentality is back and stronger than ever. And when Virgin Islanders awake from their slumber, lethargic, nonchalant, etc attitude, they will be a minority in their own country not just in population but also in other areas that matter.
        • Eagle and Buffalo (24/01/2024, 15:28) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
          To Bush Professor, many important things that we should have learned at home and at school we are now learning on social media and eNews sites.. The above Round Rock mentality thing is one such things. Here I’m thinking the phrase, “You think I come from above Round Rock” was some inane expression, but it is not. Psychologically, it is has had a deep effect on done Virgin islanders. Some are carrying the burden of their being less than and not measuring up to the people coming from above Round Rock. It is interesting that a simple comment about medical marijuana resulted in this big reveal in so many ways.

          [lets lead like like eagles, not careen off the cliff as buffaloes]
        • Political Observer(PO) (25/01/2024, 09:20) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
          To Bush Professor, you along with Quiet Rebel, GateKeeper, Disinterested and others have conducted a deep, pertinent, qualitative and substantive discussion on VI life, living, etc. Virgin Islanders need to look in the mirror. They have singularly focus on individual progress, not group focus. This non-group approach have open the door, letting others set the agenda. In other commentaries, I have observed some bloggers lamenting on the vicious circle of divide and rule, divide and scatter. The foregoing has a high lasting cost, ie, the action makes Virgin Islanders a) weaker, b) more exploitable, and c) more vulnerable. It is about unity, group effort….. Let’s keep the qualitative discussion going but more than talk is needed; we need substantive action, pushing back against the drive by the UK to thrust the BVI back into a servile role.
      • Quiet Storm (24/01/2024, 10:30) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
        To GateKeeper, thanks for exposing the UK’s hypocrisy.
      • Manjack (25/01/2024, 19:11) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        This discussion on a) medical marijuana, b) UK hypocrisy on medical marijuana,,c) the double standard between the UK and VI on assent power, d) Round Rock mentality, e) local disunity and lack of group effort, e) UK sudden and close up interest in the BVI, f) local focus on economic but less on social, political, etc., is reading right. But without proactive active, as they say out on the plain, it is all Hat but no cattle, ie, all talk but no action. Local focus on economic and total, nonchalant, lethargic, etc neglect of social, political, cultural, etc issues will put indigenous Virgin Islanders in a unique, to late will be the cry situation where they will be a minority and powerless in their homeland. Unequivocally, unless things change and urgently, this is a certainty and a reality.
  • Disinterested (23/01/2024, 19:43) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    To GateKeeeper, if the receipts are accurate, it has been 316 years since the Crown has not given assent to a bill passed by Parliament. It seems assent in the UK is a) a rubber stamp, and b) a ceremonial function. However, in the BVI it is a control mechanism. This is no surprise, for addition to colonialism being an exploited, extractive , etc, institution, it is about being exclusive and heavy on control. Further, the UK-appointed governor(s) in the BVI is not give assent to a medical marijuana bill passed by the HoA. However, again, if the receipts are correct the UK approved medical marijuana in 2018, albeit for specific medical conditions. It seems like a double standard, ie, one standard for the UK but another for the BVI and other OTs.
  • Hmmmmm (23/01/2024, 20:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Who could stop someone who wants to use marijuana from using it. If it’s not legal they hide and do it.
  • Weed ignorance (23/01/2024, 21:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Both cbd & thc are medical!

    They treat different ailments. And there may be weed on JVD or the deceased may have been smoker BUT was he smoking the right strain for his ailment? Probably not because he’d have to order the specific seeds and have it grown for his illness.

    You can’t pick up Girl Scout cookies or runtz which is good for depression and think it will be as effective as Charlottes web Hemp at treating seizures.

    Both thc & cbd have their place in medicine let the people pick their own strains & grow their own!
    • @Weed ignorance (24/01/2024, 12:35) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Marijuana plants today can no longer be identified as to whether they are sativa or indica dominant because of the non-regulated breeding and crossbreeding practices across the US. When marijuana is smoked it has both THC and CBD working together which is why some people report benefits when smoking it. Unfortunately, drug addicts primarily fund the trade seeking a high, so plants are now bred to have abnormally high THC content. Cannabis that once had 6% THC are now upwards of a whopping 50%THC and when you raise THC content you lower CBD content. Excessively high THC can result in major anxiety, paranoia, depression, lowered oxygen flow to the brain and last but not least a state of psychosis. Only somebody high on a substance feels like everything works better and faster when all their senses have actually been reduced to function at less efficiency. It is because of all those risks that CBD must now be extracted and separated from THC to safely treat people who claim they need the medicinal benefits or else while we fix the seizures we will be driving them crazy at the same time. Now lets also not pretend that all the people crying out about medicinal benefits all have no issues getting access to the cannabis they need.
  • vex (24/01/2024, 18:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Who do you know doesn't have access to marijuana in the BVI? You smell the thing everywhere and you can hardly find male construction workers who can't wait to take a break to hide and smoke.
  • HMMM (25/01/2024, 15:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    But he had it. Watched him smoke it every day. If it is a matter of legality then that is another matter. Honestly don't an issue with the Bush.

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