L. Allen Wheatley fires back @ Hon Marlon A. Penn; No hot air!
It was yesterday, Thursday, February 23, 2023, on ‘Tola Radio’ FM 100.5 with Floyd Burnett aka ‘Heritage’ that Honourable Penn made some allegations against Mr Wheatley.
Mr Penn, who is the Minister for Health and Social Development, claimed that Mr Wheatley is directing public officers to do work in the Eighth District and also alleged it is with the support of the Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) and Deputy Premier and Minister for Communications and Works Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5).
Who is blowing hot air?
Hon Penn also said there are “people blowing hot air at 4:00 AM” but he has done a lot for his district. This was a reference to Mr Wheatley, who is often early in the morning on his WhatsApp platform ‘Eyes of the people’ giving ideas on how the Eighth District and the country can move forward.
There are also reports that Hon Penn went to Governor John J. Rankin, CMG to complain about Mr Wheatley, but when a caller asked the question Mr Penn denied that was the case.
For his part, Mr Wheatley fired back in a voice note posted on his WhatsApp platform and spoke to the many contributions he has made to the Territory. He noted that, while at the Social Security Board, his work was praised regionally and internationally. He said when his opponent says he is ‘blowing hot air’, Mr Penn's Information Technology (IT) system has never been ranked anyplace in the world.
Hon Penn's background is in IT.
The VIP candidate, Mr Wheatley, also noted his work as the Financial Secretary, including when he was able to get through the then Scotia Bank for Double-A Ratings for the Virgin Islands and restructuring of the loan portfolio.
I have a proven track record- Wheatley
Mr Wheatley noted that when he speaks he does it from proven “work experience”, and he has a “proved track record of IT management, financial and investment management” and when he does speak he is “trying to help and not bring down”.
The VIP candidate for the Eighth District, in concluding, asked Hon Penn if he is willing to sacrifice himself for his district and the territory.
"Are you prepared to put the country first at all costs?" Mr Wheatley asked his NDP opponent.
59 Responses to “L. Allen Wheatley fires back @ Hon Marlon A. Penn; No hot air!”
Give back the bush cutting to cornel. He had that beef island stretch looking like the yard of a mansion . Them boys who out there now getting the work done but cornel had it looking much better. ????
"There are also reports that Hon Penn went to Governor John J. Rankin, CMG, to complain about Mr. Wheatley, but when a caller asked the question, Mr. Penn denied that was the case." Which Wheatley is Marlon supposedly complaining to the Governor about, Hon Premier Natalio Wheatley or Allen Wheatley? Regardless of whom and if valid, it is disappointing Sambo's behaviour that is relished and celebrated by the colonial masters. What needed work, if any, is Allen getting done? Is this work that HON PENN, as an elected district rep, should have gotten done but did not? Are signs of desperation setting? The campaign should be based on persuasion of issues brought forward, not gutter politics or personal character assassination. Moreover, people must understand that colonial master are not into you, regardless of how much you kiss their @$$*$. Their role is to keep you in your places, i.e., inferior, servile role, etc.
Goodbye Marlon, I won't miss you.
What have some of you done to help Marlon in his district. Government cannot do everything. most of you complain about things after the fact. What have you contributed too.
Tell me what Allen has over Marlon? Marlon had this same passion and drive you guys claim Allen has when he first came out.....what happens after?
I am sorry, Allen cannot go represent me 8th district resident in the HOA. He has no manners nor respect either.
My concern (if what I am hearing is true) is why is the Government giving or authorize Allen to have PWD do work on his Allen behalf for the 8th District. If Allen wants to do something for the 8th District he should be doing it out of his pocket or from raising funds. He should not have anything to do with Government funds or instructing any Government department as long as he is not the representative. And if this is happening this tells me two things:
1) We have not learned anything from the COI and nothing has changed and we are still going about business as usually.
2) Allen has shown his true self and is just like who he aligns himself with.
We are crying for change but it appears we are not serious about wanting change.
Again if this is true lets just give England full control because we are stiffed neck people and are not going to change our behavior nor do we as a people want anything to change.
According to the show, Marlon’s message was directed at the Premier and Deputy. We are missing the point. We want change, and that is not change if the representative cannot get the Government to do things in his district but someone running with the Government can.
Do we really want change or is it just hot air and things are not wrong if we like the person. BVI politics has been a popularity contest for far tooooo long. That’s why we are in the mess we in. Or you do not see that we are in a mess.
We wants to represent us. Marlon your time it’s over.