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Kevon S. Lettsome still eyeing D7 candidacy

- Mr Lettsome is reportedly teaming up with Dr Kedrick D. Pickering for 2023 election
Former banker Mr Kevon S. Lettsome is reportedly still eyeing a run in the 2023 general election in the Seventh District. Photo: Internet Source
While Director of the Water and Sewerage Department Perline R. Scatliffee-Leonard, left, is yet to confirm whether she will be contesting the 2023 elections in the Seventh District, incumbent Representative Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), right, has announced he will be contesting for his seat in D7 and also seeking again to be the Chairman of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP). Photo: VINO/File
While Director of the Water and Sewerage Department Perline R. Scatliffee-Leonard, left, is yet to confirm whether she will be contesting the 2023 elections in the Seventh District, incumbent Representative Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), right, has announced he will be contesting for his seat in D7 and also seeking again to be the Chairman of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP). Photo: VINO/File
The former Representative of the Seventh District, Dr Kedrick D. Pickering, has said he will be running At-Large at the 2023 general election. Photo: VINO/File
The former Representative of the Seventh District, Dr Kedrick D. Pickering, has said he will be running At-Large at the 2023 general election. Photo: VINO/File
LONG LOOK, Tortola, VI- Word reaching our news centre is that former banker Mr Kevon S. Lettsome is still eyeing a run in the 2023 general election in the Seventh District.

It was on April 25, 2022, that Mr Lettsome announced his candidacy via a Facebook post saying, “I’ve spent the past years listening to my community crave for true and effective representation. I’ve contemplated the decision for some time but after careful consideration of the options laid before my community — I must come forward,” he said.

At that time, according to sources, Mr Lettsome was affiliated with the National Democratic Party (NDP). As of today, September 28, 2022, a leader or Chairman is yet to be selected for the NDP.

Lettsome & Pickering teaming up?

However, information reaching our news centre is that with former representative Dr Kedrick D. Pickering out of the D7 race and running At-Large, Mr Lettsome may be reconsidering his run with the NDP.

A source familiar with the matter told our news centre that Mr Lettsome will be teaming up with Dr Pickering as his candidate in D7.

Dr Pickeing said at his launch as an At-Large candidate that the next time he is out he will be with a group and he is looking for at least seven. He also noted, "And ultimately, I will support somebody in this district who is fresh, full of energy and can take on the issues in this district”.

When reached by our news centre, Mr Lettsome said he had no comments. Dr Pickering could not be reached up to publication time.

The Seventh District is expected to be a three-person race. Incumbent Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) announced he will be contesting for his seat in D7 and also seeking again to be the Chairman of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP).

Who is in? Who is out?

There are unconfirmed reports that the Director of the Water and Sewerage Department, Perline R. Scatliffee-Leonard, is being urged to run since many are saying it’s time for a woman candidate. It remains unclear if she will be a candidate.

There are at least three political parties confirmed for the 2023 general elections; VIP, NDP and Progressives United (PU) headed by Hon Julian Fraser (R3).

There are still mixed reports as to whether the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) headed by Ronnie W. Skelton will contest.

24 Responses to “Kevon S. Lettsome still eyeing D7 candidacy ”

  • asura (28/09/2022, 10:43) Like (19) Dislike (11) Reply
    I with Perline
  • Noo (28/09/2022, 10:43) Like (25) Dislike (4) Reply
    Not my X.. now is not the time. You will just be a back bencher. You are not ready.
  • oh ho (28/09/2022, 11:04) Like (27) Dislike (2) Reply
    That bowtie confirmed what I suspected all along
  • Woman Lib (28/09/2022, 11:04) Like (24) Dislike (1) Reply
    Boy go siddung!
  • pat (28/09/2022, 11:17) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    It’s going to be an up hill battle
  • THE MEN TOO THIEF (28/09/2022, 11:39) Like (18) Dislike (10) Reply
  • Dr. P is still best for #7. (28/09/2022, 12:23) Like (31) Dislike (4) Reply
    That lady can't even figure out how to get us to pay our water bill online, have us in these long lines. No way, Nice lady.. we can't compensate failures.. That Guy, greed written all over him..I still think Dr. P is making a big mistake running at large #7 was his easy win, put the Lettsome guy to run at large..
    • Hold Tight (28/09/2022, 17:54) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      One thing we know she got thing to talk and she don’t like failure so hold on.
  • Chester (28/09/2022, 12:28) Like (20) Dislike (6) Reply
    How come all the folks w the bow ties sweeter than sugar?
  • ppl (28/09/2022, 13:29) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    WSD (P) - not a good track record of managing a critical infrastructural department. GRADE: F

    Dr. (P) - nah clouds around this career politician. Brandy wine Bay and other questionable decisions.

    Bow tie (L) - covertly with his long time groomers and highly likely aligned with CSC and team.

    What is missing is fresh, new candidates. Not the same politically affiliated folks! Where are the proper 35-50 year old professionals in the districts that see the dialing sod present and past wannabes?
    • Lb (28/09/2022, 20:08) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      No matter who presents themselves, we will have a problem with them. They are some person family or they are with that party or part of that organization or did this in their past or cheat on their spouse or they aren't ready.
      It will always be something.
  • bowtie (28/09/2022, 14:12) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    not the bowtieeeeeeeeeeee
  • from here (28/09/2022, 15:21) Like (20) Dislike (0) Reply
    This young man don't even want to touch the ground when he walk...Don't count with my vote
    too much arrogance.
  • Longlook (28/09/2022, 15:41) Like (2) Dislike (7) Reply
    Shaq and Dr this is next level for D7. Don't under estimate him. Who know know.
    • Virgin Gordian (29/09/2022, 08:56) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
      CORRECT! Just as the political setup of Hon Vincent and Shereen has been the greatest blessings to the district in over 60 years, this set up for the 7 can be revolutionary for y’all district! Stop with all the Political past tense - look beyond that! This is an opportunity for the people of the 7th District.
  • rubber duck (28/09/2022, 16:16) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    He need to wait his turn
  • not she (28/09/2022, 19:24) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    The water bills are out of control and all we asking her to do is recalibrate the new meters so people can get the correct bills and ms kmow all not listening to nobody.
  • musa (28/09/2022, 23:16) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    We will have a new government & my pick is Mr skelton will be our premier
    • @musa (01/10/2022, 15:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I like the way you're thinking. If we had done that last time, we would not be in the proper fix we are in now.
  • Nobowtie (29/09/2022, 07:49) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply

    Always thought this dude running was some kind of joke. All he know is trouble w**** lol BVI has been warned.

  • (01/10/2022, 07:35) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    BOY GO SIT DOWN! Yuh heart dirty dirty! Only those that don’t know you can be fooled easily

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