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Kesron Agard charged with a child sexual offence - RVIPF

- granted station bail; court appearance date unknown
February 24th, 2015 | Tags: Kesron Agard sexual offence court station bail RVIPF
Police have nabbed yet another man accused of having sex with a girl under the age of 16 years as the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) and Social Development and other local bodies seek to curb the rising cases in the Virgin Islands. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Police have nabbed yet another man accused of having sex with a girl under the age of 16 years as the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) and Social Development and other local bodies seek to curb the rising cases in the Virgin Islands.

In an arrest blotter sent to media houses today February 24, 2015 the Police Relations Department has released the name of ‎ Kesron Agard, 19 years old as being accused of child sex crime.

The blotter states that on February 18, 2015 the young man was arrested, charged and subsequently released on station bail.

"On [February 18, 2015] at 1800hrs, Police arrested and charged Kesron Agard, 19, of Brandy Wine Bay for Sexual Intercourse with a girl under 16. He was granted police bail," stated the release. No further details have been made available.

It is unclear when Agard will be making an appearance before the court to answer the charge against him.

21 Responses to “Kesron Agard charged with a child sexual offence - RVIPF”

  • SB (24/02/2015, 15:27) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Keep it coming cause this is one of the only time I congratulate "JAKES."
    • @ SB (24/02/2015, 23:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Are you kidding me?
      • SB (26/02/2015, 09:11) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        You alittle bit slow so let me dumb it down ... I ONLY LIKE POLICE WHEN THEY ARREST PEDOPHILES AND RAPIST.
        • question (28/02/2015, 09:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          the news did not say he raped the young girl,it said he had sexual intercourse with her so that means she wanted it just as he did.these young ppl.
  • Hello?? (24/02/2015, 16:25) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    This is a direct and urgent appeal to our leaders; PLEASE fast track the strengthening laws on the books when it comes to sex crimes on our little ones. Right now this ish like it's legal.
  • i from here (24/02/2015, 16:49) Like (24) Dislike (7) Reply
    The girl got arrested too ? He didn't have sex with himself!
    • @i from here (25/02/2015, 09:14) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
      When all ya'll who like the comment were under 16 did you have to capacity you do now looking back? Your very influential at that age. But then again maybe ya'll have not matured since that age cause you actually clicked Like!
      • Curious (28/02/2015, 09:09) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
        @ i from here i wish i can click on like again ur so rite,these lil girls aint easy they think they r more woman than their mothers,SMH.
  • joe (24/02/2015, 16:56) Like (8) Dislike (8) Reply

    what is the obsession with these little girls, jail his a..

  • bam (24/02/2015, 17:03) Like (22) Dislike (12) Reply
    What is the problem with these girls? Many times this happens when the father is missing from the family. They (girls) are looking the wrong places for male love/affection because it is missing from the home. At other times it is what they see their mommas practicing. The fruit does not fall 2 far from the tree. Then again, it is a combination of both - missing fathers & ____ mothers.
  • tell me (24/02/2015, 18:35) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    I hope that little girl told that young man that she was only 14 because this girls like to lie about their age so that they can get a man lol
  • age.. (24/02/2015, 20:32) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
    I think the age limit need to go up to 18...for me 16 is still a baby...16 your parents is still lookin after you....A girl at 16 can have sex, but have to wait until 18 to get a driver's license...smh...
  • ????? (24/02/2015, 22:16) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    How come them aint lock up the JVD police yet????
  • the builder (25/02/2015, 07:47) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    It`s really sad because both of them are teenagers. But the message is clear--Sexing a girl under 16 is Jail---take heed---be warned
  • tretretrete (25/02/2015, 09:53) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is truly sad because to be honest some of these young girls are more aggressive than these young guys.
    These girl looking boyfriend and not looking at these boyfriend within there age group cause they don't have money like the older ones do etc. that is what is sad. these young girl have their hair and nails done weekly and i who working can't even afford to do my hair that often. but all in all these guy should learn to walk away, that is why i tell my son make sure the girls he date are older than him or stay away altogether to avoid the jail, Like i said we have to keep praying for our you sons and brothers because they to are victims in these crimes.
  • Is hard (25/02/2015, 11:19) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    these girls be 14-15! Looking all 18+ years old i my self was caught up with something similar in my teenage years its not nice... Young man keep y'all head on when u in jail the same girl who sent u there doing the same thing what sent u there for still while u up there lock down not getting... Its not worth it
  • Been There Chasing (25/02/2015, 23:26) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    I am definitely not condoning sex with minors but I do know these girls are far from innocent on many occasions and when it comes to young men closer in age I wonder about the level of culpability can be placed upon them. This is especially true when you have young men of 18-19-20 still attending the same school as girls under 16. I can't help but worry that if this is a case of a 19 yr old with a 15 year old that was more than willing and possibly the vixen that we do not ruin this young man's life. It is not likely that this is a case off a grown man such as Penn with a child. I also am of the opinion that if this is a case of angry parents discovering their not so little girl is in a relationship with an older boy and calling the police that they consider how their daughter dresses and behaves with their permission. Again, I am not condoning. I just think there should be some consideration given to the age spread between the two young people involved, whether they roam in the same circles, and the responsibility of both in the act. I for one had only turned 16 when I met my 21 year old boyfriend and future husband. I knew many girls in highschool that flirted with older boys and more. Those boys didn't stand much of a chance. I'd hate to think that some of those young boys who are now doctor's, lawyers, pilots etc could have had criminal records and no careers because we girls chased them relentlessly. Just saying, our age differences weren't that huge and if the law was enforced well....maybe sometimes a reprimand, community service and no record is the better route; with a promise to stay away until she is of age.
  • time will tell (26/02/2015, 05:03) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    While not condoning these actions, it is a reality that girls lie about their age. Fortunate for this young man he is under the age of 21 and if she did lie he has a defence in the law. He might very well walk away with paying a fine and ordered to keep away from the victim. I trust he will ask to see an ID before he takes off his clothes next time.
  • Why??? (26/02/2015, 12:04) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why does the media and some members of our community insist on trying to destroy people's characters??? This is a case of a 19 year old young man ACCUSED of having sexual intercourse with a TEENAGE girl. Yes, by law this is illegal if the girl in under 16, but why used the caption "Child Sexual Offense", to degrade this young man?? This encourages totally un-called for comments like the one made by "SB" below, Re: "Pedophiles and Rapist".

    Teenagers are having sex everyday - This is most likely a case of a parent finding out that their daughter is sexually active and thus the birth of this charge. At this point, we the public, do not even know if this allegation is true, yet we are quick to judge.

    I do hope that this young man and other young men will learn from this and start asking to see valid passports, before even engaging in a conversation with any girl.
  • Hmm (27/02/2015, 16:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    so many more , if only people would speak up more!!!!
  • H2O (05/03/2015, 16:42) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

    Most cops on the force are pedo n child molesters yet they cnt look into that because they are the law! 

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