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JVD & Anegada: We still want our own District & District Rep!

- Residents say it would help with the improvements of the islands
Residents of Jost Van Dyke say with their own District Representative, the needs of the islands can be attended at a faster pace. Photo:
Jerry Vanterpool of Anegada says it is unfair for the island not to have a DR when it was someone from the island who introduced the whole form of Government to the VI. Photo:
Jerry Vanterpool of Anegada says it is unfair for the island not to have a DR when it was someone from the island who introduced the whole form of Government to the VI. Photo:
Jerry Vanterpool of Anegada says it is unfair for the island not to have a DR when it was someone from the island who introduced the whole form of Government to the VI. Photo:
Jerry Vanterpool of Anegada says it is unfair for the island not to have a DR when it was someone from the island who introduced the whole form of Government to the VI. Photo:
Jerry Vanterpool of Anegada says it is unfair for the island not to have a DR when it was someone from the island who introduced the whole form of Government to the VI. Photo:
Jerry Vanterpool of Anegada says it is unfair for the island not to have a DR when it was someone from the island who introduced the whole form of Government to the VI. Photo:
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - In an article written by this news site nine months prior to the general elections of November 2011, residents of the sister island Jost Van Dyke were calling for their own District and to have their own District Representative. More than a year later, their concerns and views remain the same with residents of Anegada also calling for their own representation.

Some residents of the two islands are of the view that by having their respective District Representative and being made into their own district, it would increase the chances of issues that are currently being faced on the islands, to be known, heard and addressed at a much faster pace.

Beverly Martin of Jost Van Dyke (JVD) said that presently, with a population of 350 people, they are often forgotten and are considered to be the orphans of the VI.

Ms. Martin stated that by having their own District Representative and being made into their own district, she believes the people of JVD would be able to have direct liaison with the government pertaining to the needs of the island, needs regarding; tourism, garbage, electricity, roads and many other things.

“Having a District Representative would be so much easier to attend the needs of the community. It is very difficult for us to be heard.” She added that before the general elections last year and even after, nothing has changed and JVD continues to be ignored.

According to Rajah Smith, he too agrees that JVD is in ‘need’ of its own representative and should be made into its own district. “That being because of many, many reasons but I will just lament on the statement that it is very much needed.”

Mr. Smith also agreed that being able to have their own representative, the island would then have the opportunity for improvement at a faster pace that can be beneficial for the natives.

“A change needs to be considered. Having our own district representative the people would have more access to a representative and would be able to speak and voice their concerns and ideas for improvement, rather than having someone who does a ‘in the blue moon’ visit.”

Meanwhile an anonymous JVD resident said it is not fair that the island is represented by someone who knows nothing about it. “Someone who visits the island once a month knows nothing about the struggles and the living conditions of Jost Van Dyke.”

The JVD resident continued, “The representative for the island should be someone who loves and cares for the island and knows its history”. He added that a native of the island is the best person to be a legislative representative.

Meanwhile, residents on Anegada also feels the same way regard having their own representation.

An businesswoman of Anegada, who wished not to be named, said there is a need for the island to have its own representative. “We need someone to speak directly on behalf of Anegada.”

She stated that Anagada is left out of everything and has been that way for a long time. She added that for the island to make something of itself, it will need its own representative, someone who knows what is needed and will represent Anegada to the fullest.

“Having a District Representative, an individual who lives here, they would be able to see the needs and properly identify the problems that arise on the islands and would fight and keep fighting in hope of solving them.”

The Anegadian lady said the island gets no attention from Government officials. “Yesterday was the 2nd official day since general elections in November 2011, since a Government Elected Official been here on the island.”

In addition, another Anegada resident, Jerry Vanterpool said that any government existing in the Virgin Islands always put Anegada on the back burner until it is time to be used again for elections or some other project.

Mr. Vanterpool told this news site that there are many things on the island that needs to be addressed. “The politicians are seeing them and are talking about them but are still moving forward and putting us at the back.”

He said that having their own representative that falls in the government would make a huge difference in Anegada.

“Politicians are different before elected, but once elected, all that form the government in the Virgin Islands over the years are the same, where they constantly ignore the island and the other sister territories.”

Mr. Vanterpool said the people of Anegada are being treated like dogs and haven’t seen a Government representative since the general elections. “They just want to stay there and collect their big salaries. That’s all they looking for because they not studying us.”

He stated that it is unfair that Anageda is not granted with their own representative, when it was an Anegadian by the name of Theodore Faulkner in 1949 who introduced the ministerial form of government to the Virgin Islands after coming back from Aruba.

“The politicians of today are benefitting from what he brought back and implemented, while we the people of Anegada are suffering.”

Following the concerns raised by residents, Virgin Islands News Online contacted Sister Islands Coordinator Mr. Vincent Wheatley who said that he also sees the importance of a native of both islands being granted the opportunity to be District Representatives for their islands and to stand as their own Districts.

He said the decision is a sensible one, seeing that someone from the island would know exactly what the island wants and needs.

“Having somebody living on the islands represent the island is a great idea, where the person would be in a greater position to address the problems rather than someone not living there.”

In example, he stated that if an island is experiencing power outages, someone living on the island and experiencing the same problems as the other natives, would be much greater to defend a decision to be made to fix it, rather than someone not living there.

In order for the VI Government to obtain another district representative, the Constitution Order of 2007 allows for the creation of another ministry, but states, “…in no circumstances may the number of ministers exceed two-fifths of the total number of elected members of the House”, and that means the House of Assembly will have to add two new members.

The former Government of then Premier Ralph T. O’Neal, OBE, had set up a Constituency Boundaries Commission, headed by retired Judge Monica Joseph who submitted her report in 2009.

Following well over 15 meetings Territory wide in an attempt to obtain feedback from the public from Tortola to Virgin Gorda, Jost van Dyke and Anegada, a report, authored by Judge Joseph was distributed at a December 29, 2009 House of Assembly meeting, held in the Capital City, Road Town on Tortola.

In is unclear what the report calls for, however, a two-thirds vote in the local Parliament would be necessary to move forward with any actions or recommendations from the people of the VI.

30 Responses to “JVD & Anegada: We still want our own District & District Rep!”

  • ice cream (05/07/2012, 09:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well well well so they say since dey elections dem aint see no one well saw!!! where is Alvin and Ralph? Where tis dem atlarge who also represent dem out islands??? What ah ting to tell dey king!!!!
  • ausar (05/07/2012, 09:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    How come aryo moo-moo from JVD and Anegada still voting for the same representatives? As for JVD, if aryo had vote in Skelton-Cline, aryo needs would have been met. But aryo from these islands-JVD and Anegada-still interested in voting for "old men" whose time has long since past. TEK WHA ARYO GET!
  • BREAKING NEWS (05/07/2012, 10:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    You all voted Ralph and Alvin so don't come bawling now!!!
    • Janet Williams (05/07/2012, 17:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      truth be told the people bawling now they voted for the NDP...send help
  • Crooked (05/07/2012, 11:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I hope the NDP take note of the wishes of the people when considering the enlarging of the House of Assembly. People wants their own District
  • move on .com (05/07/2012, 11:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am in totally agreement with JVD and Anegada they need them own!!!
  • whatating (05/07/2012, 11:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    How much do those islands need that two more people can get wasted salaries for nothing much. Then VG needs two too: one for the Valley and another for North Sound(based on pop.),right?!!!
    • women too (05/07/2012, 23:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Although it could offer opportunities for the two sister islands of Jost van Dyke and Anegada as positive action measures to improve the quality of their lives on those islands by having their own representative in Parliament, we also need to address female underrepresentation!!!
  • Crank Shaft (05/07/2012, 11:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    They don't want anything more than 2 hard slap! They have voted the same for the past 16-20yrs and more what representation are they talking about? I beg ya'll go take a seat and take your licks, you asked for it!
    • ? (05/07/2012, 12:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      If the representatives set their priorities in order and plan with these districts in mind then there won't be a problem. The representatives need to stop waiting until election time comes around to see the needs of these people and get their priorities in order. The sister islands have become the lost virgin islands.
  • bigger picture (05/07/2012, 11:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I hope JVD would also work with the JVD preservation society for a better product with protections for such a small island.
  • Diaspora (05/07/2012, 12:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I feel and hear Jost Van Duke and Anegada's cry for fair and equitable representation in the HOA. Nevertheless, a separate representative for each of them is neither a practical matter nor a necessity at this juncture. This is not dissing either Jost Van Dyke or Anegada; it is keeping it real. The BVI is a mere 59 square miles with a population of approx. 300000. As such, every village cannot and should not have its own representive. One person can effectively representing multiple villages, islands, or areas is a more practical process. The BVI already has 13 representatives(9 districts, 4 at large; this is too many given its small size and population. It needs to reduce, not increase the number of seats in HOA. Antigua& Barbuda with a size of approximately 171 square miles with a population. of.approx. 70000 and 17 elected members(no at large). What Jost Van Dyke and Anegada need is fair, equitable, and effective representation, as well as equitable allocation and distribution of resources. Anegada is in close proximity to Virgin Gorda and Jost Van Dyke to the 2nd District so representation should not be that challenging. Just a point of clarification regarding Dolf Faulkner and ministerial system. Mr. Faulkner agitation was key in ushering the first direct election of local members to the legislature in the early 1950′s; ministerial form of government ushered in late 1960′s.
    • open your mind (05/07/2012, 14:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      if you had live on one of the smaller islands your tune would have change..blah blah blah blah
    • YEs I (05/07/2012, 22:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I endorse this comment as this would be a sensible way to deal with the issue of representation. As an Anegadian, i must first say, that the state we are in is a result of our mind. When we vote we must vote for country and not ourselves. The result of self is now playing out and everybody crying out for help. When will we learn Anegada. Now that is out of the way, Uncle Ralph, if you nah go come to our rescue what does that say about you? We often hear sad stories about this and that now this story is real. Wha really going on de man. Dr. Smith you have to step in here...... for we on Anegada getting it hard. The cost of life is expensive, we cant get deeds to our land without Speedy and rest of persons who dont live nor contribute to Anegada having to get before us ( not the political motivated deeds), our roads in a state, education needs monitoring, PWD wasting Govt money and the list goes on. HELP us for what we feel is real.
  • zop (05/07/2012, 14:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    the at large peopl dem is as usless as the two distrect reps so we need to go back to the polls
  • in the news (05/07/2012, 14:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Let’s give the people of Jost Van Dyke and Anegada equal rights by ensuring they get their own district representative..after all the are BVIslanders too.... I must also give VINO kudus again for another well investigative all deserve the Pelzer Prise
  • Champ (05/07/2012, 14:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I agree that if they were felt soooooo left out, they should have probably changed their representatives. However, they are part of the BVI and should not be left undone. I really thought those two districts in particular were happy with their representatives. That goes to show that whatever is handed out in those white envelopes days before elections only lasts for a short while and everyones' needs are not met. The whole country is in a mess, so it will take time - just be patient a little while longer, help is on its way.
  • Quiet Storm (05/07/2012, 17:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    There are a number posts castigating the majority of voters in the 2nd and 9th districts for exercising their democratic right in voting for voting the representative of their choice. These bloggers are entitled to their opinions. But voters in the 2nd and 9th also have the right to vote for whom they desire. And they should not be penalize for exercising that right. Elections have consequences. Nevertheless, these districts are entitled to and should be allocated their fair share of national resources. On the otherhand, voters need to hold their elected reps. feet to the fire. Furthermore, reps needs to represent all their constitutents fairly and equitably. That said Anegada & Jost Van Dyke do not needed their own district rep; they need better representation.
  • Village Girl (05/07/2012, 17:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is sad to see that when persons from JVD and Anegada cries out for help and there own rep to sit in council there are still small-minded people and elected officials who are nothing but a waste of time and going nowhere will sit on Tortola and the the sidelines and say negative things about such a serious request....
  • what (05/07/2012, 19:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    ...And one for Salt Island too
    • x factor (05/07/2012, 23:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      ok fool and one for Saba rock...look stop insulting the people of Josy Van Dyke and Anegada give them people what they deserved
  • Disinterested......... (06/07/2012, 04:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Anegada and JVD neglect is not the lack of having their district Rep but the absence of poor reprensenation and overall poor leadership. Another post rightly noted that each island or village cannot have its own Rep. Geography is but one factor used in creating a district; population is a major factor. The outlying islands and people have always been been mistreated and neglected. They suffer the same treatment and feel the same way as Barbudans or Tobagians or Grenadinians. When BVI was part of the Leeward Islands, it got the neglected treatment. Hawaii and Alaska and smaller US states feel they are neglected. Likewise Nova Scotia and New Foundland probably share the same sentiment. This appear as universal behavior but it is no reason for the neglect of JVD or Anegada. With leadership comes responsibility and accountability. The Premeir, 9th and 2nd District Reps., At Large Reps,, along with other HOA. members, need to step up to the plate, do the right thing to ensure that the people of JVD and Anegada get their fair share of the pie. The BVI for the most part control its internal affairs so it has the capacity to rectify this situation. They cannot hide behind the UK on. this issue. JVD and Anegada do not need its own Rep to get fair share of the pie. Political leaders need to do the right thing.
    • George W. Tush (06/07/2012, 07:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      its not about how much people live on Anegada or JVD its about representation just like ayo enjoy on Tortola So give we what we want
      • Disinterested......... (06/07/2012, 09:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        @ George W. Tush. If it is not about how many people comprise a district, then Cooper, Guana, Beef, Frenchman Cay, Peter, Necker, Scrub,, Marina Cay......etc should also have their Rep to get representation. You and I know that is an unrealistic and unreasonable expectation. Both populations do not support having their own reps. Perhaps with significant population increases separate districts might be justifiable. Adding two additional districts will increase the HOA to 15; 15 members representing approx. 30K people. The territory does not need and cannot afford this unneccesary expense. Jost Van Dyke and Anegada should and can receive proper representation under the present structure. Dr. Hon Premier Smith, along with. other political leaders, must step up and do the right thing. They must ensure that the outlying islands get their fair share of the resource. Pie . The people of the outlying islands need interaction poliiticians all the time, not just at election time. Constituents of these districts. though their numbers are small can and should leverage their numbers and politicians accountable.
  • insider (06/07/2012, 09:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The NDP is so maliceous, miserable, scandleous and vindictive if they cannot get thoes two seats to be NDP they will never push this trust we.
  • yyyyy (06/07/2012, 16:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Let’s just have all at large representatives like the USVI
  • rock (06/07/2012, 23:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Some of you are so mean!
  • new idea (08/07/2012, 00:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    what we need it just to have five districts; two for tortola, one for vg, one for jvd and anegada and one at large that will save us all money!!!
    • CNN (08/07/2012, 12:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      ha ha for someone to get a hart attack by reducing their

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