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Justice Redhead: Case Management is a waste of time

Justice Albert Redhead from St. Vincent, said the case management that is applied by the Court system is a waste of time.
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Presiding over the Virgin Islands High Court today, May 1, 2012, Justice Albert Redhead strongly dismissed the notion of case management that is applied by the Court system labelling the procedure as “a waste of time” and a “humbug “ to getting cases underway.

According to the very out spoken Judge, who was at the time addressing Crown Counsel Tiffany Scatliffe regarding a particular case and the need for it to be said for report, he said the Virgin Islands is the only place in the OECS where case management takes place for criminal matters and the practice as he knows it, is that the accused men or women appear for arraignment and then a date is fixed.

Justice Redhead said that practice is more efficient than having case management.

In a nod of acceptance and understanding, Crown Council Scatliffe, in response said, "I agree my Lordship".

Regarding reporting matters, the Judge said and noted that with reports the cases are not moving.

13 Responses to “Justice Redhead: Case Management is a waste of time”

  • move (01/05/2012, 14:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    the whole legal system is a waste of time!!!
    • dog eat dog (01/05/2012, 21:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      you could say that again..its about power, big $$$$$$$ and who know who and who like who
  • Infared Beam (01/05/2012, 14:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    That's right the BVI is the only place that does things backwards compared to the other OECS countries. The court system as well as the political system is a bunch a HOGWASH. Citizens brace yaself for the burden that will be placed upon us. Police gonna be harassing people left, right and centre. I done lose my confidence in this messed up system, that's why I aint voting ever again.
  • Research (01/05/2012, 14:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Isn't this judge retired?? What is he still doing on the bench? Why would he think case management is a waste of time? Whose time? As far as I know, it alerts every one of their trial date and any pre-trial issues.
    • out siders runing the system (01/05/2012, 21:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      all it is, is another attack on the BVI and the AG and DPP both not from here so no one to defend the BVI NO ONE does anyone see the state of affairs we are in????!
  • qc (01/05/2012, 15:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    way he get off so crtical of the BVI boss when you in Rome you do as the Romans do or else do not sit on we bench
  • Movements (01/05/2012, 16:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    lol people can be so stupid. To you all talking about when in Rome. The BVI does not have a court. The High Court is the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, not the BVI Court. lmao! so it's not about when in rome do as romans do. You ever see a BVIslander sitting as a judge in high court? they are rotated, we have no say in who sits there my friends, get over yourselves with the petty nonsense.
  • Justice (01/05/2012, 20:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why they bring in this old man to criticize our legal system? He is retired and does not know about case management. he talks about St. Lucia and Antigua. They both have huge backlogs in the absence of case managment. Case managment means manging cases actively so that when the trial date comes, there is no adjournment. That is all. So what is the big fuss.
  • lol (01/05/2012, 21:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    is redhead calling down BVI????.
  • Real Talk (02/05/2012, 02:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    If he calling down the BVI then what do you say about the BVIslander representing the Crown, who agrees with what he is saying? If she agrees it shows that something is wrong with the system!! Ya'll too damn sensitive and stupid sometimes in this place man. It doesn't matter who have backlogs and this and that, the point is BVI always claim to be the best and I think we can and should be the best, let's act like it. There is no reason why a small place like this should have people waiting years either on remand or bail and keep getting pushed back over foolishness. If an expat visits the BVI tomorrow and tells us Road Town smells stink, the street water is very unreliable, the roads, especially out in the country sides are terrible, the public schools look awful and we pay way to much for the counterfeit junk that the stores sell around here. Is that person 'calling down' the BVI or are they telling the truth? The truth is truth regardless of who said it my friends. Again, our own Crown Counsel agreed with him, will you chastise her too?
  • 360 (02/05/2012, 07:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    What they really need to talk about is how slow the system is which means no justice for BVIslanders who becomes the real victim of the snail paced judicial system a legal system who does not care how long you spend in jail before your trial and how much you have to pay these expensive lawyers.
  • dd (02/05/2012, 09:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    but dem say the local girl agree wid he so ayo tek dat!!!
  • spot on (02/05/2012, 21:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    the learned judge is right

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