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John S. Duncan Out! Augustus J. U. Jaspert In! As new governor in August

Mr Augustus (Gus) James Ulysses Jaspert (right) will take up his appointment as Governor of the Virgin Islands in August 2017 when the incumbent John S. Duncan OBE (left) departs the territory. Photo: GIS/VINO
Incoming Governor Mr Augustus (Gus) James Ulysses Jaspert will reside at Government House in Road Town on the main island of Tortola. Photo: VINO
Incoming Governor Mr Augustus (Gus) James Ulysses Jaspert will reside at Government House in Road Town on the main island of Tortola. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The British Overseas Territory of the Virgin Islands (VI) will get another un-elected senior United Kingdom civil servant in the capacity as governor come August 2017. As the tenure of controversial Governor John S. Duncan OBE is almost up, Britain has announced the appointment of Augustus (Gus) James Ulysses Jaspert to take up the position.

Because the VI is a colony, governors are not elected but appointed to be the Head of State. Governor designee Gus Jaspert will replace Governor Duncan, who many described as one of the worst governors ever appointed to the VI.

John S. Duncan the worst governor?

Mr Duncan, according to many talk show hosts, the political class, legal fraternity and civil society, has no regards for the VI constitution or law and order. In other words, he does as he pleases without regard for individuals rights or local laws.

He fell out of favour with the public when he refused to call for a Commission of Inquiry over the expansion of the Ports Project after three reports demonstrated conflict of interest, violation of financial laws and alleged corruption.

Last year, talk show host Edmund G. Maduro called for months for Mr Duncan to be recalled as governor because of his failure in the position.

A few months ago, at a ceremony where Mr Duncan was invited to by the National Democratic Party (NDP) Government, he insulted the Dr Smith Administration by saying that they were “reckless in spending and has no priority.” He took off the gloves, saying he is no longer in the VI “to kiss babies.”

A few weeks later he imposed direct rule via sec 103(b) of the VI Constitution by stripping the Minister of Finance Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith (AL) and the House of Assembly of their power to determine how monies are spent.

Governor Duncan ordered the Financial Secretary and Accountant General to take over $1.8M out of the Consolidated Fund and provide monies for the police, courts and hiring a few British QCs.

The move enjoyed widespread support from the public as crime has skyrocketed and the NDP Administration refused to listen on the issues of funding for the police.

According to a senior NDP Minister, the Administration is “quietly waiting on the count down for him to leave…everyone is just being cordial.”

Who is the new Governor?

According to the Foreign & Commonwealth Office in the UK, the incoming Governor Jaspert currently serves in the United Kingdom Cabinet Office as Director of Security and Intelligence – a post he has been holding since 2015.

The Governor designee Jaspert is a former member of the Royal College of Defense Studies, as well as former head of Drugs and Alcohol, and Head of Policing.

The newly appointed governor was Private Secretary to the UK Prime Minister from 2012 to 2014, and Delivery Manager in the Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit from 2007 to 2009.

He was also Lead Manager of Children’s Services (Surrey County Council).

Jaspert, whose wife is Millie Jaspert, has two children, and will live at Government House in Road Town on the main island of Tortola, a home funded and maintained by local tax payers.

16 Responses to “John S. Duncan Out! Augustus J. U. Jaspert In! As new governor in August”

  • vi (14/05/2017, 22:21) Like (16) Dislike (3) Reply
    Welcome to the new boss hope he locks up someone
    • Tim (15/05/2017, 08:59) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
      Good luck Mr. Jaspert!! You’ll really need it around here. Too much wheeling, stealing & dealing! The bottom of the BVI bucket has fallen out and now the piper has to be paid his dues.

      Start with the Ports Project, then the Ministry of Education...its all there!!!
  • ndp (14/05/2017, 23:27) Like (10) Dislike (7) Reply
    Good bye gov duncan
    • My girl (15/05/2017, 09:04) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
      Goddamn!. welcome to the BVI man, just do your job, do not be a looser like John
  • Street Reporter. Action man. (15/05/2017, 05:50) Like (19) Dislike (2) Reply
    This the lock up Dude. He is the Clean up man. He ain reach yet and he already vex about what he hearing. U see how his face and neck pink. Thats Anger, no nonsense..
  • Dear Vino. Jack B. (15/05/2017, 06:05) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hope you already have your interview appointment set with the new governor. Ask this one question for me... Since you are the boss are you going to take control and bring things back in order because the citizens have a lot of concerns about how things going presently.?
  • wize up (15/05/2017, 06:27) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    This guys sounds like a commissioner of police: in the past the governor was some diplomat now home boy have a solid law enforcement background: we now governor; commissioner; Director of Public Prosecution; Head of Prison with eyes on Heading the BVI Treasury(soon come).....
    • M & M (15/05/2017, 08:37) Like (24) Dislike (3) Reply
      two Ministers should be shaken in their shoes....
      • wize up (15/05/2017, 13:11) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
        @ M&M: there are 5 ministers can you advise which 2 ministers should be shaking in their shoes(please advise) is speculated that some ministers became millionaires within 5 years in office: if some of us can be sent to jail 0.1 grams of marijuana why not send those who took or continue taking millions of tax money to jail(where is the justice).....
  • qc (15/05/2017, 08:46) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    A governor who specialized in police and security matters ………hmm?
  • --------------------- (15/05/2017, 08:52) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    Does this mean someone will finally be going after white collar crime and sending someone to HMP?
  • bowtie speaker (15/05/2017, 09:01) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply
    Let's hope some multiple property owning “public servants ” are having a few sleepless nights after using their power to take land in CGB
  • independence (15/05/2017, 19:54) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    The time has long passed for us to get rid of the colonial governors we owe it to ourself to stop dragging our feet and get it done.
    • big daddy (16/05/2017, 11:54) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Yeah.... 'cause everything run so smoothly that the locals administer.
  • tola (15/05/2017, 23:58) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Thank you john you come an pave the way for this other governor watch an see if some of these minister not goin to go jail now its about times
  • wet (21/05/2017, 14:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The VIP have to first be honest about why they lost their voter base between 2011 and 2015. The simplest answer is that nothing improved in people's daily lives.

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