‘It brought out the worst in Ms Parsons’ – Dr Smith
He was addressing a question by a caller on the NDP radio show heard last evening February 2, 2015 on ZBVI 780 AM.
On January 30, 2015 during the opening of Farmers Week 2015 in Paraquita Bay, Parsons allegedly used profanity to Hon Fahie as he attempted to greet her. Hon Fahie on a social network alleged that Ms Parsons told him, “Boy you better get the f**k from in front of me,” and refused to shake his hand.
The caller asked, “We had a situation down at the Agriculture station in Paraquita Bay with Ms Parsons. How are you going to address that? Who is going to apologise for that?”
In response to the caller, Dr Smith said that Ms Parsons is “a very passionate lady and a longstanding member of the NDP and believes in what the party stands for. She believes that the NDP has the right ideas and goals for the British Virgin Islands and supports them…I think it came as a great shock. Ms Parsons was confronted and the words came out.”
He said however that the statements made by Hon Fahie on January 24, 2015 about the NDP being the most corrupt administration in the history of the Virgin Islands are very damaging not only to the party but to the Territory as a whole.
“It will cause people around the world to think twice about making investments in the BVI and to think twice about doing business in the BVI,” he said.
“When people make such statements with no foundation at all, it is something that is unfortunate,” he said.
There has been widespread condemnation of the alleged outburst by Parsons and it is believed that it could be damaging to her credibility.



65 Responses to “‘It brought out the worst in Ms Parsons’ – Dr Smith”
Once again you have proven to be a leading figure that promotes the right to dignity and respect. You are a class act and a cut above the rest. NDP you have a real champion for your cause right there in the person of Ms. Parsons. No dead weight there at ALLLLLL...hmph
Well sah...the next time one of our police men does something warranting a few choice words (cause you know they does make you want to cuss) I want to be in the front of the line...please please pretty please. It's ok, trust me...our Premier has justified the use of profanity in a public place, against an elected member of Cabinet. Tis true!
No worries my people of the BVI... The use of profanity at our schools, our churches, on our jobs is sure to be next on the list...no one should be or will be left out. NDP gives everyone fair opportunities and does not stand for victimisation. Not at all. So if anyone tell you profanity is wrong call NDP. They will fix them...wid wud.
Honorable Fahie extends a hand with a polite greeting and he is cursed out. When did he confront her?
Dr. Smith please do not defend something that cannot be defended. This brings more shame on the country than anything anyone from all parties has ever said. Please apologize and move on.
Kick rocks and go sit your cunt down.
Being a politician is not something you just decide to do on a whim as a second career. What's so sad is that it seems we have almost nobody to vote FOR these days and far too many to vote AGAINST.
Courtesy, honesty, trustworthiness, reliability, humility and social conscience. These are the things I look for in all human beings, but in particular, in politicians. Sadly, our political arena appears to be a wasteland.
“Boy you better get the f**k from in front of me,”
Remember, this message has been approved by the Honourable Premiere.