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Influx of Sargassum seaweed will continue until October 2023- Argel A. Horten

The influx of the seaweed is once again causing concern for members of the Virgin Islands community, namely those working in the tourism industry, fisherfolks and the frequent beach visitors. Photo: VINO/File
Marine Biologist and Environmental Officer II Ms Argel Horton has said that, according to satellite tracking, the influx of sargassum seaweed into the Virgin Islands will continue but the volume will be moderate until October 2023. Photo: File
Marine Biologist and Environmental Officer II Ms Argel Horton has said that, according to satellite tracking, the influx of sargassum seaweed into the Virgin Islands will continue but the volume will be moderate until October 2023. Photo: File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Marine Biologist and Environmental Officer II Ms Argel Horton has said that, according to satellite tracking, the influx of sargassum seaweed into the Virgin Islands will continue but the volume will be moderate until October 2023.

The influx of the seaweed is once again causing concern for members of the Virgin Islands community, namely those working in the tourism industry, fisherfolks and the frequent beach visitors.

Ms Horton, in a Government Information Service (GIS) press release today, August 15, 2023, said the source of sargassum seen in the Territory is impacted by derives from the Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt. 

She said the belt spans 500 miles and lies between Africa and South America.

According to Horton, sargassum multiplies fast with warm waters and unfortunately with the ongoing heat that is impacting the region, the blooms will continue to impact the Territory.

She added that although sargassum is a challenging issue for the local government, she was optimistic that creative ways could be found to tackle this problem.

It was on Sunday, June 4, 2023, that the seawater system which supplies cooling water to 55% of the diesel generators at the Henry Wilfred ‘Freddie’ Smith Power Station at Pockwood Pond became compromised by sargassum seaweed.

This resulted in power outages in certain areas of the territory for several hours.

11 Responses to “Influx of Sargassum seaweed will continue until October 2023- Argel A. Horten”

  • weed (15/08/2023, 19:48) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
    The smell of this is a major embarrassment.
  • Lb (15/08/2023, 19:56) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    With global warming it doesn’t sound like it’s going to end well plus with the hurricane season
  • We knew that already (15/08/2023, 19:58) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    What can we do to solve the problem now? regular clean up maybe? get ideas and come up with something.
  • bad odor (15/08/2023, 21:51) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
    See wha white head caused?
    • Pure wickedness (16/08/2023, 06:16) Like (2) Dislike (7) Reply
      They trying hard to kill out all the fishes in the Caribbean sea. Isn’t it ironic this sea weed mess just started a few years ago. Now they blaming it on climate change. Yeah right! They are the ones tampering with God’s creation. Why American waters don’t have the same sea weed problem? Only the Caribbean
      • Oohhh boiii (16/08/2023, 08:05) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
        Not a true statement
        Florida has its share on the East coast

        But OUR leaders need to find an effective way to clean up our harbors and beaches and don’t allow it to accumulate until it STINKS
  • VG Resident (16/08/2023, 08:09) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    So all I see is talk and just live with it. No constructive plan to deal with it.
  • idea (16/08/2023, 10:51) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Maybe they can haul it out the sea and drop it on VG dump. Still burning after 2 weeks
  • hmm (16/08/2023, 12:07) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
    Sargassum increases in the BVI due to the one man commission of inquiry and the corruption report When the corruption of the cop and governor are gone the sargassum will leave the BVI. Ha ha ha ha
  • VG (16/08/2023, 13:14) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    There goes our tourism product they not maintaining and managing this sea weed mess but then again this government can't spell maintenance let alone define it
  • Sargassum (16/08/2023, 13:56) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Almost as nasty as all the junk we are throwing in the guts and ocean

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