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‘If we forget God, this nation is doomed’- Hon Maduro-Caines

December 27th, 2022 | Tags: Alvera Maduro-Caines prayer New Year God
Junior Minister for Tourism Honourable Alvera Maduro-Caines (R6) in a social media post earlier today December 27, 2022, urged the territory to not forget God as a new year dawns. Photo: Facebook
Persons in the [British] Virgin Islands have been encouraged to show more love and to adopt a positive mindset heading into 2023. Photo: VINO/File
Persons in the [British] Virgin Islands have been encouraged to show more love and to adopt a positive mindset heading into 2023. Photo: VINO/File
PURCELL ESTATE, Tortola, VI- One of the three female legislators of the House of Assembly (HoA) continues to lead the spiritual walk of the people of the Virgin Islands and has issued a call for a return to a Christ-like realm heading into 2023.

Junior Minister for Tourism Honourable Alvera Maduro-Caines (R6) in a social media post earlier today December 27, 2022, said, “Get back to that place where we use to be in years gone by with God. We must understand that if we forget God, Satan will rule. If we forget God, this nation is doomed.”

This followed her open prayer for the territory of the Virgin Islands and its people which reads, "Lord help me to be a better person in 2023 than I was in 2022."

In her short but poignant outpouring, she also said: “We all should strive to be better persons and to do better than what we've done before. Yes, we all may think we've done the best but there is this little tug that tells you, you could have done more. It's not always in giving financially.”

‘Try not to be so negative about everything’

She added, “Give of yourself sometimes. Listen to persons with problems. Give advice when necessary. Call a friend or relative and express your love to them. Take some food to the less fortunate unexpectedly. Pray for your people and your country and try not to be so negative about everything. Love persons as God loves us (unconditionally with a heartfelt love).

“I pray for prosperity for my people and country. I pray that we as a people will take a closer walk with God,” Hon Maduro-Caines said, in wishing everyone a bright and prosperous ‘God-filled’ New Year.

27 Responses to “‘If we forget God, this nation is doomed’- Hon Maduro-Caines”

  • WHAT!!!! (27/12/2022, 20:57) Like (71) Dislike (32) Reply
    We are doomed with ministers who talk about God and the Devil in our HOA. Keep your superstitions to yourself they have no place in goverment.
    • @wHAT (28/12/2022, 08:27) Like (22) Dislike (20) Reply
      I’m everything that we do we must follow the expectations of what we are taught. Not sure of your religion but the lady is right. We had godly men and ladies leading before and were never in this mess.
    • Hog mouth (28/12/2022, 09:25) Like (18) Dislike (5) Reply
      Just like how you forgot all about belle vue????
      • @Hog mouth (28/12/2022, 13:21) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
        You have chosen a suitable name for yourself. The Hog will eat and eat and never be full. Ungrateful louse. What is it that you want, a babysitter for heaven's sake...
  • one (28/12/2022, 07:20) Like (36) Dislike (1) Reply
    Some are already doomed when a pastor is talking about missing horse racing which is one of the bigest gambleing what do you expect to happen.
  • ONLY NOW (28/12/2022, 07:34) Like (17) Dislike (10) Reply
  • Ftr (28/12/2022, 07:44) Like (31) Dislike (1) Reply
    You can't be with God and doing rituals in the darkness of night
  • Naked truth (28/12/2022, 08:31) Like (17) Dislike (23) Reply
    All the research shows that noyone by the name of Jesus walk this earth doing miracles and is coming back here from the sky. Its a illusion, snap out of it.
    • What? (28/12/2022, 13:18) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      Did you do ALL the research. You found no evidence that Jesus walked this earth doing miracles and is coming back here? You need to snap out of it if you have so convinced yourself.
  • "God" (28/12/2022, 08:56) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    The excuse many people in the VI use to cheat lie and steal six days a week.
  • one eye (28/12/2022, 09:09) Like (8) Dislike (14) Reply
    She will be reelected
  • He is gone (28/12/2022, 10:04) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
    God left the Virgin Islands in the early 90's when MONEY replaced Him.
  • Sigh (28/12/2022, 10:27) Like (5) Dislike (8) Reply
    Wow, are all the politicians here incomparable idiots? That’s her solution? To turn to things that never existed and will never exist?

    This is exactly WHY these local idiots need to be hurriedly removed from office. Talking about shit that has no basis in reality instead of having individuals with the brain power to realize that depending on entities that are in your mind and beliefs is not how you go about organizing a country.

    I really don’t know why the UK don’t just remove these clowns from all power, it’s not like the VI can fight back with force and it will undoubtedly be better for the country as a whole instead of leaving it in the hands of these next level idiots.
  • Might be better (28/12/2022, 10:29) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    She needs to get out of politics and go fulltime in the church business
  • Real Macoy (28/12/2022, 10:29) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    At least she wants to change for the better of the country, which is very good.
    Remember no one is perfect.
  • Church and State (28/12/2022, 10:33) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    Church and State should never be mixed. Every successful modern society has acknowledged this. Name one successful theocracy?
  • The majority (28/12/2022, 10:52) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    Has forgotten about God in the BVI. People here is some dirty, bad minded, evil people. They gloat and enjoy when someone stumble and fall. Greed is what is running this place, no one cares about no one. I have seen the ugly dirty things people have done to each other. I stay away from everyone including family members.I am quite content living in my home with my dog and cat. Who want to say can say but I would give a dog or cat a plate of food and water before I give it to another human. You can give a human your last dollar, your last piece of bread and they will put a dagger in your back, animals will not do that.
  • Hades (28/12/2022, 11:12) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    Separation of Church and State if you Please.
    We are all too familiar with the Andrew Fahie' s curse.
  • Come out from amongst them (28/12/2022, 12:13) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    She sat among two corrupt governments...Both NDP and VIP
  • HMMM (28/12/2022, 12:25) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    John cline preach those words Sunday she is only repeating what he said
  • Oh Well (28/12/2022, 15:00) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    No big deal. We still have CSC
  • I say this (28/12/2022, 15:03) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    This place is to far steeped in evil, lies, deceit, bad mindedness, envy, greed and everything else negative. Best thing to do is stay to yourself and leave the demons alone.
  • @ OH WELL (28/12/2022, 22:09) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Stupid B (29/12/2022, 00:02) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    We all have friends and Family in both Heaven and Hell,, so why should Politicians be any different
  • @WILLALWAYSLOVETHEBVI (07/01/2023, 13:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is my HOME, we have welcomed everyone to our shores, sad to see what is happening there
    but just so you know, it is no different from anywhere else. Officials who give permission to those who have interest
    in the infrastructure have their own set of principles to guide them but they should follow the Constitution as well. One cannot see people's hearts; however the Mystic Law of the Universe sees and knows all, and we know that bad intentions equals disaster. Horrendous crimes happening in this country, overpowering greed, evil, racism,
    hatred, disrespect, and the list goes is dragging this country in a sink hole.....PLEASE people appreciate this place, become Better, look around and see the abundance of opportunities and use them for the good of ALL.

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