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‘I will work for you, fight for you & stand with you’ in D4 - Luce D. Hodge-Smith

-VIP's D4 candidate launches bid to win hearts & reform district should she win HoA seat in 2023 elections
Fourth District Candidate under the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) slate for the 2013 general elections in the Virgin Islands, Ms Lude D. Hodge-Smith has promised to fight for the people of the district and work for them should she be elected to the House of Assembly. Photo: GIS/Facebook
Ms Hodge-Smith speaking at her Fourth district campaign launch on March 31, 2023, at the Market Square in Road Town, Tortola, VI recalled her disappointment at losing to Hon Mark H. Vanterpool (R4) at the last election but said she has remained committed to the district and was grateful to have garnered so much voted for a then first time candidate. Photo: Facebook
Ms Hodge-Smith speaking at her Fourth district campaign launch on March 31, 2023, at the Market Square in Road Town, Tortola, VI recalled her disappointment at losing to Hon Mark H. Vanterpool (R4) at the last election but said she has remained committed to the district and was grateful to have garnered so much voted for a then first time candidate. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Fourth District candidate under the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) slate for the 2013 General Elections in the Virgin Islands (VI), Mrs Lude D. Hodge-Smith has promised to fight for the people of the district and work for them should she be elected to the House of Assembly.

Mrs Hodge-Smith speaking at her Fourth District campaign launch on March 31, 2023, at the Market Square in Road Town, Tortola, recalled her disappointment at losing to Hon Mark H. Vanterpool (R4) at the last election but said she has remained committed to the district and was grateful to have garnered so much voted as a then first time candidate.

‘I started this political journey four years ago… and I once again pledged my commitment of service to you, the people of District 4, when you vote for me at the polls to represent you at the 5th House of Assembly.”

“I still remember and will never forget your resounding support of me during the 2019 General Elections. You came out, you voted, you allowed us to garner a remarkable number of votes as a first time, Candidate, although I lost to the incumbent by 57 votes, I was elated and grateful to you, the voters of District 4, for such resounding support,” she added.

Back in 2019, Hodge-Smith lost to the incumbent Mark H. Vanterpool who received some 442 against her 385 total votes, however, she thanked him for his representation over the year given his exit from politics. 

I remain ready to lead! - Hodge-Smith

“I have kept up with the politics over the past four years and remain connected to my 4th district constituents. I remained ready to lead the 4th district and with your votes, I will use the opportunity you give me to listen, assess and represent you.”

Further, Mrs Hodge said once elected, she will work, fight, stand, and remain as connected and accessible to the district as possible, while representing them in the Fourth District.

Meanwhile, some immediate challenges to tackle will include health and safety, environment, infrastructure, youth development, senior citizen care, economic development, community development, and crime along with the provision of social services that covers youth development and more according to Mrs. Hodge-Smith.

Mrs Hodge-Smith also advocated for a deeper relationship with the UK as one where the UK Government helps the Virgin Islands towards putting systems and strategies in place to achieve greater self-autonomy or independence should the people of the VI desire that. 

33 Responses to “‘I will work for you, fight for you & stand with you’ in D4 - Luce D. Hodge-Smith”

  • A Change (01/04/2023, 17:48) Like (51) Dislike (15) Reply
    Her presentation sounded and felt so honesf knowing who she is. Giving respect to Mark Vanterpool, no bashing no cursing. Luce kept it respectful and real. No fantasies promised because what she spoke about she can achieve once we in the 4th district give her a chance.
    • Oh Boy... (01/04/2023, 18:38) Like (67) Dislike (59) Reply
      You are a very nice Lady, Decent and pleasant,
      more dignified, than the other candidates. I honestly believe that in these critical times when we need real strong, determined warrior leadership, Ms Underhill is the better person to represent us and the BVI.. Last election was your chance, we wanted NDP gone so badly, hence the reason why you got that much votes, If you had work harder you would have beaten Mark, we wanted Mark gone also...This is not your time. Sorry.
  • yesss (01/04/2023, 17:49) Like (43) Dislike (36) Reply
    Luce for the 4th
    • Yes (01/04/2023, 18:12) Like (18) Dislike (31) Reply
      She’s gonna win but I’m waiting to hear what Mika Barry have to say about them Tuesday
      • Real Talk (01/04/2023, 19:21) Like (42) Dislike (4) Reply
        While you are waiting for mica baŕry take up the bible and read a few chapters feel the difference in your life
  • Political analyst (01/04/2023, 18:15) Like (5) Dislike (7) Reply
    The BVI is crisis and in an existential battle to corral a myriad of issues,eg, education and training improvement (STEAM), improving access to available and affordable health services, economic strengthening, deepening and diversifying economic pillars, enhancing physical infrastructure, ie, roads, water, wastewater(sewage), stormwater(drainage) , electricity, marine and airports, energy ( gas, petro), telecommunications; social infrastructure, protecting and preserving environmental resources, graggling with implementing the CoI, etc. Yet I’m amazed that candidate after candidate launch their campaigns spouting nice words but no specific projects to address the issues. A politician presenting specific plans, programmes, processes, projects, etc, with funding sources, and timelines is way ahead of the pack and puts pressure on opponents. I have said this before that in my opinion that Mrs Luce D. Hodge-Smith who having narrowly lost to the Hon Mark Vanterpool aka Action Man by 57 votes in the February 2019 general election was running for the seat since 2019. It was Mrs Hodge-Smith election to lose. She had the whole district for herself and unopposed for a while and had the opportunity to make a move, build the case with voters and put distance between her and other combatants. She may win the seat, for the voters still need to vote on Election Day, votes tabulated, and verified and a candidate determine. If she were to lose the election, the missed opportunity may be a contributing cause. Here is a news flash. For the most part, voters support for a candidate is not easily peeled off. To even peel off voters on the outer band of support for a candidate may be challenging. The core support for a strong candidate is much more challenging. Bagged that core support at every opportunity. The core support can be peeled off but challengers have to work extremely hard to do so. They will not do so with generalities. A can candidate has to bring the beef. Moreover, there are a lot of things/opportunities in D-4. The Action Man is a long-serving D-4 and is leaving some BIG shoes to fill.
    • @Political analyst (01/04/2023, 19:37) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
      @Political Analyst, some politicians run for election and was elected and go into hibernation coming out their hole occasionally like the ground hog until the next election maybe. I got three phrases for them , retail politics, retsil politics, retail politics. Some of them (politicians) are damn lazy and don’t want to do hard work or commit to personal sacrifices needed, depending and leaning heavily on their education, familial connection, jobs held, etc. Here is a news flash those dependencies are dated. In my crystal ball Luce based on past performance is in good standing but she needs to grasp and work on her retail politics. Political Analyst, are you political science major, worked or working on political campaigns, who you running with. ????
    • Ne Timeas (01/04/2023, 21:41) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Concur that the campaign is much about generalities and little about specifics which are needed. They seem to be following the late New York Governor Mario Coumo dictum of campaigning in Poetry and governing in prose. In other words, the campaign is in high flying glossy language; whereas, governing is about the sausage making of policy development. Nevertheless, this election is critical so voters need to know upfront what the politicians specific plans so they can make an effective decision at the polls. The least that they can do is tell the voters what are their proposed actions.
    • Political Scientist (02/04/2023, 09:22) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Here is a news flash. It is oxymoronic for one to run for politics and simultaneously and boldly declare that he/she is not a politician. Stop it!!! It is pure dishonest, illogical nonsense, hogwash. If you are running for political office, you are a politician and must be adept with dealing with the good, the bad, and the ugly of politics. From Ancient Times, politics has been messy, dirty, combative, negative, deceitful, full of vice, etc. But to be political is to be human. Aristotle defines human as being Zoe Politika(political animal). We are political animals. The word ‘politics’ comes from the Greek word polis or Greek city state. Political animals interact cooperatively to make laws and construct the institutions through which social order and justice hinges—-HoA. The animating force of politics or civic collaboration is conflict. So if there no chronic disagreement of things, there would be no need for politics. Disagreement is the core of politics. Politics is war without shedding blood, a means of fixing conflicts without taking to violence. We are political animals and behaving political is being human. So if you are running for politics, you are a politician so embrace it and be proud of your chosen career path temporary or not. Be the oasis in the political desert. By the way, I concur with blog mate, political analyst (a political animal) on the non-specificity of the campaign trail. It seems as if candidates are non-committal because they are uncertain of how to solve the myriads of problems. But one cannot run for politics without promising something (s) specific. It does not compute. Promise and return to the people with good reasons why you could not deliver on promises. Remember it takes a majority vote in HoA to deliver on most promises.
      • @Political Scientist (02/04/2023, 11:57) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
        @Political Scientist, Nice. But be aware, for James and other hired bloggers perhaps may label opinion as bla, bla, bla without providing an iota of counter arguments. Some people just think hitting the like or dislike button is enough to counter an argument. That may be good for the low information voter but insulting for others. Luce is a good candidate and has a high probability of winning. In a twisted way maybe the soft constructive criticism seem intended to help her. Notice there was no support or embrace of other candidates. That is my $0.02.
      • Socrates (02/04/2023, 12:23) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        Oh, Boi, my friends Aristotle, Plato, Pythagorus, etc, and I are having a whale of a time taking in the various commentaries. I like all the Socratic discussions preceding this critical election. Voters should demand more and more. This is the time to ask and get answers to question going to the polls. Need to see more talk after the election in Road Town, like my time on the Athens Street corners.
  • johnny (01/04/2023, 19:27) Like (20) Dislike (16) Reply
    Go luce on the loose next d4 rp
  • james (01/04/2023, 20:30) Like (17) Dislike (6) Reply
    @political analyst:
    Bla bla bla - talking LOUD and saying ABSOLUTELY NOTHING....
    • @james (02/04/2023, 07:54) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      @James, what is your counter to what Political Analyst is opining about. I don’t totally agree with everything in the opinion but if we read the opinion without active bias and objectively we may see the forest for the weeds, eg, a)suggesting politicians detail specifics, b) taking advantage of the opportunity to solidify base/core voters, etc. It is ok to disagree but it cannot be just because but with objective reasoning and counter supporting rationale. This is my opinion; political analyst seem capable to speak for his/her self.
    • Disinterested (02/04/2023, 08:03) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
      Truth be told, Luce was slow off the mark and out of the blocks. It is as if she was thinking that the win us already in the bag and if so that is presumptuous and in politics that is a dangerous approach that could back fire. The smart and seasoned political candidate even when it seems he/she is ahead is motivated to work harder. This may be bla, bla, bla, too. Over and out, Barry say you will hear.
  • D4 Youth (01/04/2023, 21:56) Like (18) Dislike (11) Reply
    After hearing this lady, I have made up my mind to vote for her.
  • Real Talk (02/04/2023, 06:48) Like (6) Dislike (11) Reply
    Everyone has good and bad intentions, but I'm from the 4th and i can see this whole election going to be fruitful. Because majority of person going to mix their votes when it comes to those at large candidates. If you are a true voter you should not split your votes. Meaning if you are a PVIM, PU, VIP or NDP you should vote that person for the district and all the large so they can get in and do the work regardless, that's my take on it.

    Im voting for the 4th and this is not hard for me to do. I'm voting NDP all the way. VIP has damage this country and i think its time for a charge to get them out.
  • Sandy gone wid it (02/04/2023, 07:32) Like (10) Dislike (10) Reply
    {Racheal Alexander Luce} had it at one time but {Zenyatta Sandy} has overtaken her and is now leading the race.
  • Salt Island desendant (02/04/2023, 07:32) Like (10) Dislike (6) Reply
    Best Wishes to Luce!!
    I heard the concerns via radio. Never heard such a concern voice for District 4 for the last 20 yrs!!! Nothing was done for this district , just the ordinary. We need your innovative ideas executed once we vote you into the next HOA!!!!
    • SI descendant too (02/04/2023, 12:33) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      What were the concerns? We cannot let them go unanswered, if needed.
  • Nonsense!! (02/04/2023, 08:23) Like (13) Dislike (6) Reply
    District 4 deserves better !!!
    Hon Mark's mouth is bigger than his so-call shoes one may seemingly have to fill.
    Mark needed to go a very long time ago!!! He hasnt unlocked the Treasure Box of new opportunities within that District!
    Mark will sucked you in with his fabulous speeches and left you dry with empty Promises!

    Were you selling your votes for the outdated foods at the back of his store?
    ..and ofcourse we can give him a resounding applause for his benevolence of hiring dozens of cashiers + 40 floor workers doing little on each shift!

    Mark has build his Empire of Businesses here and Anguilla.He is SET! BUT District 4 needs a RESET!!

    He has cheap talk .less work done as a Rep for big pay!
    Didn't show up at HOA meeting regular...and I can go on and on.

    Needs a reset. We need a Cay girl!!!!
    Vote LUCE HODGE SMITH on Election day!!!

    We need more in district 4. We can do better!!
  • Rubber Duck (02/04/2023, 08:49) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    No more VIPERS in government.
  • rattie (02/04/2023, 09:54) Like (13) Dislike (8) Reply
    Sandy is bad news vote Luce all the way
  • DEDE (02/04/2023, 09:56) Like (8) Dislike (5) Reply
    @Political Analysts

    I don’t know if your in her district but I am. I can say Mrs. Hodge-Smith had been active in this district for many years. Despite her lost she keep in touch with many people in the district. I can say during the pandemic she check in on us and was seen in the district meeting constituents even before election was announced. As for the other candidates, I know them since we attend school together other than that how many voters outside their clique can they identify?

    If we want to see changes, we have to give others a chance. I still maintain that you cannot expect those who created the problem to get us out especially if they don’t think what they did was wrong.
  • Serious times (02/04/2023, 12:22) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    I am voting my conscience this year, as I do every year. I urge all other voters to do the same.
    We are in a crisis as it relates to leadership and we need to ensure that we vote the right persons throughout the Territory to represent us. We need to get rid of the remaining ‘bad eggs’ once and for all.
    For too many years greed has stood at the forefront and representation has left much to be desired. District four has been without representation for far too long. It is supposed to be the Capital but it was left to look like the common, and the person elected to move the district forward was MIA more often than not. Thank God they did the right thing and moved away. We now, finally, have a chance to break the cycle of poor leadership. Let’s’ do the right thing, too! Vote for proper REpresentation (not presentation, as in popularity, good looks, etc ). Vote out evil territory-wide. Look beyond what is there for us personally, and select persons who practice country above self (if there are any such persons running).
    People, it is not business as usual this election year (as in party politics, voting for family members and friends, and receiving political favors). It is CRITICAL.
    Our very lives, and that of our children, and the future of our beautiful islands depend on the outcome of this upcoming election.
    Let your conscience be your guide.
  • HMMM (02/04/2023, 12:50) Like (2) Dislike (11) Reply
    Love Luce. Wonderful young lady. Not in her District, but wouldn't vote for her if I was. Why? My mother always told me: "Show me your company, tell me who you are." One good apple can't make it in this dirty bunch even if standing on top. Handing out money is their only work. Oh, sorry, now their work is to talk our ears off after being silent for three plus years. Go siddung. PVIM for the win. Ian Seymour Smith, we see you. Bright, experienced, clean, People's Servant all his life, God fearing, clean.
  • Bla Bla (02/04/2023, 15:22) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    Sandy walking around with Mark say she campaigning and can't say what her intentions are. Just telling people she grow up in long bush. So?????
  • VOTE (02/04/2023, 21:51) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Don't worry about Sandy and Mark just got out vote your conscience. The people always get the government they deserve just like last four years...

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