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‘I will seek support of VIP congress to remain as leader’ for 2023 elections- Premier

- Premier Natalio D. Wheatley says he is not aware of any leadership problems in VIP camp
Despite reports of some members and supporters of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) not pleased with the leadership of the Premier and Minister of Finance in the Unity Government, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), Dr Wheatley has said he desires to lead the VIP into the 2023 general elections. Photo: YouTube/File
With the shocking incarceration of Ex-Premier Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) in Miami on April 28, 2022, the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Congress met on April 30, 2022, and unanimously voted for the then Acting Premier Dr Wheatley (R7) to become the new Chairman of the VIP. Photo: Facebook
With the shocking incarceration of Ex-Premier Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) in Miami on April 28, 2022, the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Congress met on April 30, 2022, and unanimously voted for the then Acting Premier Dr Wheatley (R7) to become the new Chairman of the VIP. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Despite reports of some members and supporters of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) not pleased with the leadership of the Premier and Minister of Finance in the Unity Government, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), Dr Wheatley has said he desires to lead the VIP into the 2023 general elections.

With the shocking incarceration of Ex-Premier Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) in Miami on April 28, 2022, the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Congress met on April 30, 2022, and unanimously voted for the then Acting Premier Dr Wheatley (R7) to become the new Chairman of the VIP.

Dr Wheatley had served as Deputy Premier under Hon Fahie.

The VIP legislators in the House of Assembly then agreed to unite with the National Democratic Party (NDP) and Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) to form a coalition government to stave off direct rule by the United Kingdom, following the scathing Commission of Inquiry (COI) Report. Dr Wheatley was then named Premier and Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5), also of the VIP, was named Deputy Premier.

‘I put myself forward’ to lead VIP- Dr Wheatley

Dr Wheatley had said the coalition government would run the affairs of the territory until the next elections constitutionally due by the second quarter of 2023.

Responding to a question at a press briefing on September 23, 2022, Dr Wheatley said while the decision ultimately rests with the VIP Congress, he desires to continuing leading the party.

“I am the head of the VIP now and of course I would seek the support of the VIP congress to remain as the leader. Of course, that decision is for the VIP Congress, but certainly I put myself forward as one having the desire to continue in this position,” Premier Wheatley stated.

“I am not aware of any leadership problems’

Meanwhile, Dr Wheatley also said he was unaware of persons in the VIP camp not pleased with his leadership so far.

Unity Government legislator and Fourth District Representative Hon Mark H. Vanterpool had labelled the Unity Government as a ‘puppet government’ and that Governor John J. Rankin CMG was the one running the territory; however, Hon Vanterpool subsequently withdrew this statement in the House of Assembly (HoA).

“I am not aware of any leadership problems but certainly I am all ears if persons want to speak to me about any challenges as it pertains to leadership. Certainly, I am willing to listen and at the very least have a conversation,” Hon Wheatley stated.

30 Responses to “‘I will seek support of VIP congress to remain as leader’ for 2023 elections- Premier”

  • coup de e tat (27/09/2022, 17:06) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
    They are going to do him the same thing like what they did to the member from the 3rd
    • the rock (27/09/2022, 22:28) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
      This foolishness must stop a few party members saying who will be out premier is foolishness, let's choose an atlarge person for the seat
      • @ the rock (28/09/2022, 07:27) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
        No way the at large system is a joke the districts is where the action is
  • Our best Premier in 30 yrs.. (27/09/2022, 17:27) Like (41) Dislike (9) Reply
    Now you become Premier like you stop reading the blogs. Continue to read the blogs they will guide you in the right decision, the blogs though unknown has all the problems and all the solutions ..Put people first..You are the most honest premier in the past 39yrs, no corruption, no scandals,,
    • @ our best premier in 30 years (27/09/2022, 18:12) Like (16) Dislike (17) Reply
      Sexual harassment is a no no
    • WA??? (28/09/2022, 10:01) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      Slow Andy stood idly by with the rest of them while Head Coach bullied, cajoled and paid-off every MS that stood in his way. We need a whole new slew of people and parties in the beautiful BVI - no one we have at the moment is fit for purpose. Tell me really - what is the difference between VIP and NDP? All you have is the colour of their flags - otherwise, it's just people looking after themselves, their friends and their families. Nobody on either side looking out for the people.
  • .... (27/09/2022, 17:27) Like (18) Dislike (6) Reply
    you Ian even groin win in the east.....look at the roadss
    • NezRez (28/09/2022, 01:33) Like (24) Dislike (28) Reply
      DANG! He just became Premier, give him a chance to see what he can do. Fahie left him with a mess to clean up. What makes you think a replacement will move any quicker or do more when they get in? Yall are so quick to yell replacement without allowing him to do his job.
      • @give him a chance (28/09/2022, 11:54) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
        How long was he deputy premier and minister of 7th and education and culture and the whole list of titles he had? Anything good to show for those? Soo important to recognise a waste of time when you see it so you don't have to waste no more time. In the regular workplace, they only give you three, four months probation. You perform or you out! Without notice! I paying with my tax money. They not performing. Probation period up! Get out!!!
    • Road Town (28/09/2022, 14:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Our best Premier in 30 yrs.. (27/09/2022, 17:27) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    Now you become Premier like you stop reading the blogs. Continue to read the blogs they will guide you in the right decision, the blogs though unknown has all the problems and all the solutions ..Put people first..You are the most honest premier in the past 39yrs, no corruption, no scandals,,
  • Sigh (27/09/2022, 17:30) Like (16) Dislike (4) Reply
    This man good in his head
  • bad (27/09/2022, 17:31) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
  • facts (27/09/2022, 18:13) Like (24) Dislike (9) Reply
    This slow premier got to go he is the biggest waste
  • hmm (27/09/2022, 19:08) Like (22) Dislike (2) Reply
    Boss, go sit down!)
  • smh (27/09/2022, 19:23) Like (17) Dislike (3) Reply
    For God and heaven sakes.
    We are no longer able with all your secrets and not wanting to tell us what is really happening. Be transparent.
  • GOVERNOR (27/09/2022, 20:44) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    makes the election decisions now NOT any members of the HOA.
  • Bust (27/09/2022, 21:41) Like (18) Dislike (3) Reply
  • Our next premiere (27/09/2022, 22:14) Like (0) Dislike (18) Reply
    Dr Pickering
  • big show (28/09/2022, 01:47) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply

    Like they say welcome the message but @*&^c the Messinger we the people of the BVI thank you for informing us that we do have Elections next year now you can kick rocks

  • Look Out (28/09/2022, 02:59) Like (6) Dislike (7) Reply
    When is he going to look for the head coach. He went and look for the dead.
  • @ SMH (28/09/2022, 07:00) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
  • Say what!!! (28/09/2022, 07:00) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    time have come to move away from this party political system because as a group they hold one head weather the idea is totally good for the people

    The at large political system is pure foolishness and waste of your tax money: the district representation system worked very well back them

    The premier and deputy premier should also be the choice of the people not the political party; develop the system where folks can seek to be elected as premier or deputy premier

    This is 2022 and not 1822 lets seek to develop solid political leadership system:
  • 1st District (28/09/2022, 09:45) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
    we bringing back the head couch
  • smh (28/09/2022, 12:30) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Nope! He was never an original VIP. Let someone who is truly a.VIP leads VIP!
    • @ SMH (28/09/2022, 14:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      are you pointing your finger at carvin because his father was an original VIP….just ask for the crazy ward
  • Interested (28/09/2022, 13:35) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Look what the Virgin Islands party has come down to.H L Stoutt would turn over in his grave, if he could see this !
  • Citizen (28/09/2022, 13:50) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Head Coach made his mistake but he was not cowing to UK and the Governor.
  • Tafari Zharr (29/09/2022, 15:29) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply

    By Tafari Zharr
    September 28, 2023

    Here’s to Sundowns and to my never ending “rusty-remembrances” of chocolate and brown sugared lemon slices, no tea and no tears, just good simple love of archives meeting modern politics.

    While some of you were out braving the Hurricanes or saving the day, some of us are sipping Hot Black Coffee and wondering what the heck’s up with the raging rains - Well, one thing’s sure - it’s raining men on Tola and I’m honored to delve into this Election Season ti find the flaws in the candidate (s)- Oh Yeh, yeh, and yeh!

    Like the mystery TV show: Where in the world is Carmen San Diego still mysterious is the unfilled seat of Beloved Son of The Soil, and like constituents of District 1 we are still wondering: Where in the World is AF and what color is his fedora?

    More importantly, where is the level of eagerness in BVI society today that will coalesce effective stewardship, long-standing confidence, and freedom while engendering the freewill of its people.

    Perhaps, the time has come to rethink not just who we vote for, but how, when , where, and why we vote. Restructuring the electoral process and system is imminent. But don’t take my word for it - just listen to your political candidates and if they don’t sound like you, look like you, behave like you, then YOU should participate in your own political administrations!

    Meanwhile , political minds, the question remains: are we to be or not to be a more or a less free-er people?

    What kind of society do we want to “engender” - an anti- sexism, ant-racism, anti-nepotism, ant-colonialism, anti-colorism, and the list goes on, right? Make your own lists people and then look at your immediate family, then extended family, and afterwards look at your neighbors, then your place of worship; and after look at what motivates you to be good rather than impaired, to be better rather than unintentional, and to be best by being open-minded..

    Not even Independence can remedy Doctor Natalio Wheatley’s upper-class patronization of his future election ( not Re-election because the Hon Premier is a stand-in who was not elected) which belies how his grandfather changed the guard via unity/VI parity establishments. In one story as it goes, his grandfather shellacked Lettsome at the Polls!

    The distinguished gentleman and aspirational political optimist - Educated, Privileged, Gifted and Black! But, Spoiled? Who knew! In spite of that possibility, although not the people’s hero, he has balls (courage) as he’s certainly not lacking in any elation of familial legacies - my lucky guess is he finesse his own adaptation of life abroad and adroitly out-maneuvered his political colleagues to lead the Unity Party.

    So, who cares, if it’s the party of his grandfather’s benefaction? Let history repeat itself, or chronicle whether the accidental or coincidental premier will reign on his own recognizance. For him to be great he ought to do that thing which made his lineage indelible for the ages. That’s how we’ll tell if Natalio Wheatley aka Sowande Uhuru can maintain his command of the coveted title of local politicians/Premier or should continue to occupy the ultimate namespace hierarchy in VI Party politics

    I love the Wheatley family. But, what does love have to do with whether or not we run jointly with mad-love towards anyone’s elation; what does the next solicitation look like, or should we shun this passive electioneering madness to distract the concerns that perhaps just foil by-elections?

    The purports of Natalio Wheatley’s solicitation to remain as Premier is already “engendered” via being incumbent premier with the Unity Party, right? Nonetheless, his campaign ambitions are obvious! He’s chasing his dreams.

    Has your Premier committed to rebuilding trust for all the people, by the people with the people; if so what plausible deniability has he proffered ALL the voters - after all he’s become Vis-à-vis the EEO, egomaniacal engendered-one just as much as The engendrar 62nd Monarchy of His Majesty King Charles is surely to be King (or AF is absolutely the scarlet premier/emeritus CEO).

    This is where we are! While the incumbent premier have the people jumping through hoops wondering, if his congress just running the clock out on special elections saying goodbye to the prodigal District 1 son and ousted premier, is anyone else groomed enough for the position to step up for District 1; and Isn’t it time for BVI to show Daughters of the Soil some love? Ladies of The West - You’ve been daring to impress, no?

    Meanwhile, Can we see more coalescing with civic minded persons by demographics or grassroots leader(s) by district who are hoping to knock down the bastions of life as we have regrettably encouraged and cultivated to our own demise.

    On occasion, in World history self-indulgent figures seem to have been one step ahead at building dictatorships. I want to examine my own thoughts on freedom to think and that such figures perhaps never intended but may have used grandiosity and Elation before considering Election. Of course, there’s no place for monocracy in BVI politics, eh? That’s why there’s more hope for Sowande to win than for Natalio to lose. (Sowande you’d be a fool to surrender when you know Natalio can be a contender, if everybody is a sinner everybody can be a winner”… this quote is dedicated to those of us in the struggle for betterment and to those who celebrate how much we have in on common; so Come On and ride on this - Fantastic Voyage. - Gangsta Paradise Remembering the Artist/Rapper Coolio who passed away today- Coolio Been A Big Deal and this is a Big Loss for the Universe!

    Full disclosure- nuttin personal: “Some of us gotta run a little faster cause we gotta lay the struggle… from song CU When U get There- RIP Coolio

    Copyright. (c) 2022. Tafari Zharr LLC. All right’s reserved.
  • long look (01/10/2022, 22:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Swaga woulda say no ma boi.. ayo had 4 years !!, lol miss yuh dawg ..

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