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‘I will fight for you & I will listen’– Willock assures D3 residents

- Former Speaker says whether or not he runs for office he will look out for Third District
Former Speaker of the Virgin Islands (VI) House of Assembly (HoA) Julian Willock has vowed to fight for the people of the Third Electoral District, whether or not he decides to run for office. Photo: Facebook
Former Speaker Julian WIllock, left, appeared on Real Talk with host Karia J. Christopher, right, on February 11, 2024. Photo: Facebook
Former Speaker Julian WIllock, left, appeared on Real Talk with host Karia J. Christopher, right, on February 11, 2024. Photo: Facebook
PALESTINA ESTATE, Tortola, VI– Former Speaker of the Virgin Islands (VI) House of Assembly (HoA) Julian Willock has vowed to fight for the people of the Third Electoral District, whether or not he decides to run for office.

With current Third District Representative Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) likely to retire from politics in the next election cycle, Willock as a resident of the area could take up the opportunity and run for the seat as a district representative.

Speaking on the February 11, 2024, edition of Real Talk with Karia J. Christopher, Mr Willock said whether or not he is running, his committee which includes Kisma P. Forbes has already set out to do a number of initiatives for the district. This has included a back-to-school drive, food pantry, and job fair.

'Gov't can't do everything'- Willock

Other initiatives, he said, include cleaning up the Sea Cows Bay harbour, new schools, infrastructure, and more, which can build on the legacy of Honourable Julian Fraser. “Government cannot do everything. Government's coffers are limited and that's why we're proud, that my approach, is that we're going to tap into the private sector,” he said.

“99% of the things that we have done for District 3, my committee and I… are private sector driven, whether it's through Nanny Cay, whether it's through Scrub Island, whether it's through Long Bay… and I have a long list of sponsors and supporters,” he said.

Willock emphasised that the government's coffers are limited and there are a lot of competing interests, but his team has been privileged to get support from the private sector to execute some of his initiatives for the Third District.

More to come

Mr Willock added that an initiative will be soon announced for seniors and that it is a private-sector partnership for the district through a five-year plan. 

“Whether I’m elected or not elected we will continue helping our people because, as I said, three things, you have to love people, you have to love country, and you have to have integrity,” Mr Willock said.

Bringing back horse racing to the Third District is also a big priority for Mr Willock.

He added that he will continue to champion the cause of the people in the Third District. “I will not let you down. I will fight for you and I will listen and we're simply building on the legacy of the current district representative who I have the greatest respect for, the Honourable Julian Fraser,” Mr Willock stated.

18 Responses to “‘I will fight for you & I will listen’– Willock assures D3 residents ”

  • herbs power (14/02/2024, 09:22) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
    Both of yall want online blogs to discontinue. sign of weakness right there.
  • one eye (14/02/2024, 09:33) Like (9) Dislike (28) Reply
    Good going Mr Willock
  • E. Leonard (14/02/2024, 09:41) Like (19) Dislike (5) Reply
    Former Speaker of HoA Julian Willock is avoiding the mistake of many other political aspirants, ie, not doing the preparatory work, not doing the essential retail politics, announcing their candidacy just weeks before Election Day. The incumbent Premier has the advantage of setting Election Day. A date- certain for Election should be set to level the playing field . Nevertheless, serious and competitive candidates should be prepared for whatever day is set. The serious candidate would have done the preparatory work leading up to the announced Election Day. As such, the time between the Election Day announcement and Election is the like the day/night before a college course final exam, etc: it should be light work, for the heavy lifting has already been done. The [British] Virgin Islands ( VI) is a small bedroom community so sidewalk, eye ball, tennis shoe , etc campaigning should be a staple expectation. It is about retail, retail, retail politics.
    • RealPol (14/02/2024, 11:44) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
      @E.Leonard, good political advice. Indeed, our politicians want to jump in the race at the last minute and basically call on their campaigns, failing to recognize you cannot lead from behind the desk or relaxing in the lazy boy, falsely believing giving speeches perhaps written by others suffices for doing the work, engaging in retail retail politics. It does not and many are lucky to get their deposit refunded. I don’t favor the poll tax which harkens to a dark disenfranchisement period but it is what it is. Moreover, I like the idea of a “date-certain” for general election, leveling the playing field. Set the date for general election or bye election should not be a guessing game.
    • The Frig….. (14/02/2024, 13:51) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      To E. Leonard, wait for it, wait for it, you are damn useful frig… mehson. I will go on a limb and say it is priceless political campaign advice. Our experience is that we only see and engaged with many current politicians or as you say political aspirants around election time. Around election time, they are on you, sometime annoyingly, like white on rice or stink in s….it. Election over, they go back in their holes, hanging with and in their cliques, etc. And as election approaches again, they resurface. And the cycle goes round and round. The political system has failed to provide a steady stream of people who can effectively and productively serve as Premier and ministers. Clearly, effective succession planning have failed. This process needs to urgently get back on track. The breakdown down on the political process is the fault of the people. They go to the polls every 4 years and disengaged, complaining that things are going right. The people need to get and stay engaged in the civic, and public affairs of the territory. They need to get and stay engaged like a Rattler. I borrowed this phrase from the Rattler. The Frig……out.
      • Rattler (14/02/2024, 18:35) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        To The Frig, indeed, your are a damn useful frig who is talking good and making sense. You are spot with your observation. Seems you chose The Frig…moniker to either throw us off or get us to pay attention, paying attention is more like it. E. Leonard is on point and spot on with the lack of effective retail politics or as some may say politricks, improper preparations, and late start of campaigns. They get engaged early and strike, strike, and strike again till the job gets done. This is the Rattler MO.
  • Guest (14/02/2024, 10:42) Like (3) Dislike (13) Reply
    Ticking the correct boxes so far.
  • Citizen (14/02/2024, 10:47) Like (4) Dislike (29) Reply
    Willock has come a long way I am warning up to him, once frazer don’t run he has my vote
  • Real (14/02/2024, 10:48) Like (17) Dislike (3) Reply
    Just as A. Fahie was elected to do and did nothing. Maybe he would not be up "sh.ts creek" now if he stuck to the job he was elected for. Mr. Willock will do the same.

    Speaking for my Village of Carrot Bay. Since the Hurricane of 2017, our Isabella Morris Community Center, which was also used to feed the Elderly, has been damage/distroyed. What happen to the Funds that was allocated? I could not get an answer from Premier Fahie Administration. Also the roads are shameful and in need of repair, and the Projected that was started in lower Carrot Bay was stopped, with no explanations, What happened? Was the Funds that was allocated diverted to another project somewhere else?
  • BVI love (14/02/2024, 11:16) Like (19) Dislike (2) Reply
    One thing he could talk mehson he will sell you the beef island bridge
  • SCB (14/02/2024, 11:17) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    Sewage out fall and rotting Irma ship wrecks in the Bay. Way past time to fix these two problems
  • 2024 (14/02/2024, 12:02) Like (8) Dislike (26) Reply
    he could be a good candidate or replacement for RT Hon Fraser

  • The smith family (14/02/2024, 12:04) Like (8) Dislike (21) Reply
    Mr Julian is doing a good job so far he has my vote
  • resident (14/02/2024, 13:34) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    There is no doubt that Willock cares about his community and is articulate. However it takes more than talk to run a country. I listened to him in the COI and the man was so pompous. It was very embarrassing. There is such a thing as tact, humility, graciousness and most of all diplomacy. Unless he has learned these attributes in the past few months I can't support him for our govt.
    • @ resident (14/02/2024, 23:41) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      He was one of the best before the coi if you asked me! Very brilliant and demanded respect
  • WELL HALLELUIAH (14/02/2024, 14:58) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
  • hog city (14/02/2024, 18:43) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    Willock might be the next premier you watch
  • Cog (16/02/2024, 02:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    He’s just another cog in the same political machine that got us in the mess we are in. Leopards don’t change their spots, they just hide in the trees. We need fresh blood, new perspectives on governance, and leaders who can see beyond personal gain and titles. Just my two cents.

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