‘I support the peoples’ march & will be there’-Opposition Leader

The declaration came on Wednesday June 6, 2018, during a public meeting held at Foxy’s Bar on Jost van Dyke (JvD) with scores of residents.
The meeting comes on the heels of a similar outreach on sister island, Virgin Gorda, on May 31, 2018 and was held under theme, 'Our Past, Our Present, Our Future.’
Calling on residents on Tortola to be more sensitive to the needs of the sister islands, the Opposition Leader used the occasion to announce his support the demonstration starting from 2:00 PM at the Sunday Morning Well heading to the Central Administration Complex.
People power
Hon. Fahie—who is also the Chairman of the main Opposition Virgin Islands Party (VIP)—told the JvD residents, the public outreaches are to “listen to the people, while discussing current issues and working on solutions.”
He said the time has come “to flip the pyramid,” since, the Premier and his Ministers along with the House of Assembly Members and Technocrats are at the top of the ‘power pyramid’, and the people are at the bottom—a message he delivered to Virgin Gordians.
The Opposition Leader explained saying, people are at the bottom of the power structure, “forgotten and disrespected” and claimed to know of cases where “some residents are afraid to go to their district representative who they voted for every election.”
The vibrant young leader also told JvD residents of an ambitious legislative agenda, “to restore accountability, transparency and good governance.”
Legislative Agenda
The First District Representative called for ‘Whistle Blowing Legislation’ to help reduce government corruption and to protect civil servants form victimisation, once they report wrong doing.
According to Hon Fahie, he is also keen on legislation that caters for integrity in public life and to strengthen the registrar of interest policy.
Another important part of his legislative agenda—should his VIP take power—is a review of government’s procurement systems for contracts. This, in order to bring more accountability and fairness, he said.
Hon Fahie disclosed too, a desire to see Cabinet decisions being made public so, there is “collective responsibility.”
According to the Opposition Leader, he would also like to see “a banking system on the sister islands,” adding, “I know of the hardship for residents to come to Tortola, pay a boat, catch a taxi and most often be told to come back tomorrow especially, for public services.”
At the end of his presentation there was an interactive question and answer segment, where residents raised issues, of government accountability, a lack of preparedness for the 2018 hurricane season and challenges with the National Health Insurance (NHI) and Customs and Immigration clearances, among other pressing domestic issues.

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