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‘I don’t like to hear about reparations’- Eileene L. Parsons

Cultural icon and former legislator Eileene L. Parsons, OBE does not believe the Virgin Islands (VI) should be fighting for reparations for slavery, and instead should just be grateful for where it has come. Photo: GIS/File
Local icon Ms Eileene L. Parsons, OBE, left, appeared as a guest on Real Talk with Karia J. Christopher, right, on Sunday, July 30, 3023. Photo: Real Talk/Facebook
Local icon Ms Eileene L. Parsons, OBE, left, appeared as a guest on Real Talk with Karia J. Christopher, right, on Sunday, July 30, 3023. Photo: Real Talk/Facebook
Then Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, Honourable Julian Fraser, RA (R3) in 2022 had called for reparations from the United Kingdom (UK) for the descendants of slaves, while noting that this must be captured in the pending reformed Constitution of the Virgin Islands. Photo: GIS/File
Then Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, Honourable Julian Fraser, RA (R3) in 2022 had called for reparations from the United Kingdom (UK) for the descendants of slaves, while noting that this must be captured in the pending reformed Constitution of the Virgin Islands. Photo: GIS/File
PALESTINA ESTATE, Tortola, VI- Cultural icon and former legislator Eileene L. Parsons, OBE does not believe the Virgin Islands (VI) should be fighting for reparations for slavery, and instead should just be grateful for where it has come.

Speaking to Karia J. Christopher, the host of Real Talk aired Sunday, July 30, 3023, Ms Parsons said seeking monetary compensation for slavery is not practical.

Mrs Christopher was at the time commenting that based on Ms Parsons definition of who should be considered a Virgin Islander, she [Christopher] is a “full BVIslander” and she needs her reparations now.

“That is something that I don’t like to hear, about reparations.” Ms Parsons responded.

“Well since you said three generations down, I know I got to get a cheque, cause I a full…,” Christopher continued.

Ms Parsons said while most of the slaves came from the West Coast of Africa, none of us know from exactly where.

“We should be thankful for where we have come, what we have become, we have doctors, lawyers, and we should forget, not totally forget about slavery, but forget about getting money. What you need money for? For God’s sake, I would not know who to ask for…” Ms Parsons said.


Opposition Member Honourable Julian Fraser RA has been at the forefront calling for reparations for slavery.

According to the Opposition Leader, the British Government recently finished off paying off a loan that they used to compensate slave masters and plantation owners at the time of emancipation and can now seek a loan for reparations.

“It is time they get a new loan for reparations,” Hon Fraser said while giving official remarks at the official opening of the Bernard ‘Yampi’ Nibbs Festiville at Festival Grounds, Tortola on July 27, 2022.

“But the one word I want to leave with you this evening is reparation. Reparation is a word I want you to remember. Reparation means whatever we were emancipated from we are going to be compensated for.”

Several Caribbean countries have been calling for reparations from countries that benefitted from the slave trade.

Even today, August 1, 2023, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda Gaston A. Browne said the celebration and commemoration of emancipation is also a call to Europe for reparations.

‘You owe us’- Gaston A. Browne to Europe

"Emancipation recognises the centuries of enslavement, that crime against humanity that robbed us of basic human dignity, which reduced us to chattel – property, and extracted blood, sweat and tears to provide the wealth that developed Europe.

In these celebrations, we pay respect and homage to our ancestors – those who bore the whips and chains – those who helped clear the path to our freedom through their resistance and sacrifices.

It is in their honour – in their memory - that the nations of this Caribbean – among which Antigua and Barbuda stands tall – say to Europe, in a non-confrontational manner – “you owe us – for two hundred years of free labour and you must pay reparations,” PM Browne said.

43 Responses to “‘I don’t like to hear about reparations’- Eileene L. Parsons”

  • Youth (01/08/2023, 16:18) Like (17) Dislike (6) Reply
    What an ignorant statement
    • Exactly Ms. P (01/08/2023, 19:19) Like (10) Dislike (25) Reply
      Slavery occurred before the birth of Christ so I don’t know why blacks believe they are entitled to reparations and no I’m not racist …from right here so don’t even come with that racist talk.

      The history of slavery spans many cultures, nationalities, and religions from ancient times to the present day. Likewise, its victims have come from many different ethnicities and religious groups. The social, economic, and legal positions of enslaved people have differed vastly in different systems of slavery in different times and places.
      • More than money (01/08/2023, 21:46) Like (18) Dislike (3) Reply
        Reparations is not just for financial justice but most importantly for the Brits, Dutch, French and Spanish to ACKNOWLEDGE their wrong doing because in their eyes, they see blacks as less and not deserving of reparations like the Jews enslaved by Hitler or Native Americans whom the Europeans slaughtered or the North Koreans bombed by the US. Every other race got theirs so blacks need theirs. It is not entitled, it is owed and DUE. Repay because "y'all" are trying to erase that history and rewrite the truth.
      • ? (02/08/2023, 12:04) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
        Was the slavery the "blacks" suffered the same kind of slavery that you saw before then? Please research this answer for accuracy since you "don’t know why blacks believe they are entitled to reparations"

        And explain to me why Jewish people got reparations and they were not enslaved.

        Reparations also does not have to be monetary. Education, Health Care, for example wouldn't be things put into anyone's account
  • Vg man (01/08/2023, 16:19) Like (36) Dislike (6) Reply
    Our ancestors are rolling over in their graves after listening to this foolish woman.
    • @ Vg man (01/08/2023, 19:20) Like (7) Dislike (12) Reply
      Ancestors are dust can’t roll over nowhere. They have to face Judgement Day like everyone else so you and whoever else worshipping them talking nonsense about ancestors ushering in the deceased into wherever just STOP IT!
  • I Tell you (01/08/2023, 16:27) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    They are considered the haves and they don’t give a damn about the have nots but god is still in charge that’s why they live long so that they can suffer long for all the wrong that they did to poor people and they still keep on doing then when they about to die they have to tie them down and tape up their mouths from hearing all the wrong they did to others
  • WOW (01/08/2023, 17:00) Like (14) Dislike (19) Reply
    First time i have agreed with this woman. What is reparation? It is the action of making amends for a wrong one has done, by providing payment or other assistance to those who have been wronged. IN this instance certain ethnic groups are seeking reparation for what they feel were wrongs done to their ancestors. Buckle up Mary. The people who you feel wronged your ancestor are not alive today. This is real life. Tortola people just looking for more handouts. the audit report done show how much reparation was claimed.
    • @wow (02/08/2023, 05:02) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
      The slave owners families profited and most still do today even though their ancestors are not here.

      Then you tall about what they FEEL was wrong. This ish was wrong, pay the people what is owed
  • herbs power (01/08/2023, 17:13) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
    This article shows exactly the kind of foolish people that was leading. Should have never made the news, sad.
  • @wow (01/08/2023, 17:29) Like (20) Dislike (5) Reply
    Stop talking nonsense.The individuals responsible for slavery may not be alive but their direct decendants are and all that wealth that was accumulated from decades of free labor was passed down generation to generation.
    • @ “@wow” (01/08/2023, 19:22) Like (12) Dislike (6) Reply
      Meanwhile same people asking for reparations digging out each other and their family eye.
    • Stealth (02/08/2023, 05:39) Like (14) Dislike (6) Reply
      Many whites like to roll out the idea that they should not be held liable or contribute to paying for the atrocities of their forebears, for they don’t know any slaves, had not own any slaves, do not know anyone who owned slaves, etc. Well, that old tired dog is not going to hunt. A simple question. Have you benefitted and are still benefiting from slavery? And the answer is Yes. You are benefitting economically, socially, politically, etc. Slavery provided special privileges , entitlements, a system of racial superiority, and allowed slave masters and whites to amass almost all the wealth, resources, power, control, the levers of government, etc.,limiting and restricting others , especially Blacks, from progressing. In fact they (you) have gone all out, going all to keep Blacks as a permanent underclass. Black progress is a knightmare for you, trying to maintain the social Darwinism big lie. You have benefitted from slavery and still benefitting from slavery while blacks are still suffering from the legacies of slavery. So get out of here with your convenient whining. That dog is not going to hunt and that canary is not going to fly. Ms. P, easy, easy, ease up, take a break. Whatever you are smoking or drinking or needing some rest is addling your thought process, perhaps. You may be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.
      • @Stealth (02/08/2023, 10:14) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
        @Stealth, real talk mehson. Dem man can only tap dislike but dem can’t bring no facts to despute or say you lie. Like you say that old tired can’t hunt, and canary can’t fly.
  • ... (01/08/2023, 17:38) Like (7) Dislike (4) Reply
    this women loves the white man what a shame
  • Educate yourself (01/08/2023, 18:14) Like (22) Dislike (6) Reply
    Old people with Stockholm Syndrome. So the slave masters got reparations, Native Americans, Japanese and the Jewish community all got reparations, but we can’t get it? We ain’t even get our 40acres and a mule SMDH.
  • Manjack (01/08/2023, 19:01) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    Ms . P missed the mark completely on reparation by a country mile. With that strange and surprising statement, Ms. P is saying that she supports the Slave owners under the Abolition Act of 1833 getting £20M for the loss labour of their slaves. Note that they didn’t give a rat’s ass about the slaves; they saw the slaves’ labour as currency for earning them wealth, entitlement, special privileges, racial superiority, control, power, etc.

    Here is a news flash for Ms. P, the host, and others. A check is not the only thing that provide some reparative justice to make the slaves and their descendants whole.

    Moreover, we should give thanks for what we have, the distance we have travelled, despite the exploitation, expropriation , rape, dehumanization, brutality, etc. Is Ms. P okay with slave owners and whites dehumanizing blacks striping them of their humanity, all of their worldly possessions, separating them from their families, history, heritage, customs, courtesies
    ; depriving them of the ability to even learn how to read and write,,exploiting their labor, depriving them of basic healthcare and basic nutrition, depriving them of their personal freedom, raping them, brutalizing them, depriving them of basic family values, ie, restricting children carrying the surname of their parents, depriving them of their freedom, relegating them as a permanent underclass, hopeless, non-competitive, etc., and I can go on and on.,

    Ms. P may not like to hear about reparation but reparation is a remedy, ie,,Native Americans, Mau Mau in Kenya, Japanese , Jews, etc. if it good for others, why not Blacks. We need to stop behaving like Pavlov dogs s suffering from Whites conditioning. Get some help for the Stockholm Syndtome, etc.
    • @ Manjack (02/08/2023, 05:49) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Manjack, you taking Ms. P., the supposed cultural icon, former legislator to task for her outrageous, kick in the gut statement about the need of reparation for Blacks. Ms. p. Seemed to hsve drunk too much of the cool aid and may be suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome and behaving like Pavlov dog(s). Is Ms. P losing her touch, recently making some eye rolling statements.,
  • NB (01/08/2023, 19:22) Like (6) Dislike (18) Reply
    I’m not a fan of Ms. Parson but I agree with her. What will money do for us now? Are we cashing in on the sufferings of our ancestors? It’s shameful. Honour our ancestors. Watch our actions and be kind and compassionate to each other. We have come a long way and we are better now because of the sufferings of our ancestors.
  • My 2 cents keep the change (01/08/2023, 19:26) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    Yesterday when the article come out about who is indigenous a lot of y’all agreed with her now she disagrees with reparations for slavery you guys don’t like to hear that lol
  • Eldread (01/08/2023, 19:26) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    All you don't bother with Gaston Browne about reparations, cause he up here robbing Barbuda of it's land that the barbudans shed blood sweat and tears for, all to give it to white European. He must a want sound relevant like Mia Motley. Gaston just want get his sticky hands on any money that come. If reparations is paid these same politicians will steal it and bank it on the same European banks and there citizens life never improve.
  • My Goodness (01/08/2023, 19:39) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    @ wow you must be one of those who were born here in the BVI just like her who thinks that it’s ok to use people like they are your prize possession you have a government job and you use the people who you are in charge of you I’ll treat them because your their supervisor that’s why you see the country is the way it is because of all the curse that’s going around here the generational curses from you local modern generation slave owners but your time is almost up just like hers and all of the others
  • @my2cents (01/08/2023, 21:43) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    She wasn't talking about indigenous. She was talking about BVIslanders descended from slaves.
    Stop insulting the native indigenous people of the Caribbean, and the world, by wilfully misusing this word to describe descendants of African slaves imported to this region, when it truly describes homegrown native people who have known and loved the earth here for many centuries, passing on their deep knowledge for generations before they were almost wiped out by the Europeans.
    BVI people think they are clever by 'breaking a rule!' or 'sticking it to outsiders' by claiming it's what we call ourselves here, if you don't like it, leave.
    But all it does is expose our ignorance. If you choose ignorance, people just see you as ignorant
  • Eagle and Buffalo (01/08/2023, 22:33) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    The slave trade and the institution of slavery, an extractive institution, not only exploited and expropriated slave labour to create tremendous wealth for slave owners, along with building European economies, ie, the UK’s and others, but also fragmented fsmilies, destroy culture, history and heritage. Manjack did an excellent job listing the adverse impact of slavery, so I will not repeat them here other than to say that the compounding effects of slavery still haunts the descendants of slaves in former colonies. The legacies and pathologies persists. But to date, neither slaves nor their descendants have receive even an apology much less reparation which they should receive.

    Moreover, too many people, especially the descendants of slave owners, think that slave descendants are only looking for a monetary handout. Reparation is not only about a check but also should be medical services,education programs, housing, economic development programs and funds, etc. The descendants of slaves deserve reparatory justice.

    [ lets lead like eagles, not careen off the cliff like buffaloes]
  • Hotter (02/08/2023, 01:49) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    Eileen Parsons is a House Slave thats why she speak like thst. Them is the ones you dont trust, slave master puppets
  • BVIslander (02/08/2023, 03:45) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    These people have no say in the bvi.. who she think she is? The premier or The governor... Tell her go sit down or better yet go wallk
  • BackSide (02/08/2023, 07:55) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Wow, talk about pushing the ladder down when you get to the top, this lady collecting reparations and then some from BVI taxpayers every month, now to hell with everyone else. Talk about evil.
  • Tired of she now (02/08/2023, 08:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Her feet was not a bvislander
  • Reality check (02/08/2023, 08:50) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    "The West African empires of this period peaked in power in the late 18th century, paralleling the peak of the Atlantic slave trade. These empires implemented a culture of permanent warfare in order to generate the required numbers of captives required to satisfy the demand for slaves by the European colonies". These African empires stretching back to the beginning of civilization started and practiced slavery. Given that they enslaved whomever was not of their empire it may be that some forebear of mine is entitled to reparations from BVI Islanders, but I could no more prove from whom than anyone here can pinpoint from whom they should be paid. Get a name and go to court!!
  • jack donkey (02/08/2023, 09:12) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The more this woman open her mount the more you realize that she’s not a credible person. All one need to do is some basic research, the Native American is still getting reparations for their genocide, Japan got reparations for a war time act, the enslavers got reparation for the people they were to set free. The Jews received reparations for a War time act.
  • Sambo (02/08/2023, 09:21) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    Clearly, Eileen Parsons, a boomer,, is out of touch. She is a controversial, loudmouth, carrying the water for the Colonialists who are loving her and patting her on the head, going, “ good girl.” She is the house Negro who race to tell massa that a revolt is being planned. She is the type of house negro who buys into the civilizing mission proporganda of the colonizers. She is the type of house negro who bought into the colonizers story that playing the servile role, serving and making colonizers comfortable, and wealthy, being subordinate was the role for and in the best interest of blacks. Is she a sell out who is ashamed of her race, heritage, wishing she was something else?? Is she a convert of Charles Darwinism social Darwinism theory?? Is she a de Santis student on the virtues of slavery for blacks ?? The woman is a disgrace to the race. Enough of her already; when someone tells you who they are, believe them. Nevertheless, despite, the attitude of the misinformed and sellouts, the descendants of slaves in the VI deserves reparations and reparatory justice just like others who deserved and gotten, ie, American Indians, Japanese, Jews, Mau Mau, etc. Why others are deserving of reparations and not blacks who have been victimized, exploited, dehumanized,,suffered the worst holocaust, the most? We know one person in the BVI who does not think that Blacks deserve reparations. All respect for is lost. Sad, sad. There is a minimum age to consume alcohol and perhaps there should be a maximum age.
    • Johnny Walker (02/08/2023, 10:28) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Sambo, now you didn’t have to go there, for I was just in de corner not bothering a soul . It is dem come bother me. But I ready for dem, for I too much fu dem. Tell dem mek lone mehson.
      • @Johnny Walker (02/08/2023, 17:28) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        @Johnny Walker, why you had to go there. No need to pile on when the lady is being soundly rake over the coals for her stand against reparation. If the lady had read the following excerpt by Antigua and Barbuda PM Gaston Brown:
        “ Emancipation recognises the centuries of enslavement, that crime against humanity that robbed us of basic human dignity, which reduced us to chattel – property, and extracted blood, sweat and tears to provide the wealth that developed Europe.

        In these celebrations, we pay respect and homage to our ancestors – those who bore the whips and chains – those who helped clear the path to our freedom through their resistance and sacrifices.

        It is in their honour – in their memory - that the nations of this Caribbean – among which Antigua and Barbuda stands tall – say to Europe, in a non-confrontational manner – “you owe us – for two hundred years of free labour and you must pay reparations,” PM Browne said.”
  • African Chieftains (02/08/2023, 09:33) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    and their descendants would be contributing to the reparations? Cause the local chieftains and warlords, Africans themselves, in nowadays Nigeria , Ghana and Senegal or Kingdom of Dahomey (actual Benin) were the ones capturing the vulnerable Africans in the inner lands and bring them to the coast where the slavemarkets. There, they would sell those poor folks to the European merchants. Between the local chieftains and European merchants it was a business relationship. The same was the case in East Africa where the Arabs were the traders. Whether you like it or not , these are well documented facts that need to be taken in consideration if "reparations " is discussed. Would reparations actually help the nowadays Afro Caribbeans and Afro Americans? That's a different topic. Looking at how Australia tried to atone for their shameful past in relation to the Aboriginals, my conclusion is that simpy handling cash can actually create more harm for the concerned community. That is my honest opinion.
  • Controversial Loud Mouth (02/08/2023, 10:42) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    I’m convince this woman does make outrageous and controversial statements for attention. Is not this the same woman in 1993 or there about who said that “Island People didn’t see a $100 dollar bill till they come Tortoia?” That brought some attention and she relish in it. Now she spouting her outrageous reparations nonsense, knowing she was going to take over the coals. Here is a news flash. She is not the only Boomer that sympathizes with the White people who now wants to revise history and absolve themselves of their treatment of Blacks. As if, if we pretend hard enough something didn’t happen it didn’t happen or it was not so bad. Blouse and shirt…..cart sh yu Mother $ku$$.
  • Really Ms. Parsons! (02/08/2023, 13:48) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ms. Parsons needs to do her homework. Please stop giving this woman a platform to spout her nonsense.. Just because you're a senior and well known in the community does not give u the right to spout such nonsense. She is a barrel of contradictions.....I don't like to hear about reparations, but I would take a check, what you need money for? #next!!
  • MS P YOU FULL OF YOURELF (02/08/2023, 14:43) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
  • ok (02/08/2023, 18:09) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    But how about ayo abolish current day slavery where some employers have workers like slaves, especially expats. Then ayo could talk about reparations. Tired of ayo.
    • fool (02/08/2023, 21:05) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      It is one thing to be considered a fool but mouth open and remove all doubt. An educated fool is even more nauseating. If we argue or have discussion with a fool, now there are lots of fools.
  • home boy (02/08/2023, 19:41) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why is this foolish lady still relevant ,is this the same lady that left the Bvi and went to school in the Usvi, talking about reparations this lady is a real Auntie Tom.
  • Ne Timeas (02/08/2023, 23:13) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The tectonic plates are moving, and the tomorrows will be different than the yesterdays but the dinosaurs are stuck at top dead center in the past.. There are generational divisions. Boomers and older gens are stuck in the past like dinosaurs. While younger gens, ie, millennials, Gen Z, Gen Alpha, etc., are looking towards the the future.

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