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‘I do not believe’ VIP or NDP will win next general elections- Skelton-Cline

- Said both Dr Wheatley & Hon Penn are good leaders in their own right but not for this period in VI’s politics
Noting that he believes the next 13 elected officials need to be specifically handpicked by the people of the Virgin Islands, commentator Mr Claude O. Skelton-Cline has also opined that neither the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) nor the National Democratic Party (NDP) will win the 2023 general elections. Photo: Facebook
Mr Claude O. Skelton-Cline said while incumbent Premier and Virgin Islands Party Chairman Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), right, and Minister for Health and Social Development and NDP Member Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8), left, are good people who he likes, he does not believe the territory as a collective will have confidence to put them at the helm of the VI at this juncture. Photo: VINO/Facebook
Mr Claude O. Skelton-Cline said while incumbent Premier and Virgin Islands Party Chairman Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), right, and Minister for Health and Social Development and NDP Member Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8), left, are good people who he likes, he does not believe the territory as a collective will have confidence to put them at the helm of the VI at this juncture. Photo: VINO/Facebook
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI- Noting that he believes the next 13 elected officials need to be specifically handpicked by the people of the Virgin Islands, commentator Mr Claude O. Skelton-Cline has also opined that neither the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) nor the National Democratic Party (NDP) will win the 2023 general elections.

No room for VIP & NDP?

According to Mr Skelton-Cline on his Honestly Speaking show on ZBVI 780 AM on September 27, 2022, the voting public will have to put aside family, friends or popularity to to choose individuals based upon criteria that we the people can agree on collectively.

He noted; however, that there may be no room for the traditional parties to gain power, based on the changed mindset of voters.

“I do not believe that the Virgin Islands Party will lead this country to victory in the next general election, for who becomes the government.

“I do not believe that the National Democratic Party will lead this country to any victory the next general election,” Skelton-Cline added.

Dr Wheatley & Hon Penn ‘good men’ but…

Further, Mr Skelton-Cline said that while incumbent Premier and Virgin Islands Party Chairman Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) and Minister for Health and Social Development and NDP Member Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8) are good people who he likes, he does not believe the territory as a collective will have confidence to put them at the helm of the VI at this juncture.

“If I was in the Eighth District right now I would vote for [Honourable] Modern Penn, but I believe that the country has already made-up their mind relative to Honourable Penn’s leadership and I do not believe that this country is going to accept the National Democratic Party as the next government with Honourable Penn as the leader.”

Mr Skelton-Cline reiterated that Hon Penn is a good man and a good representative.

“Are there areas that needs to be strengthened? Certainly. Might he become premier in some future time in the country? Certainly. Does he have the resources, the tools, in which if they are shaped and sharpened and harnessed? Absolutely, but right now for where we are, even amongst the rank and file of the National Democratic Party, which have not declared anything officially as yet, I think the country has already made up their mind about leadership coming out of the National Democratic Party.”

Turning to the Virgin Islands Party, Mr Skelton-Cline said he likes Dr the Honourable Wheatley, who he views as an academic.

“I stood on the stage in 2019 and helped him to get elected as a collective, but I do not believe that the country is going to accept and vote a Virgin Islands Party ticket to victory in the next general election, I do not believe that.”

‘Honest discussion’

Mr Skelton-Cline said some may get uncomfortable with what he is saying but he was just trying to have a loving and honest discussion.

Additionally, Mr Skelton-Cline said there are many persons who could ‘fit the bill’ as a leader of the Territory, including Chief Justice Dame Janice M. Pereira, DBE, LLD.

The talk show host also listed several other persons who he believes could make for good elected officials.

31 Responses to “‘I do not believe’ VIP or NDP will win next general elections- Skelton-Cline”

  • asking for a friend (28/09/2022, 15:11) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
    Then who?
  • detroit (28/09/2022, 15:17) Like (37) Dislike (2) Reply
    And i cant believe the media is posting your drivel
  • resident (28/09/2022, 15:36) Like (74) Dislike (2) Reply
    as long as whoever wins doesn't give him anymore contracts
  • Ham and chesse (28/09/2022, 15:48) Like (27) Dislike (1) Reply
    he is sure of that because he knows that neither of the two parties will give him more contracts
  • Windy (28/09/2022, 16:10) Like (8) Dislike (15) Reply
    The man is right let's go ronnie
  • Well Sah (28/09/2022, 16:18) Like (8) Dislike (25) Reply
    I saw a blog on another article saying we should be a part of the USVI. I agree! None of our so-called leaders are doing what they are supposed to so. The UK has no good intentions toward us and their own governance is unstable and shambolic. Independence cannot work with the kind of leadership we have.

    At least in the USVI we will get greater accountability, higher wages and more jobs, and better government. Almost everything about out governance including the court system in the BVI is disgraceful, with people having to take out a loan to fight cases even without a lawyer.
    • Sammy (28/09/2022, 17:42) Like (18) Dislike (4) Reply
      Most BVIlanders would never make it in the USVI without the entitlements they are so used to living with.
      • ? (29/09/2022, 00:09) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
        You do know that the USVI is full of BVIslanders right
      • @ Sammy (29/09/2022, 05:27) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
        Sammy , I beg to differe.
        BVIslanders have ,since the beginning of these Island chain formation made, it in the USVI.
        Most BVIslanders have a US Passport .
        Dual citizenship, close relatives and property in the USVI and mainland USA.
        They really are a priveledged group with entitlements across the World' s spectrum and will ,have and continue to enjoy entitlements in the USVI. That cannot readily change no more than their innate character which has been rewarded with their coveted priveledge here and abroad All BVIslanders are citizens and Belongers of the BVI ,welcomed in the US and territories andnot to be confused with those of singular Belongership/ Belongers.
  • Damiana (28/09/2022, 16:32) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is not a matter of believing, they will NOT
  • FACIL EXPRESSION (28/09/2022, 17:19) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
  • @ CSC (28/09/2022, 18:32) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
  • my two cents (28/09/2022, 19:18) Like (4) Dislike (37) Reply
    D 1 Karl Dawson
    D 2 Janice Stoutt or Mitch Turnbull
    D 3 OJ Smith or Julian Willock
    D 4 Luc Hodge-Smith
    D 5 Kye Rymer
    D 6 Alvia Maduro-Caines
    D 7 Perline Leonard or Slowanda
    D 8 Marlon Penn
    D 9 Vincent Wheatley

    At Large: Flax-Charles, Carvin Marlon, Ronnie Skelton, Myron Walwyn

  • vi (28/09/2022, 20:26) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    The VIP put us where we at today I don’t think they need a second chance personally they run a good lie campaign that’s why Ty get in so they put themselves out
  • hold still (28/09/2022, 21:23) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    one moment cline with ndp
    one moment cline with vip
    On the river on the bank
    • Only Rasta can free the people. (29/09/2022, 06:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The consciousness, the wisdom, the courage, That's evident in St. Kitts with their new Prime minister, from Rasta to Doctor to PM, the only Prime Minister in the region and in St Kitts History who enjoy a 90 plus percent likeable support of the population and he is delivering. .I personally thought Sowande had those qualities, but he proves me wrong.....As I look around the BVI I see no one..It's sad!
    • Citizen (29/09/2022, 10:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      He already destroyed both party
  • voter (28/09/2022, 22:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Whoever CSC, rally behind will lose, remembered what he said on the VIP campaign trail in 2019, " my FRAUGHT is not for NORTH."
  • in (29/09/2022, 01:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Its gonna be very very interesting to see who all the candidates are. Let's be honest with our selves there is no time for games the territory is at a serious cross road right now. We need people who can stand up to what is ahead of us. Young minds must be included in this fight for our territory, succession planning is paramount our only problem is that we put the spirit of hush on them and crush them so that they can't be effective when elected. Brilliant minds, eloquent in speech, the urge to fight for equal rights and justice, the urge to bring about change especially for the younger generations have been crushed all because of negligence and power. The struggle is real so who do we choose. Transparency and accountability is overshadowed by greed and power so who do we choose.
  • musa (29/09/2022, 05:50) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    What I know for sure for the pass yrs very few if any body lessening to you
  • There will be no election. (29/09/2022, 06:08) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    They are only playing us. They are secretly in coarse with the governor pushing for a non election,. Why would they push for elections they know they cannot win..?

  • Be ye quiet (29/09/2022, 07:37) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    This man with two last names needs to keep quiet in the BVI. He is a big distraction to the VI, in other words a Minus.
  • Citizen (29/09/2022, 10:27) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    The only one he got right is that Marlon cannot lead.
  • new (29/09/2022, 12:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Get rid of anyone who’s been previously elected. They have neglected the best interests of the Territory through poor planning and management, and have instead used their positions for personal enrichment. Same old same old regardless of party Thanks to them we had CoI, missing millions (Hospital. Pier Park, airline, studies for which reports are never issued, ), unfixed schools, poor roads, environmental issues (garbage, sewer) and so on. They had their chance (more than once in some cases) to shine and instead squandered it. If it was a real job., they’d have been fired long ago.
  • ginger (29/09/2022, 13:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This dude’s uncle is a good man but for some reason he does not promote him. I think that is because he cannot get what he wants from him because he is no push over with government’s money.

    Uncle sees through his antics and does not take him seriously so he wants to keep him out of the mix.
  • I Nominate...... (29/09/2022, 13:53) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dean Greenaway to run for office.
    By the looks of things this brother has been indirectly getting things done by visually protesting and having roads getting repaired.
    We need folks with a call for action at this time.
  • hmm (29/09/2022, 15:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I don't believe anyone takes this dude seriously

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