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'I am really glad with how the VIP is progressing'- Hon Fahie

According to First District Representative and Chairman of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP), Hon Andrew A. Fahie, the VIP has been very active and he is pleased how the party is progressing. Photo: VINO/File
There have been concerns that the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) is not at the moment a viable alternative to the National Democratic Party (NDP). Photo: VINO/File
There have been concerns that the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) is not at the moment a viable alternative to the National Democratic Party (NDP). Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Members of the public and talk show hosts have always expressed concern that the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) will not be ready in the event a snap election is called and have often called on the party to pull itself together in order to be a viable alternative to the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP).

Many have argued that the VIP was "caught with its pants down" at the 2015 snap elections, which was won in a landslide by the NDP.

Leader of the Opposition and Chairman of the VIP Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) has; however, reassured the people when he said, “We are doing a lot more than people say. We have our Annual Recognition Dinner coming up on the third [March 3, 2018]. We are going to do our part and to be honest I’m really glad with how we are progressing and we are going to bring people that love the BVI, love the people and want to do right by the people.”

Honourable Fahie was at the time a guest on the Honestly Speaking show with Claude O. Skelton-Cline on ZBVI 780 AM on Tuesday February 13, 2018.

Party rebuilding

While talking to Paul A. Peart aka ‘Gadiethz’ on his show, Fresh Radio Vbyz, of November 28, 2017, President of the VIP, Dr Natalio D. Wheatley aka Sowande Uhuru had said “The party is almost starting from scratch, the only confirmed person who is going to be running right now is Hon Andrew A. Fahie . We are looking for candidates. We need a new generation of leaders who are willing to step forward and we need older persons to be able to mentor and pass the baton.”

It is unclear who the new potential candidates are as no official list has been released; however, one thing is certain, the First District representative is going nowhere. “I want to send a message, that nobody is going to frighten me about any part they try to give me from leading this Territory,” Hon Fahie said while talking with Mr Skelton-Cline.

In a media statement by VIP President Wheatley on January 26, 2017, it was said “to date the Virgin Islands Party's Congress has not met to select any candidate whether At-Large or otherwise.” He noted; however, “We have a number of such persons interested and talks are ongoing.” The 76 Member Congress has not met to select candidates to contest the 2019 general elections.

'I will do what I have to do'

It was on February 6, 2018 that the NDP held their elections for Chairman and Deputy Chairman. Mr Troy E. Christopher replaced Louis Potter as Chairman and Dr Michael A. Turnbull became the new Deputy Chairman of the Party.

When asked to comment on the NDP elections, Hon Fahie was quick in saying, “Well I don’t care about them. They are doing what they have to do and I will do what I have to do and then we will see how the Lord allow it to work out.”

38 Responses to “'I am really glad with how the VIP is progressing'- Hon Fahie”

  • Tuh (18/02/2018, 10:45) Like (12) Dislike (29) Reply
    Come next election the VIP will still not win! Anyone want to make any bets ?
  • cay (18/02/2018, 11:12) Like (17) Dislike (3) Reply
    hope so get the team tighter NDP must and will go
    • Fran (18/02/2018, 21:30) Like (10) Dislike (6) Reply
      So when VIP gets in AGAIN, what will they do different? Instead of trying to fix things, watch for the next four years they will still be pointing fingers at NDP. I remember as soon as NDP took office, VIP was accusing them of creating the problems that they themselves left behind. For all of we elders who remember clearly why VIP was voted OUT, what makes you think they have changed? I can bet money if VIP get back in, we will still be in a rat race in the end because newly appointed, they will run to fix a couple of things and then back to normal with citizens complaining nothing is being done. Eyes wide shut.
  • Political assessor (18/02/2018, 11:26) Like (3) Dislike (24) Reply
    Potential candidates at large Preston Stoutt, Gerard Farara QC, Dr. Karl Dawson and Irene Penn O'Neal.
    D1 A. Andrew Fahie, D2 Dr. Angel Smith, D3 Jamal Smith, D4 Carvin Malone, D5 Wade Smith, D6 Jeremy W. Hodge, D7 Cornell Fahie, D8 Neville Smith, D9 Vincent Wheatley. The new VIP. Tada!!!.
    • lmao (18/02/2018, 12:20) Like (7) Dislike (17) Reply
      If you think Preston, Farara, Jeremy and Wade going make a mockery of themselves with Andrew and VIP well I have some Irmarized property to sell you as is for top dollar!
    • @ political assessor (18/02/2018, 12:37) Like (22) Dislike (27) Reply
      No sir dead on arrival! !!! more like at large the esteem and sheep trust me. In d2 Claude or al Henley
    • Yes (18/02/2018, 16:47) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Thats a smith party
  • Youth (18/02/2018, 11:37) Like (30) Dislike (5) Reply
    VIP all the way
  • former student (18/02/2018, 11:39) Like (29) Dislike (2) Reply
    I wish my former teacher and principal the best. I know that he was an excellent teacher and president and he will be an even greater Premier so I don't mind the noise.
  • okay (18/02/2018, 11:42) Like (18) Dislike (3) Reply
    I dealt with Fahie in many different areas over the years from sports to school to business and one thing I can say is that he is successful in anytging he puts his mind to do. He will have a good team for the next election and they will win.
  • No Worries (18/02/2018, 11:43) Like (27) Dislike (5) Reply
    VIP will be more than ready for the next General elections.
  • PlainTruth (18/02/2018, 11:44) Like (5) Dislike (15) Reply
    OK But I am not hearing you guys talking about the current crime fest that is plaguing our territory. By the next election there wouldn't be enough young men alive to vote. The Politicians have fallen asleep. Stand up and speak out against crime. Are you afraid too.?
  • tretretrete (18/02/2018, 11:46) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    The NDP and a few former VIP who are disgruntled that who they wanted to lead the VIP didn't win the Party's internal elections are the only few out hoping & spreading that the VIP doesn't get a team together. But they better save that energy to fight a full VIP team.
  • Clearly (18/02/2018, 11:48) Like (22) Dislike (1) Reply
    It is clear by now that some persons are under estimating Fahie but that might prove to be a mustake.
  • Don't worry (18/02/2018, 11:55) Like (27) Dislike (1) Reply
    Everyone was worried about the VIP infighting. That was addressed by the VIP and so will the persons to make up the team for elections on the VIP ticket. VIP ALL THE WAY!
    • @Don't worry (18/02/2018, 15:47) Like (2) Dislike (19) Reply
      The infighting is over because there is nobody else to fight with. Andrew is the only elected member that VIP has left....
  • sense (18/02/2018, 12:21) Like (3) Dislike (13) Reply
    You cannot start a political party from scratch with less than a year to go before campaigning starts.
  • pat (18/02/2018, 12:38) Like (16) Dislike (4) Reply
    The ndp will not be ready now go talk that
  • no infighting (18/02/2018, 12:51) Like (13) Dislike (15) Reply
    what we don't realised there is an era for all. The country needs new and fresh blood.Why has some people think that they must be leader for life.Only our Maker is leader for life not man.Yes we need a fresh spring new ideology etc.Look around as it seems as if it is the order of the day that most leaders want to die and rot while in office even if they have to use a stick while their minds can't think like before.Time for the youths to show their true colors put down your guns and raise your hands to a new and upcoming generation
  • Political Observer (PO) (18/02/2018, 14:07) Like (16) Dislike (28) Reply
    No doubt the VIP and other Opposition party/advocates were caught with their pants down and got p......d with the NDP called snap election in 2015. The Opposition was shellacked 11-2. And if nothing changed and quickly, another snap election will be called and the Oppostion crushed again despite numerous missteps by the NDP. The Opposition seemed ill-prepared. Many of the Opposition candidates that competed in the 2015 snap election seemed to have gone into hibernation or oblivion. Can any one remember who ran on the Julian Fraser led VIP or the J. Alvin Christopher led PEP or the tens of at large candidates? Caribbean politicians, VI included, after losing an election go in hibernation. This behaviour shows lack of commitment, resolve, persistence, perseverance...............etc. They make it look more about self, not of the people.

    Moreover, I have no German Shepard in this fight. However, it is my observation that the sitting government has let the door wide ajar and if the Oppostion want to make the election (snap or regular) competitive, it needs to act now. Waiting until the sitting government set the election date (date certain election is needed) to scramble to get a team together and get message out is poor planning, organizing and preparing, exposing an Opposition weakness.

    Communicating that one is ready for election and being ready for election is not one and the same. There cannot be any daylight between the two. The Oppostion seemed to be operating in moon light mode and we know day light always catches up with moon light. The Oppostion needs to state how it will address the myriad of national issues, ie, economy, health, education, infrastructure, public safety, security, disaster planning and preparedness, consumer protection, rising cost living, public safety, employment, land management, resource preservation and protection, air and sealift, roads, immigration and labour, constitutional review, more internal self government, election changes, social issues, size of civil service, retirement unfunded liabilities, property insurance review, recovery from hurricane disaster .....etc. It needs to state how it pay for all services and needs. It needs to state what will be deferred. It need some to state how it will raise revenue. It needs to highlight its stance on good governance, transparency and accountability.
  • @Political observer (18/02/2018, 15:17) Like (24) Dislike (0) Reply
    You seem to have leadership ideas why not jump on the band wagon and turn youur ideas to action and just get elected. If you feel you are over the hill in terms of age then be an advisor and not an observer and help move the BVI forward . We need all hands on deck.
    • Street reporter (18/02/2018, 16:51) Like (2) Dislike (16) Reply
      The Back benchers have the most power rite now. They need to grab this once in a life time opportunity. The People will rally behind them..
  • Enough noise (18/02/2018, 16:25) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fahie don't mind all the talk. There are more of us with you than those against. Take your time and do it right. The VIP will win.
  • Straight Talk. (18/02/2018, 16:49) Like (2) Dislike (21) Reply
    Fahie and Frazer best bet is to find away. Make away to team up with the bank benchers and form a unity Party. Unity government. There is no other way for either VIP or NDP..
  • Unfortunately (18/02/2018, 16:53) Like (4) Dislike (17) Reply
    Andrew isnt the answer to our problems
    • wize up (18/02/2018, 18:40) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      Straight Talk: don’t let distract #1 hear you but I agree with you 100%......13 makes up the house of assembly....those who feel different can have home boy move from #1 and run at large then you see how far he gets come vote day
  • hungry belly (18/02/2018, 16:55) Like (2) Dislike (30) Reply
    All fahie doing is keeping dinners....VIP must be opening a restaurant???
  • Boo (18/02/2018, 16:57) Like (3) Dislike (15) Reply
    Where are these fabled candidates? What we have pending is another DOA slate to hand us back these Godawful opaque NDP shysters for a government. Come on Andrew get this thing together already.
  • Gnome (19/02/2018, 06:27) Like (3) Dislike (7) Reply
    May be they should try to recruit the hill man.
    • Oh No (19/02/2018, 09:57) Like (16) Dislike (9) Reply
      That Hill man is the last thing the VIP needs. My VIP is a party of compassion. It has always been about the people those who are often forgotten. Unfortunately Mr. Hill has been proven to lack compassion. He does not suit.
  • voter (19/02/2018, 06:52) Like (1) Dislike (25) Reply
    I know Julian Willock has my vote I don't care who he runs with
  • tiger (19/02/2018, 10:32) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sounds good
  • @ oh no (20/02/2018, 09:50) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    That's a lie straight from hell. Ingrate. When you hate another human you love yourself less. Meditate on that A$$ jack..

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