Husband accuses expat wife of kidnapping & extortion
This was revealed during trial at the Magistrate's Court. Her husband pleaded not guilty to Common Assault previously.
According to the accused man's wife, she left her husband and returned to Jamaica with their son and was 'doing well.'
She; however, decided to return and give her marriage another chance, but the alleged domestic abuse continued.
Argument over McDonald's
She said on March 21, 2019; they were returning home from a trip from the United States when they had an argument over McDonald's in St Thomas.
The matter was not resolved, and the couple had another disagreement at home.
While they were on their way to bring their son to school, the next day, O'Neal headed to a secluded area in Sea Cows Bay where the assault allegedly took place.
She testified that when she tried calling someone to alert them of what was taking place, as it was not the first time he assaulted her, he held her by her neck.
She testified that her young son, who was in the back seat, came to her rescue and bit his father's hand.
What do you want to do?
O'Neal testified that her husband told her that he was sick of his life and asked her what she wanted to do.
She told the court that she expressed to him she wanted to return to Jamaica where she had fled to for a year with his son.
Mrs O'Neal said she wanted to start over and would need $15,000 to resume her hairdressing business.
She also testified she had no intentions of returning to the same house she once lived at in her home country.
"He offered me the $14,000, and this is not the first time he offered me after abuse," she remarked.
Husband reported wife to police
Mrs O'Neal said her husband agreed to pay her the funds and they made plans for her to leave the next day via St Thomas.
It was reportedly agreed they would share the cost of travel for Mrs O’Neal and her son. Before they travelled; however, her husband dropped her at the ferry dock and made a "quick run" to their attorney Stacy Abel for a document for her to sign in relations to their agreement that he would not be kept away from their son.
She said, after buying a ticket for herself and her son, she tried calling him but was repeatedly told the same message, "I'm coming."
Then just before she went through the security checkpoint, she was informed by a friend that her husband was at the police station making a report against her.
Her husband allegedly claimed she had kidnapped his child and wanted to extort him.
The matter before the court continues on October 16, 2019.

115 Responses to “Husband accuses expat wife of kidnapping & extortion”
Pray for these women and,their predatory greed. They have done plenty destruction. Their children continue the cycle.
Here is one description of the Jezebel Spirit...
The Jezebel spirit, since it is much more intelligent than some of the lower ranking demons will be, is very good at playing head games with people. It is a total control freak, and it is also very good at manipulation and getting people to do its evil bidding.
Now who does this sound like, in this article above???
A man always abusing a woman. He just want her to stay with the child. He done know she running from violence.
“I was no saint meaning I was not the perfect person” - ARROGANCE?
Them Jamaican think them smart. You could take them out of Jamaica but you can not take Jamaica out of them.
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, 4 treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. 6 For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, 7 always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding the faith. 9 But they will not get very far, for their folly will be plain to all, as was that of those two men.
Tolian women come at a premium and are self sufficient. Educated house and land owners,car,money in the bank 2 or 3 passports and attitude to suit with good job and generational wealth and class.. They are also not bar flies .
Spoil your character? You don’t know this man at all. Before you come on the blogs with all this, you should ask the ones closest to this gentleman about his character. Any God-fearing person will tell you the truth... It will all come out in court.
Carlton dude somebody should have told you leave them Jamaican women alone unless you want to go through exactly what you going through.
For your people on here saying people act like Tortola man is saint, you act like some island women don't come here to get man money. If she was doing well in Jamaicaa why she come back here? the story don't add up. If he wanted to give her money he would ah give her but he ain't do it so it got to be more to this story.
He went back for her, so she decide to give the relationship a next try, but the abuse allegedly continue.
So this lady and her child is not entitled to anything she said that she was not coming back so where does the extortion comes in if they are married then she is about entitled to half of whatever they have achieved over the time that they were together but now he played a c*n game and he will pay the piper and it’s not going to look so good for him
Seems to me he could obtain a divorce and custody of his son,as a result.
No alimony and none of his assets.?
He fix she good. She outsmart herself.
it seems you will fell on your own sword (pride). Now your evil heart will be revealed for all to see. God give you many opportunities to repent!
I read all 61 comments, some of you just bitter and like to tear down one another, just waiting for the perfect time like now behind the seen .some of you said ppl would watch either of the Òneal's in there face couple hours from now smiling with them ,wicked oooh God will punish each one in your own timing rejoice not of your enemies! Lot of you dont even know the half of the Òneal's martial story , but everyone want to be judges, that girl always dress average, so stop spewing all this hate fix a queen crown and stop laughing when it shift from its place ,every single human being love money in his/ her own ways ,some worked 2jobs cause one job dont generate enough cash ,we all have faults .Mr Oneal need to control his self ,make sure history dont repeat itself.i used to admire them and like such a cute couple,alot more people out there been abuse .a man is just a man tolians men/women no different from any other ,humans is like a harvest of crop some good,spoil , fit and unfit , stop tearing down each other
Please, you playing smart with your comment that is subtlety making her look like a saint while trying to paint the man black silently. What do you really know? Why don't you check her background and her life, especially in Jamaica. If abuse is a no no as you said, then go talk to her from blogging nonsense.
We know the ONeals,their reputation,their contributions to the VI for generations.
We do not know the other party involved..
What we do know is the undisputed reputation of the typical female Jamaican in the VI.
So on her current actions and those of her country women,she will and is being judged. She herself is setting the standard for her country women to be judged down the road.
The first to speak in court sounds right— until the cross-examination begins. (Proverbs 18:17) From what I heard, she was exposed during cross examination so this story is not even a true reflection of the case. Don't be fooled by this woman's story she on a mission from hell. The devil is a liar!
Please take your mouths off Jamaican women. All are not the same. You ppl here your hearts needs cleansing. Everywhere have good and bad people including the BVI. The world is diverse. Everything happen you all quick to label people.
2) You would be amazed at the amount of men on this island who say they are good but aren’t. There is a reason FSN has been in existence for 30 years.
3) People in a marriage are entitled to financial restitution when it goes bad. If she is married and living in a home with him she is possibly entitled to more than she asked for..
4) STOP victim blaming. It doesn’t matter where you are from - abuse is wrong. The guy did it in front of their child so there is a witness.
1) How is this about people going to church? The woman goes to church...but you on here judging. Wait for the man's testimony.
2) You would be amazed at how many woman on this island who say they are good but are not.
3) Do you even know how long they have been married? Wait for the man's testimony.
4) Who is victim blaming? You are believing one party to be a victim when you have not heard the other side of the story. What did he do in front the child exactly? Were you there? The child is not even a witness in the case.
You should have stopped and think before you start commenting because it's clear you just believe everything you read. How can she be entitled to anything without going through court? Your comments are biased and uninformed.
What it does mean is that abusive tendencies will be exposed. Not one abuser wants their evil hearts to be exposed to the world and if a person cannot keep their victims quiet, they will let their love ones do this evil deeds for them. Master Manipulators... for the kingdom of darkness. It makes it hard for them to move on to other victims if they are exposed by the light of God.
" i told him i need $15000 to start my business back home" she brought money up cause thats what she wants
Women look to men for a 'sense' of security be it emotional or financial not for herself but the future she will leave behind. When a woman decides to open a business or go back to work/school she is now looking to secure herself for her child/children because she no longer trusts her 'sense' of security. MEN these days want a traditional wife but never man up to their traditional responsibilities.
Sad fact, a lot of men hide behind church walls and labels of Bishop, Minister, Pastor, Elder and don't do right by their family....