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Hons Fraser & Wheatley say they were never in favour of new derelict site

- Hon Wheatley said Gov't is in search of an alternative site
Deputy Premier Julian Fraser, RA (R3) and Health Minister Vincent O. Wheatley (R9) engaged District Three residents at a community meeting on January 23, 2025. Photo: Facebook
The derelict vehicles storage site was relocated to Havers in District Three. Photo: VINO
The derelict vehicles storage site was relocated to Havers in District Three. Photo: VINO
Residents of District Three demanded that the derelict vehicles be removed from their community. Photo: Facebook
Residents of District Three demanded that the derelict vehicles be removed from their community. Photo: Facebook
SEA COWS BAY, Tortola, VI- It seemed like Deputy Premier Julian Fraser, RA (R3) and Health Minister Vincent O. Wheatley (R9) were caught off guard by how the relocation of derelict vehicles to Havers occurred.

A community meeting with residents of District Three was held at Valerie O. Thomas Community Centre in Sea Cows Bay on Thursday, January 23, 2025, where they voiced their concerns surrounding the derelict site relocation to their community. 

Hon Fraser says he is ‘alien to the situation’ too

Hon Fraser, before opening up the floor for comments from residents, told them, “I am as much alien to the situation as you are but there’s a big difference, the big difference is you live there, I live in the community yes, but I don’t live on this part.”

In what seemed like a move to distance himself from the problem at hand, Hon Fraser said he “heard about this development” and questioned it. 

He said he asked why the proprietor of the land leased to the government would want to engage in an issue “that is bound to be controversial knowing full well that you and I including himself know that there are other designs for the area”. 

Hon Fraser continued that he was of the view that the matter had “gone to bed” until he received word that “something had started in the area”. 

“The most recent message that I got regarding this issue is that they show up Christmas Eve to bring the vehicles on site, they show up at night to bring them on site and the strange occurrences such as that,” he said. 

He also informed them that he was aware of residents' concerns, including that their properties would devalue, though he was of the view that it would not devalue “exponentially”. 

Gov’t in search of new site- Hon Wheatley

Meantime, Hon Wheatley too seemed to distance himself and his ministry from direct blame. 

He told community members at the meeting that while he is the minister responsible for the subject, the contract was issued through the Deputy Governor’s Office as it “is not something I deal with directly”.

Hon Wheatley explained that after being asked to vacate the previous site at Pockwood Pond, a tender was put out for bids for the placement of derelict vehicles. 

The winning bid he told them was the site in their community 

“When I heard about it I said to them you’re asking for a heap of trouble, so this is no surprise that we’re here tonight because of this,” he said. 

Hon Wheatley also assured residents that he is looking for an alternative location for the storage of derelict vehicles. 

He; however, told residents to “bear in mind that nobody wants this in their backyard”. 

He reassured them that the current issue will be resolved in a way that they will be pleased. 

“The fact remains that we do produce a lot of derelicts in this country and they have to be placed somewhere…We do have a waste management strategy that speaks to this, it’s not quite fully enforced as yet but I think we can avoid this happening going forward,” Hon Wheatley added.

30 Responses to “Hons Fraser & Wheatley say they were never in favour of new derelict site”

  • Citizen (27/01/2025, 14:06) Like (21) Dislike (5) Reply
    With this Govt. It is always never their fault.
    • .. (27/01/2025, 14:33) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
      • time will tell (29/01/2025, 13:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        And you suggest that we pollute the sea more than it is with raw sewerage, dead bodies being buried at sea, paint from boat bottoms that make the queen conch grow a penis and the list goes on. Why don't they try harder to get the barge to come and take them away. That way they don't need no land to store anything. Vehicle registration must now include a fee to discard vehicles. It is mad that we keep bringing in vehicles with no plan in place to get rid of them when they get old and are deserted. No party that has been the government has planned for this. They are ALL to blame.
    • facts (27/01/2025, 16:44) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
      True thing, they always acting like they lost. If not them to be in the knowing of these things then who really being informed? cause aint no way these things aren't being discussed. Steady playing in the people faces and we continue to allow it and have them laugh at us behind the scenes. Enough will never be enough cause we putting up with the abuse for this long and they know that. They already know we're definitely sheep that won't do anything but "bah bah bah" in the pastures day after day.
  • Winter time (27/01/2025, 14:29) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply

    I agree with the property owners, move it #@$$ yes

  • SERPENT LURKING (27/01/2025, 14:35) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
    Has anyone noticed that snake in the grass?
  • Real Macoy (27/01/2025, 14:42) Like (11) Dislike (7) Reply
    Put them on the horse track temporally, since they not going to have any horse race for a long time.
    • @Real Macoy (27/01/2025, 19:28) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
      To make Albion look like a down trodden ghetto? I doubt that no. Do you really think the Premier is going to allow a vehicle grave yard somewhere where he just purchased land in Albion?
    • l (27/01/2025, 19:51) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ Real Macoy, the horse track is private property, so there is no longer a race track there. No matter where they put these derelict vehicles, they will be near somebody's property and bring down the land's value. No one is exempt.
  • fish (27/01/2025, 15:00) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    So the Trini boy in bed with the Guyana boss man
  • LOL (27/01/2025, 15:16) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    so nobody knows nothing... got it.
    • @LOL (27/01/2025, 23:13) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      Now everyone has amnesia or short term memory loss. The Premier is up in everything so he shout have known.
  • FIRE (27/01/2025, 15:55) Like (8) Dislike (9) Reply
    Not also in favor of that ∆ speed bump Fraser put in the road. Fix it or move it.
    • @FIRE (28/01/2025, 08:52) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
      didnt you hear the minister for works says those works were planned before fraser joined. he wanted to make sure fraser didnt get that credit so likewise the wrong should go to him fraser has lots more sense than that and fraser should get the ministry of works so kye needs to step down.
  • smh (27/01/2025, 16:42) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
    That means they signed a contract without agreeing to what it was in it?? Unbelievable!
  • What a load of croc (27/01/2025, 17:05) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    How on earth can the ministry responsible for this not have been aware ? He then goes on to say that he is looking for an alternate site, but blames the dept governor office for the placement at havers......
    All this is meant to be transparent right, so somewherr, someone approved this, someone discussed it with the correct minustry someone approved the " lease". How much is beingbpaid to this property owner who leases this seabed from the government.
    What ever happened to compulory purchase..cant the government just expand the incinerator plant area or compulsory purchase the crown lease back from those at pockwood pond.

    Government needs to start getting real.
    Stop blaming others
  • clowns (27/01/2025, 17:18) Like (5) Dislike (5) Reply

    Time for Havers landowners to commence a lawsuit against these 2 clowns, the alleged lease holder of the filled in land and the companies that moved the derelict vehicles from Pockwood Pond to the site below Havers. If 20 Havers landowners claim damages for lost property value of half million dollars each the damage claim would total $10 million!

    • To Clowns (28/01/2025, 22:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Well it was Floyd and his boys, but they are the Trini mam peeps, so nothing will happen. Sorry for the Havers resident, but they will be there for the next few months, cause nobody wants them on their property.
  • Xxx (27/01/2025, 17:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Pass the bunk
  • bvibuzz (27/01/2025, 17:44) Like (0) Dislike (15) Reply
    free the dew keep off our boy sharn
  • water (27/01/2025, 17:46) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Water is vital why cant DUFFS BOTTOM get water you talking about derelict vehicles we want water what the hell going on with this water this is sickening now man and darn overbearing
    • water (28/01/2025, 05:08) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      SCB always never seem to have water. My water and sewage bill is less than the meter line. Water and Sewage never fail to send me my bill. I refuse to go pay that bill (yes late fees included), but how it look my water bills is majority line retaining and late fee? Tortola is one big frigging mess! #Disgusted
  • BuzzBvi (27/01/2025, 17:58) Like (17) Dislike (5) Reply
    Look at all that new dirt covering the seabed. Where did the Mangroves go? The coral? The beauty? Derelicts have to go somewhere so why not put them right where coral used to be and sand and seabed with Seagrass, but now just newly bulldosed dirt. (Lots of reasons you idiots!!) What was the planning reason for this destruction of the seabed, the corals, the mangroves, the views, the coastline? Someone really has to be locked up for this. May be someone in the planning department or may be the owner of this eyesore. Too late to stop the destruction of this part of the island, along with so much more, and it is maybe too late to save the rest as long as we allow this type of activity to continue without prosecution.
  • Well okay (27/01/2025, 18:07) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    Fraser and Wheatley stated they were not in favor of derelict new site. So who issue the order? I guess the derelict vehicles got up and walk themselves to Havers.
    • @Well okay (27/01/2025, 23:04) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      I see Wheatley is not in favor of things and not following his instinct as of lately. Fraser? lets say he’s a whole other story.
  • R.C.R (27/01/2025, 20:08) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Take them back to the original SCB location adjacent the horse tack.or send them to Trinidad.
  • Not good (27/01/2025, 23:09) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Those derelict vehicles is only going to cause a mosquito infestation from stagnant water when the rain falls.
  • guy hill (28/01/2025, 05:51) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Derelict vehicles...Derelict site......OK. Gloves on. Gloves off.
    What about Derelict boats in the same third district and elsewhere in the Territory? This is a Territory problem. We all are responsable for this. No need to try and distance oneself "fliplomatically". The problem is here. Deal with it. It looks disgusting.
  • Trump (28/01/2025, 06:47) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Fraser & Wheatley just political stunt
  • Eldread (28/01/2025, 08:19) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Fraser the power hungry clown trying to find favor with the people by saying he didn't plan for the cars to dumped there but he is a load, he sat and plan it.

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