Hon Vanterpool vindicates Hon Fraser on Biwater; Calls plants turn-over ‘historical’

Interestedly, the statement got little or no media coverage from the local press, however, what it was in effect was yet another endorsement and vindication of the Biwater project spearheaded by the former Minister for Communications and Works and now Opposition Leader Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3).
It was this news site that had accurately reported on October 27, 2015 that Hon Fraser and the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) had been vindicated over the Biwater project as the National Democratic Party (NDP), the chief critic of the skillfully negotiated water purchase agreement, had come around to praise the benefits of the project and the tremendous savings realised for the people of the Virgin Islands.
Sewerage improvement because of Biwater
While being dishonest by avoiding giving any credit to Biwater in his HoA statement, Minister Vanterpool told the people that “the period under review also saw the historical commissioning and taking over of two modern state-of-the-art tertiary Sewerage Treatment Plants in Burt Point and Paraquita Bay.”
Many readers will recall that part of the Biwater agreement was to provide two sewerage treatment plants free of cost as a part of the project negotiated and signed by the then VIP administration led by Hon Ralph T. O’Neal OBE.
The Fourth District Representative told the HoA “Madam Speaker, October 31st marked the final commissioning of the Sewerage Treatment Plant at Paraquita Bay. Madam Speaker, due to the fact that the East End Sewerage Collection System does not yet have Lift Stations and Forced Mains, the plant will not be able to receive and treat sewage until the latter part of 2016. The installation of the effluent discharge and outfall lines from the plant to Brandywine Bay will begin in the first quarter of 2016,” he continued.
History made because of Hon Fraser & Biwater
The value of the two plants negotiated in the Biwater agreement by Hon Fraser is some five million dollars. As a result of this positive deal that was heavily criticised by the NDP and some elements in the BVI Investment Club, Minister Vanterpool was able to come to terms with this history making water purchase agreement that meant for the first time in 35 years the halting of raw sewage being pumped out to sea in the Slaney area of Tortola, which has also affected the Sea Cows Bay and Nanny Cay bays.
Hon Vanterpool told the residents in his December 21, 2015 HoA Statement “Madam Speaker, I am pleased to announce that, as at October 31st, 2015, sewerage in the Road Town basin and its environs, is now being treated at a tertiary level for the first time in the history of the Virgin Islands.”
Biwater kept their word, thanks to Hon Fraser & VIP
The critics of the Biwater project now all got confirmation that the project was the best thing in the Virgin Islands interest and it had people at the table with the people in mind, unlike some recent projects, and that the company Biwater had credibility and kept their word to the people of the Territory.
It was Hon Vanterpool who told the HoA that “on Thursday November 12th, Madam Speaker, the Ministry of Communications and Works/Water and Sewerage Department, formally took over this Treatment Plant, through a joint signing of the Taking-over Certificate.” He further stated that “October 31st, 2015 also marked the completion of full commissioning of the Sewerage Treatment Plant, with all sewage from the Road Town Collection System being diverted, via the existing forced mains, to Burt Point.”
The Minister, who for selfish political reasons again avoided giving Hon Fraser and Biwater any credit for this superb deal, said “the final effluent was lab-tested in accordance with the quality requirements in the Water Purchase Agreement and on November 9th, the Ministry signed and accepted the Burt Point Plant as complete. It was formally taken over on November 12th.”
Water 24/7 thanks to Hon Fraser, VIP & Biwater
The Minister for Communications and Works Hon Vanterpool also praised Biwater indirectly, while avoiding calling the company’s name, for residents now having a consistent supply of potable water on Tortola.
“Madam Speaker, as we come to the end of this year 2015, I am pleased to report considerable progress in our Government's efforts to improve the Water and Sewerage Network in the Virgin Islands.”
The Minister told the public that “residents can see tangible results of our efforts as many areas are now getting a more regular supply of water. In fact Madam Speaker, over the past several months, most areas in the Central area of Tortola, have been getting a consistent 24-hour supply of water,” he told the HoA, however, failed to admit this is yet another benefit of the Biwater Purchase Agreement that his administration so heavily criticised.
See link to related story:



27 Responses to “Hon Vanterpool vindicates Hon Fraser on Biwater; Calls plants turn-over ‘historical’”
Moreover, let's be clear. The two sewage treatment plants are not free, gifts.....etc. Who are we kidding? The price for the plants is embedded in the price. Further, in a decade or so, the water generation plant will be turned over to the government. As such, personnel must be in the training pipeline to operate the plant when ownership is assumed. There should be a seamless turnover. Additionally, why has the force main and lift stations for the East End and Long Look plant not in place as yet even after four years in office? How frequently will effluent be tested before being discharge? Will operators require operators license? A prior report indicated that the sewage treatment plants are being operated at the tertiary level. Sweet! Is there any plans to route the tertiary treated effluent back through the water treatment plant? Can this effluent be used for sanitary flushing ? True, this would required a dual plumbing system in facilities.
That is not totally true. The original deal placed 100% of a national resource into the hands of an outsider. That was madness. The new deal has fixed that a little bit and Virgin Islanders now having a greater stake in the deal.