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Hon Skelton seeking contract with Gov't; Moves not to vacate seat!

- $36,000 per month for one space in Skelton Baylot in Fish Bay
There will be a sitting of the House of Assembly today, July 2, 2024, where Leader of the Opposition Hon Ronnie W. Skelton (AL) will be seeking to do business with the Government of the Virgin Islands via a contract renewal. Photo: YouTube/File
The Government of the Virgin Islands is seeking to renew renting one of the many spaces at Skelton Properties Ltd., located in Fish Bay, Tortola. Photo: RDA/File
The Government of the Virgin Islands is seeking to renew renting one of the many spaces at Skelton Properties Ltd., located in Fish Bay, Tortola. Photo: RDA/File
Skelton Properties Ltd, according to the resolution sponsored by Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), provides real estate and related services. Photo: File
Skelton Properties Ltd, according to the resolution sponsored by Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), provides real estate and related services. Photo: File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- It is the constitutional thing to do if a current member of the House of Assembly (HoA) is seeking to do business with the Government that a resolution is brought to the HoA.

In keeping with this, today Tuesday, July 2, 2024, there will be a sitting of the HoA where Leader of the Opposition Hon Ronnie W. Skelton (AL) will be seeking to do business with the Government of the Virgin Islands via a contract renewal. The original contract took place before Honourable Skelton returned to office in 2023.

Hon Skelton's interest in contract

The Government of the Virgin Islands is seeking to renew renting one of the many spaces at Skelton Properties Ltd., located in Fish Bay, Tortola where Hon Skelton is a Director and CEO. The company, according to the resolution sponsored by Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), provides real estate and related services.

The purpose of the permission that Hon Skelton seeks is in keeping with ensuring that he is not forced to vacate his seat in the HoA as stated in section 67(3)(e) of the Virgin Islands Constitution Order, which provides that subject to subsection (7) which says that an “elected member of the House of Assembly shall vacate his or her seat if the member becomes a party to a contract with the Government of the Virgin Islands for or on account of the public service, or if any firm in which the member is or becomes a partner, or a company of which the member is or becomes a director or manager becomes a party to a contract with the Government of the Virgin Islands.”

However, like other Members in the past, Hon Skelton came to the HoA as a well-established businessman and members are expected, as is customary, to vote unanimously to exempt the Leader of the Opposition in keeping with section 67(7) of the constitution.

When was the renewal signed?

The details of the contract stated that the Government of the Virgin Islands entered into a Contract with the Company, through Skelton Baylot Limited, on the 6th day of August, 2020 for the rental of a portion of warehouse premises at Building #12, for the sum of thirty- six thousand dollars ($36,000.00) per month for a period of 2 years in the first instance, and the Government of the Virgin Islands is now seeking an extension of that contract;

The Resolution  stated that “WHEREAS by virtue of being a Director and CEO of Skelton Properties Limited, the Hon member has an interest in the contract with the Company as aforesaid; WHEREAS this Resolution discloses to the House of Assembly the offer made and the contract signed with the Government of the Virgin Islands and the interest of the Hon member in the offer and contract by virtue of being a Director and CEO of the Company and his company’s desire to continue to provide these services.”

It is unclear when the contract renewal was signed and the square footage of the space.

The Premier and Minister of Finance has requested that Hon Skelton via Resolution be exempt from vacating his seat in the HoA. While in some quarters having a sitting Legislator doing business with the Government of the day is controversial, it is to be noted that Hon Skelton is doing nothing wrong or illegal and the HoA is complying with the laws of the Virgin Islands by exempting the Member.

Today will mark the Thirteen Sitting of the First Session of the Firth HoA.

44 Responses to “Hon Skelton seeking contract with Gov't; Moves not to vacate seat!”

  • Hmm (02/07/2024, 10:01) Like (49) Dislike (1) Reply
    No issue with him renting the space, but Government is renting warehouses to house offices, for $36K per month? Wow!!!!!!!
    • WOW (02/07/2024, 11:00) Like (40) Dislike (7) Reply
      • (02/07/2024, 22:43) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
        So wait. If Skelton Baylot does not allow for Government to be a tenant, would the same space be rented for the same amount of money or more by a private entity or private entities. Most likely it would be rented for more. The lady in Sea Cows Bay. If she continues to deny the government would she get the space rented for 90k. I highly doubt the lady would get an offer from the private sector anywhere close.
      • El Demonio Negro (03/07/2024, 07:51) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply

        You all want to know why Andrew Ro**n*e and the rest move how they move. Corruption is like breathing air in the BVI. 36K a month? LOLOLOL

    • Correction... (02/07/2024, 14:04) Like (34) Dislike (0) Reply
      Government is renting "a portion of a warehouse" for $36k monthly. A portion!
      Lord help us all!
    • Citizen (02/07/2024, 22:37) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
      So now. If Skelton Baylot refuses Government as a tenant. Would they get the space rented for what Government is paying. They may get more accordingly. I guess you might have to ask the private businesses how much they are paying for a similar space at Skelton Baylot. Bet you find out it’s the same amount or more. If you still have a problem with the cost, then you want Skelton Baylot to give them a discount just because they are government.?.?.
  • Stealth (02/07/2024, 10:14) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is this space need a one time need or is the space need an ongoing need? Is this space need a result of the Ralph T. Oneal Admin being damaged by Hurricane Irma and the slower molasses renovation? This is an almost $500K contract per year ( $420K). If this is not a short-term need with no other option, would it not have been more economical and in the taxpayers interest to invest in constructing its own space? Facility management is not just a fancy name; it requires action. An effective facility management team, knowing the Fulltime Employee (FTE) of government would have effectively plan for accommodation the need based on square footage per FTE. But as Lessness would say, Lessness, Lessness, Lessness. What is taking so damn long to renovate the Admin Building? Is the renovation project a TaJ Mahal? What if the old Admin Building were renovated, providing surplus space which could have meet temporary needs, growth, etc? Proactive planning…
    • Old admin? (02/07/2024, 11:14) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
      Old admin? On main street? Probably cancerous with asbestos by now...should be demolished. Renovation of RTO admin complex? No, West End ferry building is more important. RTO complex just provides the back yard for the upcoming parties. Hurricane coming. Will fish bay lots blow away? Will wait to see the innovative new options then. All these parties, trips,meetings about climate change, what is the plan? WHAT IS THE PLAN? If you-know-who did not have an interest in the government rent money, would he not be making noise to tell them what they doing makes no sense? Would he not be challenging the $36K a month rent? He cannot make that noise because it affects his interest. That is the meaning of conflict of interest and it makes him unfit to lead, PERIODT!! More concerned about renewing foolishness. Is the desire to lead motivated by the desire to renew existing and get new government contracts of self interest? The whole country is suffering. The greedy leaders are 100% to blame.
    • Lessness (02/07/2024, 20:56) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      To Stealth,,I endorsed and seconded the comments. It is pure lessness, lessness, lessness. I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired of the lessness. Hopefully others are and demand better, more effective and efficient use of our limited resources. It is not enough to be outraged,disgusted , , frustrated and disappointed; change is needed must be demanded.
  • BVI small (02/07/2024, 10:21) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    Cant prevent that at all
  • oh well (02/07/2024, 10:29) Like (25) Dislike (0) Reply
    now I see why he's so soft on the government.
  • Wow wow wow wow (02/07/2024, 10:31) Like (34) Dislike (0) Reply
    All these guys are going to do is destroy the economy of this country and this is why we are where we are now can you tell me that the government of this country can’t take that same money and pay to build government buildings so that all that money that’s going out from the money that is put into the budget that can be used for something other than rent ,it’s almost a half a million a year for gods sake when will they ever stop taking advantage of this place they want everything but I hope that they can take it to hell with them he said that he was running on price control with the NDP they got back in power and said that he was not in favor with it they spent all that money in spooners talking about old folks home going there and they are still in the dust infested heat box in the middle of town surrounded by those buildings but god will see them through because you can earn every dollar in this world but you can’t take a penny with you advantage Ronny will never done it’s just a matter of time .
  • Eagle (02/07/2024, 10:44) Like (37) Dislike (1) Reply
    It's time for Govt offices to move back to the Admistration Complex.
    • Worker (02/07/2024, 12:54) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      have you seen in there, it is not fit for people to use, the mold has not been dealt with
  • Ronnie. Why.? . (02/07/2024, 10:49) Like (91) Dislike (2) Reply
    I am so disappointed in you..I blame Britain, they should have already deliver us from these evil me...No wonder he so against Britain, because they want to do all their wrongs and be strong..
  • WOW just WOW (02/07/2024, 11:04) Like (32) Dislike (7) Reply
    • Listen (02/07/2024, 12:47) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
      Tell horse owners association pay that sh!+. They not receiving value for money in Skelton situation but they receiving something.
    • Eyed (02/07/2024, 16:06) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      You Speak but have you seen the area they are renting, they getting it cheap.
  • WEW (02/07/2024, 13:08) Like (20) Dislike (1) Reply
    Business as usual and quess who's losing out. The taxpayer. UK NOW
  • Hmm (02/07/2024, 14:00) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    @ wows: wow! A lot of the services can be centralized and also have employees do it digitally.

    Rent space for data not this foolishness. If we took all the money stripped it bare and rebuilt the system there would obviously be enough to go around, not one time but continually, equally & give us all a little universal income. THEY continue to aspire to build monuments while the people monitor the price of groceries as they are cashed.

    Fund proper social services, free food outlets. Free experience for the endless stream of culinary students.
    Make our life safer, easier & maintain our dignity. That is all you need to do. Do not make us stumble over obstacles.

    Taking and wasting the money and acting like normal people arent succeeding because they dont work hard enough is an obstacle. Guess why there are so many scooters.

    Public transportation. Sponsor those who provide those services, they can upgrade. Do not put them out of business but help them to stay in. Pay their bill that we can have service.

    Place sidewalks island wide.
    Go around to the businesses that you see making life easier for us and give them a boost its called a subsidy or lets call it a boon because the well placed people are getting their boons.

    Government wants everything under their control and for themselves. The cannabis bill confined growing to government lands, politicians said the farmers would get 5%, very lucrative.

    Raise the standard and help those in need. We dont need Britain to do this we need old time people out and put some young people in. If you need to be 35 to enter that is too old. This world is moving too fast for these old men.

    In other countries someone would be stepping down over the rental prices. To think people are working so hard getting so little and some politician just bureaucates their way into 36k a month for you and your family. Wow. And then they say eh maybe we will raise minimum wage... but not yet. The problem with many job is they take your dignity for money but the money isnt much.

    The public has land too were can we sign up? Are the spots already filled? Exactly.
  • Really tho? (02/07/2024, 15:10) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    Does paying $36k a month in rent make more sense than building your own facility? Only in the BVI.
  • PT 109 (02/07/2024, 15:42) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    If the government offices move back into the Admin Building none of the government people will be able to get a kick back that’s the reason why the Admin Building is taking so long to be repaired. They can build a second building on the land they cleared for music fest or somewhere else. Government is paying out millions is rent every year and nothing is been done about it.
  • See (02/07/2024, 16:06) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    see the same sh&t

    These man all in it together

    Taking the tax dollar smart

    and yall moomoo still think these people have our best interest in mind??

    While your living pay check to pay check trying to make ends meet as cost of living increase with no price control.

    them out here banking on your hard earned tax money while you slave away trying to take of yourself and family.

    Same government that finding it hard to raise minimum wage.

    same government that find it hard to keep the roads fixed while your car bruk up on it and left with a bill

    same government that find it hard to do a proper price control

    all of them are benefiting from this. Don't matter who voted in

    • Interest (03/07/2024, 16:57) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      People say conflict of interest, how can it be when it's only one thing they interested in Money...if you are so concerned about doing the right thing, step down from the company roles and focus and the Government role, the people put you there but you more interested in saving almost 1/2 mil for your family than looking out for the interest of your country...
  • My Take (02/07/2024, 16:09) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yall wanna know why UK asked government workers and politicians to declare there interest to the public. Here's a reason why.

    Can you support you opposition knowing that whoever is in is feeding them fat stacks of cash for rent?

    Why do you think government don't wanna build buildings to conduct their services to the public? They're renting off each other!

    • @my take (02/07/2024, 23:17) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      I thought about the register of interests too but I remember the noise seemed mostly to be about all public servants having to declare their interest. After this, I think that this too would also be a good idea because we need to know who connected to who and who doing favour for who under their cousin name with the promise of a piece of the pie. BVI is 100% corrupt greedy and backwards.
  • No wonder (02/07/2024, 16:11) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    no wonder government always crying them ain got money.

    Yall got money to fund each other that why!
  • GREED (02/07/2024, 16:13) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    clearly these man ain learn from andrew fahie greed
    • Norris Turnbull (02/07/2024, 20:08) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
      Renewal of a contract is totally different from running and conspiring to smuggle Cocaine into the dam country
      • @Norris Turnbull (03/07/2024, 11:23) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
        Not totally different when the end game is self-enrichment and acting in one's own self interest at the detriment of the entire country! Not totally different at all!
        • Norris Turnbull (04/07/2024, 03:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          @@Norris Turnbull. The constitution protects Ronnie's application. Abuse process prosess? He's not the first. Wont be the last.
        • Native Tongue (04/07/2024, 03:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          @@Norris Turnbull. The big difference you go to jail for. The other is business as usual
  • soooo (02/07/2024, 16:33) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sooo we got money for festivals check!

    we got 36k in rent to be giving out check!

    we got money to travel around the world check!

    but we don't have money to invest in lasting proper roads...

    we don't got money to invest in infrastructure to reduce recurring expense

    we don't got money to invest in a better drain system for flooding.

    no wonder the place look like a 3rd world country despite having the US Dollar at our disposal. Can you imagine how we would look if we went independent and had EC instead? some of those countries using EC looking better than us wtff

  • Is Best (02/07/2024, 16:38) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    is best we fight for tax returns cuz yall not putting it to use to make the country more advance. yall busy fillin each other pockets.

    setta con artist
  • YES SIR (02/07/2024, 17:30) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is this for the inland revenue space?
    • VOTER6BVI (03/07/2024, 09:32) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
  • Xxx (03/07/2024, 00:08) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    When sheep was coming for his Exemption ayo jump all over he, now gone gosh on sleepy Ronnie
  • WOW (03/07/2024, 01:10) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Since 2020, that’s 36 000 dollars per month , multiply by 12 and then all of that money have to be multiply by 4, wow, do the math, almost 2.000.000 dollars , wow ,and this greedy gentleman is seeking extension, hahahahah, the honorable Premier is in support of this nonsense, well I guess everyone realizes that there is plenty Money to play with ,
    Premier $$$$$ in Music Fake
    Deputy premier $$$$$ traveling to made in China
    leader of the opposition $$$$ renting a little 2x4 space for 36.000, wow,, is a free for all??
    I wonder if His Excellency the Governor is taking notes…
  • ccc (03/07/2024, 06:50) Like (0) Dislike (10) Reply
    hope that tall man is not catering again and trying to get away with it
  • Rabsatt (03/07/2024, 07:56) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply

    Only now you all realize that they filling each other pockets??
    We had Hon Lorna to ^&%$l when she went with the VIP to form the,sitting Goverment.But I know if Ronnie had gotten in there wouldve not been much a difference either!


  • A Skelton (03/07/2024, 08:18) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply

    That’s why the government should get their @$% out of our 2 - 2 storey warehouse buildings and get back in the Admin Complex. They renting for cheap as we get more per square foot in the private sector.

    But you all are quick to forget why they’re in the buildings! IT, Inland Revenue and Trade begged for these spaces because they needed to get out the Admin complex and continue to serve the public.

    So we urge the public to pressure Gov to get BACK in the Complex so that we can get our tenants the space they only were to use for two years. How about that!??

  • No way! (03/07/2024, 10:36) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Now I did not get a grade A+ in maths but I can assume that the monthly budget for government rent of various offices and space must be at least $10,000,000 per month… cause majority … MAJORITY OF GOVERNMENT OFFICES are located in rental properties! Tell me which office is located in a government own building?!? How is this economical?

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