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Hon. Skelton: Public garbage bins are an eyesore!

Hon. Skelton is of the view that the bins are unsightly. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Public garbage bins are located along the thoroughfares in the Virgin Islands but Minister for Health and Social Development Hon. Ronnie Skelton believes that they are unsightly and wants to remove them.

Speaking at a community meeting on May 8, 2012 at the East End/Long Look Community Centre, Hon. Skelton stated that he needed the public’s input and suggestions as an alternative to the bins.

"It cannot be an overnight fix, but they are very unsightly especially when you want to beautify an area it becomes a real eye sore,” he stated.

Several recommendations were made to this news agency including burning one’s garbage and repainting the bins to make them more attractive.

However, one of the most interesting ideas is to have dates and times when the Solid Waste Department passes by so residents can place their garbage bags in front of their premises to be picked up.

“It happens in other Caribbean countries that are bigger than Tortola,” one Road Town resident stated. “The Department will have some work to do because sometimes even the bins are left overflowing for days.”

6 Responses to “Hon. Skelton: Public garbage bins are an eyesore!”

  • Confucius (01/06/2012, 08:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    One of the problems I can forsee in regards to a home pick up system is that the huge garbage trucks won't be able to get up and down some of the very narrow roads. What then? I can also foresee garbage bags being ripped apart by rats, dogs, wild foul, etc and strewn about the yards and roads, where nobody will be bother to clean up the mess. If the government were to pave small areas where the current garbage containers are kept and then plant hedges around 3 sides of the perimeter, still allowing the garbage trucks access, I think it would be a more practical solution. You could use Bougainvillea, Jasmine, Ixora Superking, Plumbago, Podocarpus and any number of other plants that can be shaped into a hedge. I imagine government could even enlist the help of local gardeners in the various communities to do the planting in their own area. Make it into a contest to see who can produce the most attractive garbage fence in the BVI. Send out a crew once a month to trim the hedges and you are done.
  • Discrete (01/06/2012, 09:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    In other places in the caribbean it works where they pick days for the garbage truck to come out early in the mornings. They distribute these blue plastic drums that you keep in front of your home and you know when to place the garbage (only when the truck is expected to come). For the smaller roads that are much harder to get to, they can use a 3 yard truck to pick up also. Now the bigger garbage from the hotels, restaurants etc., they would hire they own garbage trucker to go to the incinerator.
  • rat tail (01/06/2012, 13:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Tell dem ronnie
  • Jinx (01/06/2012, 15:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am in agreement with Confucious. It is a good idea but what about the many narrow roads??? Also maybe people need to start seperating their trash as in other countries such as the UK.
  • trash man (04/06/2012, 09:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ronny stop playing games,trash is picked up on a daily baises the problem is PROPLE don't use the bins & toss the garbage on the ground then the RAT'S FOWL'S DOG'S ect scatter them...then there's the bulky waste mostly unsightly pallets that truckers & pickup's leave,THE LITTER WARDENS IS THE SOLUTION TO ALL THESE PROBLEM'S GIVE SQUADY aka SUPER COP A LITTER BOOK & SEE THE RESULT'S .The only problem i see is the garbage OUTSIDE the bin's so WE are the problem tooooo so put up or shut up.....

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