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Hon Shereen D. Flax-Charles takes COVID-19 vaccine!

- after initially deciding against taking it due to reported health reasons
After initially deciding against taking the AstraZeneca vaccine due to alleged health reasons, Junior Minister for Trade and Economic Development, Hon Shereen D. Flax-Charles (AL) has made known she has now taken both shots of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Photo: Facebook/Getty Images/File
Many of the hospitalisations due to COVID-19 have been among the unvaccinated, statistics from the Ministry of Health and Social Development have shown. Photo: GIS/File
Many of the hospitalisations due to COVID-19 have been among the unvaccinated, statistics from the Ministry of Health and Social Development have shown. Photo: GIS/File
There have been 18 confirmed COVID-19 related deaths in the VI and active cases have reached over 1500. Photo: Getty Images/File
There have been 18 confirmed COVID-19 related deaths in the VI and active cases have reached over 1500. Photo: Getty Images/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- After initially deciding against taking the AstraZeneca vaccine due to alleged health reasons, Junior Minister for Trade and Economic Development, Hon Shereen D. Flax-Charles (AL) has made known she has now taken both shots of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

The Junior Minister has also called for persons to return to adhering to the COVID-19 protocols so that the territory can come out of its “dire” situation.

There have been 18 confirmed COVID-19 related deaths in the VI and active cases have reached over 1500.

Many of the hospitalisations have been among the unvaccinated, statistics from the Ministry of Health and Social Development have shown.

“Vaccination has been proven to be an incredible defense against COVID-19, for individuals, for families and for communities and countries.

“I understand that you may have questions and there are many valid questions to be had, but questions are to be answered. Use the resources available to you until you are satisfied about the safety and success of the vaccines available,” Hon Flax-Charles said in Facebook post on July 14, 2021.

‘I made the decision to be vaccinated’- Hon Flax-Charles

The Territorial At Large Member and Virgin Gorda resident then disclosed that she has made the decision to be vaccinated.

“Once my doctors gave the all-clear, I made the decision to be vaccinated and I am encouraging all persons to have the same conversation with their doctor and make a decision to protect our BVI.”

Hon Flax-Charles confirmed to our newsroom today, July 20, 2021, that she has taken both doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine and also shared that she had no adverse reactions.

She reiterated that she was never against the vaccine but was only following her doctor’s advice at the time.

She said she has received many calls from members of the community expressing fears about the vaccine and has directed them to medical experts to address their concerns.

“I know right now it is the politically safe thing to straddle the fence but I also know that vaccinated or not, all of us want to see the best of this territory and so we must respect and defend each other while also being encouragers of what is best,” Hon Flax-Charles had said in her Facebook post.

'We must return to those protocols'

Hon Flax-Charles also said the goal of Government was never to completely avoid COVID but to ensure that when it arrives on our shores individual behaviour would have prevented its spread.

“We must return to those protocols to put this situation back in a chokehold and regain our social and economic freedom. Wear your mask, maintain social distancing, continue to wash your hands, most importantly though, be responsible with your physical interactions.”

See link to related article:

‘I will not allow anybody to force me’ to get vaccinated – Hon Flax-Charles

43 Responses to “Hon Shereen D. Flax-Charles takes COVID-19 vaccine!”

  • Vaccinated (20/07/2021, 14:01) Like (33) Dislike (17) Reply
    How many more belongers have to die to convince them to take the vaccine? The vaccinated expats will be the only ones left alive. If not for yourself get it to protect the children and the sick.
    • Rubber Duck (20/07/2021, 15:56) Like (4) Dislike (8) Reply
      How many of the tourist board people are vaccinated.

      Last week there were senior members who were not.
    • @vaccinated (20/07/2021, 16:15) Like (10) Dislike (5) Reply
    • @vaccinated (21/07/2021, 09:28) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
      Please stop! Children are generally resilent to covid--- and in the low risk group.
  • Island Peeps (20/07/2021, 14:02) Like (60) Dislike (32) Reply
    Good for you to get vaccinated, Minister, but by only acting now, you have shown yourself totally unfit for a leadership position in our community. You should have been educating yourself long before the vaccines arrived and you should have been taking a proactive role in educating your constituents throughout the BVI last year. Shame on you. The Government's lack of leadership and willful ignorance is now costing people their lives.
    • Get positive (20/07/2021, 14:40) Like (20) Dislike (32) Reply
      C***y STOP harassing this great lady. You want her dead?. You cannot take a vaccine when you are constantly weezing and in the throes of asthma attacks. I She did the right thing to get the all clear from her doctors.. You all leave the powerhouse of the BVI alone. You need a vaccination to shut up from dividing and destroying our Territory with your negativity.
    • Baccanallist (20/07/2021, 15:17) Like (2) Dislike (6) Reply
      Stop your negative comments
      Like you can’t read the statement. I actually know this person with the NEG. Eveytime Hon Flax-Charles did anything positive, she blogg negative. It’s pure jealousy.
  • captain flint (20/07/2021, 14:03) Like (55) Dislike (2) Reply
    Lots of belongers are overweight or obese - Covid 19 likes people who are big so guys you have to lose weight.
  • SNL (20/07/2021, 14:05) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    This just gets better.
  • apple pie (20/07/2021, 14:08) Like (17) Dislike (20) Reply
    Great girl we voting for you with or without been vaccinated
    • Pure & Simple (20/07/2021, 14:53) Like (41) Dislike (5) Reply
      I hate to bring race into this but forgive me I have to do so. Please note the ethnicity of the persons who have died so far from this latest outbreak all as far as I know are black people. Any lesson here? We have been killing ourselves for far too long. The next thing you will hear is about some conspiracy stating that some one is out to get us.
  • hmm (20/07/2021, 14:20) Like (15) Dislike (3) Reply
    Well done. What of Alvera ? has she ever said anything publicly about the vaccines - for or against?
    • trrefdrfds (20/07/2021, 15:13) Like (7) Dislike (8) Reply
      It is obvious that some persons and maybe even those in her party are running a smear campaign against Flax-Charles. Did Alvera take the vaccine? What about Kye? You all stayn9ff Flax-Charles
    • ... (20/07/2021, 15:27) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      tell us when lsat you took your STD tests....this is not something that has to be broadcast to the public but that's what the minster them like to see
  • WOW (20/07/2021, 14:26) Like (43) Dislike (5) Reply
    Whilst I will not bash ANYONE who has a platform for encouraging others to take the vaccine Ms. Flax Charles has a lot to answer for.... if she has had BOTH doses by the 20th of July it means that she took her first dose LONG BEFORE July 14th... as one of those with a large following and platform who was vocally against taking the vaccine she should have stood up LONG BEFORE the 14th to encourage others..... she is part of the reason we are in this mess. As someone who was voted into office by a people who believed her to have the best interests of the territory at heart she has shown us TIME AND AGAIN that she puts her own interests above any others....
    • stop (20/07/2021, 15:10) Like (6) Dislike (10) Reply
      C***y again you here harassing this woman. She NEVER SAID she was NOT taking the vaccine. She said she will not be forced. Call ZBVI and get the tape and play it back. The problem.with you and many others is that you don't read or listen. Perhaps you can't read and maybe you are deaf. You are sooo jealous of Flax-Charles' following. It is shameful that you try to bash this woman with every step you take. You should be out there encouraging persons to take the vaccine and to follow the proticols
      • @Stop (20/07/2021, 16:42) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
        I wrote the above comment and I'm not C***y. There are many more people in this territory who have their eyes wide open to the misdoings of this government.
      • ShoMe (21/07/2021, 10:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Now,if she would set an example by not being the perfect example. of the #1
        self inflicted chronic health issue, the #1 comorbidity factor in the deaths.
        That is; obesity.
    • No Baccanallist (20/07/2021, 15:21) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
      You have a big problem with flax. Can you do better?????
    • Wowzer (20/07/2021, 15:29) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
      You could not have articulated it better. If you sowed doubt about the vaccine as a leader you should express your ‘new findings’ to your constituents as soon as you knew better. Not looking to bash, bit this is a very serious situation and should have been dealt with more urgency. More power to you for getting vaccinated Flax.
    • Concern citizens… (20/07/2021, 16:28) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      You are absolutely right ..
  • 2nd Dose? (20/07/2021, 14:36) Like (24) Dislike (2) Reply
    To give her credit she never stated that she was never going to get vaccinated. However, there are lots of Public figures sending mixed messages about the vaccine thus creating doubt in the mind of persons who then refused to be vaccinated and the next thing they are left in the cold when these same people turn around and take it, some in secret. My advice don't follow anyone make up own mind. The person who is telling you not to be vaccinated may have already taken the jab in secret.
  • hmmm (20/07/2021, 15:15) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Out of all people with the loudest noise not got scared due to a few deaths? She should have taken it long time to help protect her family as an individual first, then as a Government official setting the examples. All those who are now taken the “said poison “ as them called it only doing it because they’re afraid to dead. They don’t believe in their bush medicine anymore..
  • Tim (20/07/2021, 15:28) Like (20) Dislike (4) Reply
    it was clear .... the BVI was too well protected for folks to "believe" this COVID things or believe it wont get to them ...

    She and the other 800 or so people who were recently vaccinated ... all had to see people die before they agreed to ... what a shame ...

    some very expensive lesson in life .. literarily life ...

    She was part of the problem.
  • Saudia (20/07/2021, 15:31) Like (5) Dislike (5) Reply
    People are dying every day in the BVI and some of the comments here is very negative. If you have a better solution bring it to the doctors every idea will help. Hon Flax-Charles is a thunderstorm for us here in the BVI. Let’s get vaccinated, Che your health care personal first and let’s get herd immunity.
    Thanks Hon Flax-Charles.
  • hmmm (20/07/2021, 15:35) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    Just shows that politicians can’t be trusted. The same noise she was making about not taking the vaccine should have been the same noise when she had a change of heart & decided to take it. Would have respected her more when she was getting the 1st shot, not now that she’s fully vaccinated. Can’t be selective when you’re trying to be transparent.
    • hmmm (20/07/2021, 15:46) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
      Listen. She NEVER SAID she was not taking the vaccine. You people cant read?? Geez. Maybe that's why there are so many cases. The amount of stuff the government put out about the vaccine and all you all doing is watching crap.on tik tok. Kudos to you Hon. Flax-Charles
  • okay (20/07/2021, 15:50) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    A lot of folks on here purely has comprehension issues.
    I believe you don’t read the article or you folks clearly don’t comprehend.
    The BVI is not a real place.
    It’s a dream.
  • HD...LINES (20/07/2021, 15:57) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
  • Get serious BVI (20/07/2021, 16:00) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    You all jumping up and down..shameful that the truth is that your reaction would Hve been the same whether it was the first dose. Can't please you people in the BV. Lockdown you want to open, open you want to lock down. Make up you all mind.
    • Appropriate Actions (20/07/2021, 22:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Lockdown when appropriate. Open the place when the crisis is over.
  • Big Deal (20/07/2021, 16:10) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    wow… all left to do is stop the world from turning
  • Exemption (20/07/2021, 16:56) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
    Where can you get Vaccine Exemption?
  • ????? (20/07/2021, 17:31) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    " The goal of the Government was never to completely avoid COVID 19" Shouldnt this be the aim of any Government?
  • T (20/07/2021, 18:41) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    @ exemption u can also get it at da*is funeral home
  • wow (20/07/2021, 18:54) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Some People just have to point fingers under any giving situation. Whether the Jr. Minister take or took the vaccine that's her choice. That doesn't give others the means to say that she is to be blamed for others and their Choices. When and if you died from COVID it's only that individual died because of their choice.Realigned your thoughts and reassess your life and make your choice. You and you alone to suffer the outcome, good or bad. Politics has nothing to do with one thinking for themselves.
  • Covid 19 (20/07/2021, 20:11) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    So it only took 23 deaths from Covid to get this woman to take the vaccine- lets hope its not too late for her. If you get covid 19 bad and go into hospital you wont come out but dead in a box. Thats the message the Government saying.
  • she want a medal? (20/07/2021, 20:24) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    So does she want a medal? She should have done earlier. How many lives could have been saved if she and other figures like Bishop Cline had been supportive of the vaccine from the beginning. Its the only way people not going to die.
  • Hmm (20/07/2021, 22:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    All that talk she had and now she run to take it, it’s fair play she wanted to see
  • Maverick (21/07/2021, 09:45) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Him, she was skeptical. took a first shot and now her second and the latter is publicized. Nothing is wrong for a person to change his or her mind, but when you are representing people and they infact respect and follow you, you need to be forthright and honest and of a pure heart. It's not secure me first and then anybody thereafter. The Bible admonishes to care for others first, not last, nonetheless I would say congratulation to Mrs. Flax-Charles and encourage others to follow their heart, your innerguide knows you best and is shy and gentle, but always right. Have a blessed week in Jesus name.
  • hmm (22/07/2021, 13:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    She run her month so much, had so much to say bout she not takin vaccine jus like those who was sayin they not takin it...look wah it had to take & lead too for sum pple to wake up & see dis virus is real only now pple dyin they wanna take it...guest the medical problem gone from the deaths so far???

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